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Author Topic: Fellow Practitioner Issue 236 Dated 12 December 2014  (Read 240962 times)

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Re: Fellow Practitioner Issue 236 Dated 12 December 2014
« Reply #195 on: February 19, 2015, 05:53:03 PM »
I totally believe we could apply it to my case.........

We just need some straight shooting politicians who want to get to the truth and put the public before the little cabals of dodgy bastards who screw over innocent people while risking the publics safety.......I haven't met many yet but I live in hope......
You can't choose who you are.....but you are the sum of your choices.......

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Re: Fellow Practitioner Issue 236 Dated 12 December 2014
« Reply #196 on: February 19, 2015, 06:25:25 PM »
How much integrity has this process that we are to be hit with, and hit with and hit with......

How much integrity has a system that will stoop to any low to get what they want, ignore what they want and risk who's safety they decide on, just to protect themselves and their little dodgy have seen what YOU can expect....

I agree that the public rightly expects the Government to protect the " integrity of the process ".....there isn't a scrap of integrity in my case or the process we were terrorised with........but the public got to know......its that easy......out in full daylight these people got nothing......

I just hope I don't have to do anything "unreasonable" to force it out in the open....

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Re: Fellow Practitioner Issue 236 Dated 12 December 2014
« Reply #197 on: February 19, 2015, 07:41:55 PM »
Its a feckin bad joke........

Mr Pederson,

Please see a photograph of how the fumes would behave in relation to an opening window, my additions in biro.

I have kept the perspective of the photo and made the wall flat. This mirrors the Malvern Ave Job dimensions, your letter reflects the total arrogance of the Board, basically the Board “knows” more than the laws of physics based in reality. I am sorry but I can not see this Emperors new clothes, it is farcical to hold on to this.

This decision has no credibility or integrity……especially when someone at the Board told a poorly elderly couple to “shut the window, when you use it”, on a califont fitted NEARER! They COULD smell fumes!!!!!!

Any way……

So how are you going with Mr Hammond’s referencing of the original copy of the  “missing” cert 345138, after it was “lost”?

And not forgetting Mr Darnley not recognising his own handwriting for the additions to the job card for the site of an explosion? How’s the handwriting expert going? Let me know how you go, as I am sure you, as the Registrar of the PGDB charity, would want to know who nearly killed someone in an explosion.

Surely Mr Hammond……(who lobbied for the self cert system and gave Darnley his ticket “after a chat” and was in a few industry groups along with Darnley)……wouldn’t cover up for the “missing” cert…..that was missing the leak test results….showing weakness in his system that he lobbied for, by none other than the same man he empowered “after a chat”. Surely not……

By Means of an OIA request, please can you send me (other than Mr Hammond’s opinion) the basis for this decision by the Board, for the charge that the Board are so bloody-mindedly holding on to,  in regards to the proximity of the califont.

Perhaps the Board totally based their decision on this one man’s “opinion”, an opinion based without any tests by Mr Hammond, and by his own admission he did not know whether the fumes were entering. I would have liked to press harder on this point……but his other mate Mr Parker shut down the Hearing.

Integrity and credibility……perhaps you should look them up in a dictionary.

Best Regards Paul Gee

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Re: Fellow Practitioner Issue 236 Dated 12 December 2014
« Reply #198 on: February 19, 2015, 08:26:41 PM »
What confidence do you have in these people?

Are you content that those that tell us what to do.... and tell us to abide by the rules.... and tell us that we must up-skill so we can do a job that we did an apprenticeship for.....

Then they go award a full certifying trade qualification to themselves and their mates with no apprenticeship........ ignore all their own rules and common decency ..........and get their CPD given to them just for attending meetings (I been to these meetings and got the points).

Democracy......really? Not seen much my self.........

Why are we as tradesmen treated like a lower class of person......

I bet if I made remarks about race or gender there would be a huge out cry.....but an average Joe Bloggs, just trying to feed his kids and look after his wife.....well f**** him he's fair game...........

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Re: Fellow Practitioner Issue 236 Dated 12 December 2014
« Reply #199 on: February 19, 2015, 08:29:41 PM »
Not to mention we fund the dodgy bastards......that's reasonable...... :o

Still not finished still got some more.......stay posted....

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Re: Fellow Practitioner Issue 236 Dated 12 December 2014
« Reply #200 on: February 19, 2015, 09:26:04 PM »
I agree with everything Mr Pederson says below from my local paper today.....funny enough.....that's why I tried to warn about dodgy certs covering dodgy work....

The board's chief executive, Max Pedersen, warns consumers: "Don't risk your family's health and safety or your insurance by hiring unauthorised people. While New Zealand law allows anyone to purchase gasfitting appliances, it is illegal to undertake any associated gasfitting work without authorisation.

"There are big fines associated with illegal work. This type of dangerous work carried out by unauthorised people can cause injury and even loss of life, as well as damage to property."

But when you take the time to read this huge steam of posts below from the beginning, looking at all the evidence....well you wonder if this statement is just hypocrisy, a slip of sanity or a parallel universe......I am not sure myself......

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Re: Fellow Practitioner Issue 236 Dated 12 December 2014
« Reply #201 on: February 19, 2015, 09:28:46 PM »
All you guests please share this link around, it needs airing for the safety of the public, we have had a cover up, at the expense and risk of the NZ public......don't believe me?

Read all that I have posted on this stream and the other topics, check out 3 open letters to the Minister.....

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Re: Fellow Practitioner Issue 236 Dated 12 December 2014
« Reply #202 on: February 21, 2015, 09:32:07 AM »
So its not just me who thinks that the handwriting on the job card is Darnley's.....

See an email sent this morning.....

Mr Pederson,


Please see below the opinion of the only professional graphologist in NZ, he believes that….. It is highly probable that the 2 scripts were of common authorship, please add this to my opinion and that of an ex investigator from the commerce commission. The Board had all this available to them before they framed me.


Supplementary to my previous emails, I believe that this adds weight to someone at the Board or working for the Board, or even the whole Board covering up the badly administered system of gas safety certification and the flippant handing out of certifying licences that resulted in someone nearly dying in an explosion.


The Board are protecting Darnley and have framed me for something I did not do, terrorising my family in the process and being prepared to risk the public’s safety.


In the attachments it shows the samples of handwriting, it shows Darnley “not recognising” his own hand writing on the job card for the explosion, I believe he fitted the fryers (on the job card it also shows another test for leaks, this could only be done with the fryers in place) this was done after I piped it out, and in all probability he lowered the pipe at he same time and fitted the third hose which was sold well after I left… he faced a charge for this……but this charge disappeared, I have under an OIA request inquired why this charge disappeared, I look forward to your rep.


Darnley also signed off the pizza oven of cert 345138, which is mentioned in the Dept of Labour complaint… this is confusing because-


The Board claim to never to have received cert 345138
There is a copy of cert 345138 on the boards website
Mr Hammond claims to have seen cert 345138 months after the Board told the chipshop owners lawyer that it was never registered, please see attached an excerpt from his initial report.

Cert 345138 lacks the gas leak test results at the site of an explosion, but you have said that a cert lacking test results is still valid.



So Mr Pederson, I would like to formally accuse someone or quite a few people who work at or for the Board of being corrupt and are protecting Darnley at the expense of not protecting the New Zealand public.



Of note, I believe if the legionnaires job makes someone ill, or even kills anyone which is very possible…. then the Board have been prepared to risk life to protect Darnley, this is so wrong.


The last final charge that still blemishes my name has been proven not to be a risk, but the Board still cling to it.


To all you copied in….. has this Board any credibility or integrity, can you rely on these people to oversee our industry, to judge those put before it fairly and with best intentions. Can you trust these people to protect the people of New Zealand…..I and many others believe you can not, but we do not have the power to do what you people can….you are voted in to do right by the New Zealand public, please do the right thing.



Email below…….








From: Mike Maran []
Sent: Thursday, 19 February 2015 3:02 p.m.
To: Paul Gee
Subject: Handwriting Analysis on scripts


Dear Paul


I have identified several similarities between the 2 scripts these included.


Lower zone 'g' length and width of loop similar.
Return stroke on Lower zone of 'g' crosses at the baseline.
Minute hooks on the terminal stroke of 'N' in Nelson and 'F' in ' Fryer'.
Occasional pen lifts and partial letter connections eg 'Blue' 'Nelson'.
Constructional features of No 6 similar.
Baseline alignment ascends, then descends, eg 'John'  Nelson'  'Blue'  'seal'.
Connecting strokes similar garland type. eg  l and u in 'blue'. and a and w in 'Atawhai'
Zero on '90' elongated similar to zero in '04'.
Middle zone  proportions and measurements in relativity to the Lower Zones.
Pen pressure variable. Could be due to the type of pen used. Difficult to confirm on photocopys.
Full stops heavy pressure ,both scripts showed a mix of dashed and curved.
Slant on first stroke of '4'  in 'GT45' and '26/4/04' similar at 70o reclined.


It is highly probable that the 2 scripts were of common authorship.The author is a versatile writer who is capable of using or adjusting his script to suit his circumstances. Both scripts were written with a different writing instrument.The writing surface and the the authors emotional and personal or medical  circumstances could have also affected the slight variation on the pictorial style of the script.


The above analysis is based on 2 short scripts on electronically submitted photocopys. More exemplars would be required to form a more definitive opinion.




The following terminology is based on the American Scientific Working Group for Forensic Document Examiners ( for expressing conclusions for Document Examiners and describes the strength of the evidence and is standard terminology used worldwide.


Highly Probable
Little Indication.
Paul. if you need more assistance or other another inquiry,please contact me anytime. Hoping this is of assistance.


Kind Regards

Mike Maran.


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Re: Fellow Practitioner Issue 236 Dated 12 December 2014
« Reply #203 on: February 21, 2015, 09:38:06 AM »
The thing is this isn't a check on the population of NZ or even Nelson, not even upper Takaka....its a population of people who had access to that job card.....about three people......

Was it Darnley who fitted the fryers?
Was it Darnley who fitted the third hose?
Was it Darnley who lowered the pipe?
Was it Darnley who fitted the pizza oven on missing cert 345138?
Was it Darnley who faced a charge for this explosion but it disappeared?

Dodgy dirty little people.....scum.

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Re: Fellow Practitioner Issue 236 Dated 12 December 2014
« Reply #204 on: February 21, 2015, 06:41:36 PM »
So what happens if you tell fibs in an investigation? Apparently Darnley can't recognise his own hand writing.... ???

How do you make a charge for an explosion disappear with no hearing? He faced a charge for the exploding chip shop.... ???

What is the deal with the elusive certificate 345138....  ??? It comes and it goes.

I believe anyone who backs these actions are as corrupt as the people who carried them out.

No one has been held accountable for nearly killing someone, lots of evidence points to a certain person, but the Board do nothing, other than try to frame me and terrorise my family.....that's reasonable aye!

What is the reason for the Board again, what did it list for its charity status.....what a joke.

This all happened in Nick Smiths back the very people who voted him in......shouldn't this be addressed? By the minister responsible for this bunch of goons....I think that would be pretty reasonable....

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Re: Fellow Practitioner Issue 236 Dated 12 December 2014
« Reply #205 on: February 23, 2015, 09:37:47 PM »
I have just read the news letter from the board, its all about trust and confidence and stopping cowboys......

Any one of you that's read this steam of evidence on this post.......well its confusing to say the least.....

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Re: Fellow Practitioner Issue 236 Dated 12 December 2014
« Reply #206 on: March 01, 2015, 08:20:55 AM »
So you have seen all this blatant evidence, even down to handwriting experts....all this points to Darnley or someone at Allgas, which Darnley was manager at the time.....

But the Board can't get past me and my case, its not about fixing things or justice its all about my case, its all about pointing the finger at me.....which as you have seen that I did no wrong whatsoever......100% innocent of anything.....

Now reread the Board's latest is like they are living in another parallel universe.

So I can prove that there was a third hose (the very same hose that caused the explosion) supplied to the chipshop well after I left, that there was a pizza oven installed half way along "not registered" by cert (which is embarrassingly bullshit, even the investigator claims to have seen the cert 345138), the whole of the gas bottle supply set up changed from the original at the site of an explosion....and even the only graphologist in NZ thinks that Darnley very probably filled out the job card, with Darnley on record "not recognising" his own handwriting........funny that.....

But the Board can't "revisit" my is an another one a proper impartial "case" and see justice served and do your job.

The other attachment is a copy for the cert where there is a huge legionnaires risk, with the same water in the c/h rads as the hot water supply.......but they do nothing......see the schematic attached......this is the time of year that we have the thermostatic rad valves opening (after one of the hottest summers on record) allowing the stagnant water to exit out of the hot water outlets.... including the shower, the spreading of legionnaires is enabled by atomising the water, or spraying....just like the shower. It effects the old and legionnaires bacteria grow best in temps between 25- 50 degrees.....this owner is elderly and the summer was a hot one, you'll notice that the cert was signed off in 2004......that's some mighty old stagnant water.....Been warning about this for over a go read the Boards latest newsletter......its nuts.

I told the owner, the Board, the TA has been notified..... even the is wrong.

What happens if this guy sells this house and someone puts their kids in the shower?....the elderly and the young being at most risk from this bacteria........but the Board play on legal loop holes, not to look at this.......its bullshit.

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Re: Fellow Practitioner Issue 236 Dated 12 December 2014
« Reply #207 on: March 04, 2015, 07:05:59 AM »
Sent this morning.........

Hi Nick,


Please see below a link to the Plumbers Forum, I believe that there is a risk of legionnaires in our area. I have been warning about this for quite some time, but the Board appear willing to go to any lengths to protect Darnley.



On this same forum stream there are also the replies received from the Board AFTER I had supplied a handwriting expert, saying they aren’t willing to appoint a handwriting expert….. which is confusing because they don’t need to…. they have (yet again) the evidence right in front of them, supplied by my self.




Some one nearly died in Nelson; with most if not all the evidence pointing to someone at Allgas, in all probability Darnley, he faced a charge, but it disappeared before his hearing……….how does that happen?




Also there is a very real risk from a life threatening bacteria. The schematic attached is how I am lead to believe the system was installed and how I saw it started to be installed.


When I confronted Darnley about the danger of this installation, requesting a “specification” from the manufactures, he replied that “you don’t need a specification, just use poker face”, I said “poker face?”…….he replied “yes….. just pretend you know what your doing!!!!!”.


On another occasion he told another contractor to install a prohibited heater in a bedroom, when the contractor complained he thought it was cleaver to cross out “bedroom” and write “study”.


As he was gifted his full certifying licence and accepted into the NZIGE after “just a chat” with Tony Hammond who also got gifted his full certifying licence, you can see why he has this attitude and why this has happened, but it doesn’t make it right. I think it is, or should be, criminal.



Please can you get this looked at before the thermostatic valves open this winter, this will potentially allow 11 year old water to join the hot water ring main and exit through the shower, atomising the stagnant water, which will allow the elderly couple to inhale the bacteria. I can not emphasise how wrong and life threatening this is. Ask any decent central heating installer. I have also attached a reply from the Board concerning this risk, the “with emails” attachment, I had expressed concern verbally before this over the phone to them.


Regards Paul Gee

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Re: Fellow Practitioner Issue 236 Dated 12 December 2014
« Reply #208 on: March 04, 2015, 07:23:44 AM »
Sorry I should clarify that was sent to Nick Smith the MP for Nelson and the minister that appoints the Board.

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Re: Fellow Practitioner Issue 236 Dated 12 December 2014
« Reply #209 on: March 04, 2015, 10:05:25 AM »
hi, guys/Badger, as always it will probably be filed in the waste bin,cheers

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