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Author Topic: Fellow Practitioner Issue 114 10 August 2012  (Read 13206 times)

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Offline peasea

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Re: Fellow Practitioner Issue 114 10 August 2012
« Reply #15 on: August 11, 2012, 08:18:19 PM »
it does not surprise me that more work than is permitted under schedule 1 is being carried out , that is another reason to have a system where all building work is notified , obviously general maintenance and replacement would be excluded , the labour party in their effort to save their arse at the election went too far in allowing schedule1 to be implemented they way it has been .

TS the authorities  need to make any system user friendly to encourage people to do do things correctly , we are all in this and will or could be buying properties which we hope  won,t have unpleasant surprises after we have purchased them.Possibly the Authorities  could do random audits to monitor the system.
Property owners want all the rights so let them  have some responsibilities as well. 

I also will not allow anyone to work under my licence unless they work for me , I have worked too hard to obtain and keep my licences to let someone else put it at risk . I do see others adopting this attitude more and more .
The interesting thing is , I wonder how many property owners actually know who is responsible for the work being done on their property and who will be in court , should something go wrong .

If we take the real estate situation , although you may be dealing with an agent who has a licence to sell real estate , it is clear to their client who is ultimately responsible should something go wrong ie Harcourts , Leaders, Tommys etc . We have id on our cards , but in 39 yrs I havent been asked once for my licence from a client , The only people who have asked is the council  inspectors and they have known me for years , I usually tell them to check the PGDB website .

Seeing as I am feeling like have a speel , another thing that irritates me and is in my opinion very wrong is the so called council officers who have about as much plumbing and drainage knowledge as I have about neurology inspecting my work , Is this  fair to a property owner who has paid substantial fees for inspections ? personally I dont think so .

Thats enough for now ,
TS I also value your opinions and insight we may not agree at times but thats what called democracy .

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Re: Fellow Practitioner Issue 114 10 August 2012
« Reply #16 on: August 12, 2012, 11:12:14 AM »
Interesting to read the different views on this issue, personally unless the federation and it's members had some serious money to take on the board through the courts i can't see any other way forward than some form of protest.
There's no way way we continue the way we're going with increasing costs but no increase in salary for your average worker and a board who lets be honest will never change whilst the dollars are coming in to support them.
I often get asked whether my son is going to follow his dad in being a plumber/gasfitter like i did with my dad and the straight answer is no way in this country. There is not enough money in the industry for the amount of knowledge and responsibility we are expected to have.
The company i work for hasn't started a new apprentice in over four years and we now have none working with us, this trend will cause some serious problems in the future but i suppose whilst the board and it's lawyers are getting there paychecks who cares?

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Re: Fellow Practitioner Issue 114 10 August 2012
« Reply #17 on: August 12, 2012, 11:40:26 AM »
hi guys, dead right Foggy the trades are not what they used to be,with all the training/skills required and gained over many years the renumeration is just not there. I activly advise against entering into one of our trades as do many others, a steady job in a computer based career would be less stresfull and more rewarding,cheers

Offline Badger

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Re: Fellow Practitioner Issue 114 10 August 2012
« Reply #18 on: August 12, 2012, 11:53:06 AM »
I have begged my two boys to do something else.....10 years ago nothing would have made me prouder than to add "& sons" to my company banner....

If you look at those that control and oversee OUR industry and cause most of the problems (actually ruining it).....they have their very own plumbing,gasfitting,drainlaying, training, investigating companies. They actually make good money out of putting the opposition of their plumbing firms out of business or providing the keys to being able to work.

The more quality plumbers that leave NZ and /or shut down their firms, the more work these people get and become ever more powerful, it is blatant.
You can't choose who you are.....but you are the sum of your choices.......

Offline peasea

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Re: Fellow Practitioner Issue 114 10 August 2012
« Reply #19 on: August 12, 2012, 12:52:15 PM »
My son completed his plumbing gasfitting and drainage apprenticeship with me , he became certified in all three trades , it wasnt easy for him but he studied hard and I might add posted on this site for information when he was not sure what I was telling him , It never has been easy to get fully qualified,so I take my hat off to him , He is now in Australia in the mining industry earning way more than I could ever pay him , a shame but I completly understand why , this industry is slowly but surely
becoming a farce , I have enjoyed my time in it and it has been rewarding to me , I would not encourage anyone to enter this industry today unless a whole lot of things change , to be honest I dont see that happening .   

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Re: Fellow Practitioner Issue 114 10 August 2012
« Reply #20 on: August 12, 2012, 01:53:38 PM »
it is so sad peasea, that you can't work along side your lad, and his only alternative is to work away. We live in the best place in the world.....but is is run by some of the worst.....sad and very frustrating.

We as a country have all what OZ has .....and then some, why haven't we got our own boom time?

A total lack of vision, driven by self serving, fill your pockets with money today - f**** tomorrow leaders. It is crazy that a small few make it so hard for the majority and stifle growth and opportunity. We got it all here in NZ - resources, capable people (given a chance who are very willing) and then for an example you have those Dick's in CHCH who were gravely underinsured and letting people live in ruins.....and they give themselves a bonus of thousands of dollars, it is perverse and down right twisted. Those poor people living in 3rd world conditions....paid all their rates and insurance, for what?

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Re: Fellow Practitioner Issue 114 10 August 2012
« Reply #21 on: August 12, 2012, 07:56:49 PM »
Badger, why do you keep logging on and smiting me? I've been watching for the last week or so while you've done this. Administrators, please cancel my membership to this site, I give up and won't be posting here ever again.

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Re: Fellow Practitioner Issue 114 10 August 2012
« Reply #22 on: August 12, 2012, 08:34:26 PM »
you have to ask? read over your posts

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Re: Fellow Practitioner Issue 114 10 August 2012
« Reply #23 on: August 12, 2012, 08:48:19 PM »
I smited because I didn't agree with what you said( I thought that was the point and I am not responsible for all your smites.... that would be down to you, because of what you said) and again TS you have hijacked a topic and talked twaddle....

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Re: Fellow Practitioner Issue 114 10 August 2012
« Reply #24 on: August 12, 2012, 10:20:40 PM »
Ts you are proablies a very nice chap in life but here you come across as a stuck up twat (no offence intended im just saying it straight) with your mighter that thou posts you come across as if you think your of a higher class that us(well thats the feeling i get off your posts)...And to put it honstley you might spout this instant fine stuff but you well know that a whole shit load of work is done with out consent and will NEVER be picked up by council and i know this gets to you because its a failure on your council that the breaurracy and frivilous expenditure of your council is 100% the reason we have this problem right now have you sat back and looked at the cost's involved today to even take a piss in your back lawn???...its toatly out of controll what council wastes money on nowdays ESP when the fricken world growth has basicily halted but yet the council is spending more than ever because they think we the people are cash cows and they carry NO responsibility for there expenditure.

Life is not black and white TS there is a heck of a lot of grey in there so what may be written is most definitley open to alot of interpitation.

And as a last say TS if you came up with some sensible common secnse posts then you would be recieved alot better...i mean you never explain your self you just post stupid little irritating posts desinged to roadblock peoples sure this works well when your out doing your inspecting jobs in a situation where people are to scared to talk back to you because you hold all the power to whether there expensive job goes forward or halts...All i have ever been told is dont argue with an inspector because he will fail you and this is very true(isnt it TS?!) but here we have a free voice without fear of being failed and i can see you dont like it.

Anyway TS these are only my personal views and as you dont know me then you shpouldnt rearly care...should you?.

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Re: Fellow Practitioner Issue 114 10 August 2012
« Reply #25 on: August 12, 2012, 11:49:06 PM »
Thunderhead, I agree 100% with your comments. Well said mate. Ive been thinking exactly what you just posted.....definitely a 'average NZ plumber' vs TS-Mighty Council Inspector mentality, attitude going on here. Read the posts its easy to see he thinks he is above everyone on this forum and our thoughts dont count for anything because he is an ''inspector'' and we are mere plumbers who he corrects on a daily basis. Since he posts during work hours he must think we are part of his inspections and so we must be inspected and corrected from our silly PGDF ways...  Well TS, inspect this text, please I beg you...s* me even and PM me a remedial list...I couldnt care less.

Get an instant fine you say TS???  Who gives a S**T....really. Your talking to everyday plumbers,gasfitters and drainlayers on this free to post forum who work hard everyday yet you tell us we dont know whats up and only your opinion counts as if we are on one of your god damm inspections....You dont even pay your own fees and costs. Goes to show you only care about yourself as long as all the PGDB BS is not directly hitting you, you dont care.....your not a real plumber

Delete your own profile....its not that hard...geez. Do you need some upskilling for that?? As an inspector im surprised you cant do that for yourself!! Your suppose to be smarter than everyone remember buddy???

You've got no intention of agreeing with anything any plumber has to say on this forum, especially federation members.
Newsflash TS, I dont know a single plumber that is in love with the board...not one.

Have you stopped to think for just one second perhaps  plumbers,gasfitters and drainlayers NZ wide are smiting you  because your the biggest a-hole on this forum and you've just rubbed a lot of plumbers up the wrong way with your high ground talk, and your threats of instant fines???

Without us, you would be out of a job as an inspector buddy and back on the tools, paying fees and struggling to survive like everyone else. Why do you have to be such a d**k?? So now its a conspiracy against you started by Badger??  Are you on medication of any type we need to know about??? Seriously TS.....

The Plumbers Gasfitters And Drainlayers Board- "White Collar Mafia"

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Re: Fellow Practitioner Issue 114 10 August 2012
« Reply #26 on: August 13, 2012, 08:24:26 AM »
What a bunch of knob ends! I pay my own license and take care of my required cpd. I don't think I'm any better than you and never have claimed to be. Just because someone disagrees with you or takes another approach you get your hackles up.

As to being a powerful inspector here's some advice. Do the job right and you'll never ever get failed. An inspector can't fail you if it complies with the Building Code. As to the illegal work by all means blame it on Councils for not identifying it but believe me we're busy enough without looking for it. It comes out eventually, lets hope you guys experience that sooner rather than later, I'll be real sympathetic, not.

Now, I haven't found how to delete myself so pretty please with sugar on top someone please post how I can do that. The sooner you do the sooner you'll be rid of me and will be able to concentrate on keyboard warfare.

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Re: Fellow Practitioner Issue 114 10 August 2012
« Reply #27 on: August 13, 2012, 08:44:36 AM »
Whoops...looks like I just failed my 8am monday morning forum inspection from TS....damm  :'(     :'(     :'(

Better get out the infringement book then TS... :o. Im a naughty plumber, gasfitter and a drainlayer with no licenses...but my kids need to eat so screw you.

NZ has rejected you, get use to it..............

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Re: Fellow Practitioner Issue 114 10 August 2012
« Reply #28 on: August 13, 2012, 08:51:06 AM »
No, a small minority of disgruntled plumbers who have no backing have is all that I've upset. Theres literally only three or four of you who are active on here and believe me your out of touch. I have plenty of technical expertise I could've offered here but instead of being the information resource this site could be its turned into a b**** fest. Sad really.

Offline Rodza1

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Re: Fellow Practitioner Issue 114 10 August 2012
« Reply #29 on: August 13, 2012, 10:14:11 AM »
You've belittled and opposed everything the PGDF is fighting for, you've made numerous statements that has made it alarmingly clear you dont support industry change like we do on a forum where plumbers come together to discuss the same issues most notably the PGDB. I could rattle on about stats that prove the damage being done to this industry for hours but people like you just dont give a f*ck.

Guess that means your up against 1000 plumbers that back every direction the federation wishes to take. TS, I think you require upskilling to practice how to count. Little more than 3-4 Mr Inspector.  Better place an order to get some more infringement notice books asap????...Sounds like your going to be a busy boy what with all the pending un-licensed chaps driving around in the next 12months. S**t I could name 6 guys right now in my own city to get you started my little PGDB mole.    :o     :o     :o

I'll tell you a little secret, you seem like you are lacking in the social skills department so I'll take you through a little upskilling online course. I''ll even grant you 4points for completing my module...If you wish to inspect my CPD course your welcome to bust out an inspection sheet and evaluate once we have completed the short course that follows  :D

Online forum-Social Skills Course (4 online forum points available)

1. When you jump on a forum, alert everyone to your ''status'' as an inspector (what, are we suppose to be scared of that title??) and begin to slam people that have been living and breathing industry change for 4+ years your going to get some opposition. This is not an inspection, people do and say what they feel. It is there avenue for venting.

2. Right now your sitting at your council HQ fluffing around at 10:00am on the computer reading this thinking about how to reply to this as you find me so out of order and out of touch. Realise that there is a way to conduct yourself on here, people do value opinion and tradesmen from different sectors of the industry. I value your opinion as an Inspector TS.The problem is as an inspector you out right ''hammer'' people on this forum and have over stepped the mark on how often you have disregarded what others have to say by mocking ideas we are discussing. Everybody enjoys some CONSTRUCTIVE criticism now and then but when all they hear is criticism people start to get wound up. Tradesman are struggling out there. Work is down, fees are climbing, we are being regulated out of some of our own work,the cost of living is climbing. Cant increase margins or rates, cant get aide through legal channels, apprentices and new blood are being driven away by $10k plus costs for an apprenticeship,training quality is at an all time low.... What to do is the big debate. Let us post and communicate, without being OVERLY criticised.

3. Pay close attention to what you are typing....people read and take in every single word. Making yourself sound like your ABOVE everyone else by referring to and you (read your posts if your confused) makes you look like a tool to everyone who reads even if dont mean to sound that way. People take things literally as you word it so choose words carefully.

3. This is 2012, not 1983. People are likely to get pissed off if you push them around, regardless of if its in a forum or in real life. Your the first person I've come across that is die-hard pro-PGDB. Being a die-hard PGDB supporter will never get you anywhere with anyone here. If thats your attitude which it looks like it is , you probably should leave us ''To our keyboard warrior battles'' as you call it. You will find that we all are pro licensing, pro CPD in some form, pro regulation to protect trades. Its the way its being done that is screwing everyone except people at the top. People are now wondering if your a Board member perhaps! Your definitely shown yourself to be a board sympathiser at a minimum in my opinion.

4. Being it is the 21st century, the century of the computer no one likes a troll. The first troll I encountered was way back in 2001.Trolls are funny weird anti-social creatures that are closet humans and very negative. That is what you have become... a troll. You are trolling right now on this forum looking for someone else to run down.....its all you do. Trolls live in every forum. They take pleasure in arguing with everyone over everything as they have a need to dominate others. To most, Trolls seem insane really......

5. Calm the f**k down, its just a forum of your peers. Do you see me getting out of control and making threats. No you do not.

There you have it, you have sucessfully completed Rodza1's online forum etiquette course.

You have just been awarded 4 technical forum points. Well Done.

Now go forth with your new upskilling knowledge forum points and stop slamming the s**t out of everyone that posts.

And remember, this is not an inspection-its a public plumbing forum.    8)

Stay Cool TS  ???

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