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Author Topic: Fellow Practitioner Issue 236 Dated 12 December 2014  (Read 240965 times)

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Re: Fellow Practitioner Issue 236 Dated 12 December 2014
« Reply #210 on: March 04, 2015, 05:06:34 PM »
Probably mate, isn't that sad....what if someone dies from this c/h system.....can you imagine the "dive for cover"....a hearse at the bottom of a cliff.....

You got to ask what is so important about the people they are protecting....worth gambling life is crazy mate.....
You can't choose who you are.....but you are the sum of your choices.......

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Re: Fellow Practitioner Issue 236 Dated 12 December 2014
« Reply #211 on: March 04, 2015, 08:31:36 PM »
hi guys/Badger, never give up:- two words, `Teina Pora`... and as Joe Cocker said: Noubliez Jamais, cheers

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Re: Fellow Practitioner Issue 236 Dated 12 December 2014
« Reply #212 on: March 04, 2015, 08:56:03 PM »
Its not in my DNA to give up mate....

Here's the reply apparently I can expect an answer in 28 days.....

Thank you for emailing Nick Smith and his Nelson Electorate Office. This is an automated response to confirm it has been received.


Any emails related to Dr Smith's ministerial portfolios will be forwarded to his Wellington office. Any follow up on these should be directed to


Correspondence from Nelson constituents will generally be responded to within 28 days. Please appreciate that Dr Smith receives a huge number of emails daily and you may not receive a response beyond this if you are simply making a comment or copying him in on an issue.


Kind regards

Tracy Neal and Petrina Francis

Electorate Agents

Hope it is before those thermostatic valves open.....


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Re: Fellow Practitioner Issue 236 Dated 12 December 2014
« Reply #213 on: March 04, 2015, 08:58:47 PM »
Perhaps anyone who is aghast with the way the Board are willing to risk the health and safety of the NZ public should drop Nick an email.....his direct email is below, you can't blame him for not acting if no one tells him how messed up it all is......

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Re: Fellow Practitioner Issue 236 Dated 12 December 2014
« Reply #214 on: March 05, 2015, 06:41:19 AM »
Below is a letter one of six they sent to all the addresses that I faced charges, it mentions work in Northland, a place I have never been to.......even in the Boards own words it prejudiced all the sites where I faced charges.

Now look at the reason for this investigation, a person signed 570 certs and sold them, he claimed to have checked them (in the news).....the Boards own investigator said 16 were very dangerous and a huge % were non compliant......

Apparently this is still before the happened the same time as my investigation for an explosion in 2009........

Now that is unreasonable.........

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Re: Fellow Practitioner Issue 236 Dated 12 December 2014
« Reply #215 on: March 05, 2015, 06:49:07 AM »
You may wonder how you can get 44 charges out of seven sites......well they had charges to back charges, to back charges, of note these charges were even amended just weeks out from my kangaroo court......just in case I could answer any of them.

So Darnley faced a charge but it disappeared.....

And this case is still before the Board .......for well over 4 freaking years? really......

Now go re read their latest hypocrisy in the recent Board bullshit.

I have "attempted" to do more to protect the NZ public......but I have been shut down ironically by the Board........funny that ???

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Re: Fellow Practitioner Issue 236 Dated 12 December 2014
« Reply #216 on: March 05, 2015, 07:05:43 AM »
Perhaps someone could ask for a list of people who have been granted a full certifying licence on the same basis as Darnley and would be quite enlightening I believe......

So guys..... how do you feel about a bunch of hypocritical bureaucrats under mining our trade..... calling us incompetent (unless we do CPD and listen to a salesman pushing their product)..... financing their system and supplying them funds to pay for a gaggle of lawyers to screw us over and then they pay no tax back into society.........for them to just go handing out full certifying licences to their mates. FFS.

Are you going to wait until they come knocking..... looking to screw you over, because if it suits them, they will......the Plumber's Federation is your best bet, we aren't always going to have stand up guys like Wal......when are you going to stand up and be counted.....all it would take would be substantial numbers to email Nick Smith......look at all the work the Feds have put in, just one email guys come on.....just ask for a inquiry if what I say is for real.

Think about it next time you have to take a day off work to do illegal CPD.......

News just in apparently they have just approved an "egg sucking" course for elderly mothers with grandchildren.... lol....tossers.

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Re: Fellow Practitioner Issue 236 Dated 12 December 2014
« Reply #217 on: March 05, 2015, 07:32:56 AM »
This is the case "still before the Board".......are you happy with that?

Police and safety authorities are investigating an alleged scam where illegal gas connections that could be lethal have been fitted in homes and businesses.

More than 570 blank safety certificates have been signed by a registered gasfitter over the past three years, then sold on to unqualified tradesmen who carried out work in Auckland and Northland.

The alleged scam was uncovered when a homeowner last year noticed her gas certificate looked bogus and laid a complaint with the Plumbers, Gasfitters and Drainlayers Board, which then launched an inquiry and discovered the scale of the alleged offending.

The board audited more than 370 commercial premises and private homes and found more than 90% failed to meet compliance tests, with 16 found to be dangerous or unsafe.

Energy Safety, part of the Ministry of Economic Development, and the Department of Labour are also investigating the potentially explosive gas fittings. A complaint has also been laid with police.

Board spokesman John Debernardo says the work has the potential to create danger or pose a health and safety risk.

The internal investigation will be completed in a few weeks and a disciplinary hearing is likely for the gasfitter at the centre of the audit.

Criminal charges are also possible for the man signing the blank certificates and those who paid money for them.

The board is refusing to say who is at the centre of this, but ONE News understands it is a man by the name of Richard Oldfield.

When approached by ONE News, he at first denied signing all of the permits himself, claiming someone has been forging his signature.



Discussing the permits, Oldfield says they come in books of 10.

"I sign the books. That's it, finished, as far as I'm concerned," he says. "But I always inspect the jobs."

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Re: Fellow Practitioner Issue 236 Dated 12 December 2014
« Reply #218 on: March 05, 2015, 07:36:44 AM »
Dealing with unreasonable people.....yes I have dealt with a lot of them......

The board audited more than 370 commercial premises and private homes and found more than 90% failed to meet compliance tests, with 16 found to be dangerous or unsafe.

"I sign the books. That's it, finished, as far as I'm concerned," he says. "But I always inspect the jobs."

So this is the case that led to the letters that ruined my business…….and it is still before the Board…… this reasonable……is it f****……..

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Re: Fellow Practitioner Issue 236 Dated 12 December 2014
« Reply #219 on: March 05, 2015, 07:37:59 AM »
Think of this next time your doing CPD about guttering just to get your licence......for a trade you actually sat an apprenticeship I said total tossers......

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Re: Fellow Practitioner Issue 236 Dated 12 December 2014
« Reply #220 on: March 05, 2015, 06:15:46 PM »
How is this for reasonable, fair and protecting the NZ public.......remember the latest info brief........

Its amazing isn't guy warns about dodgy certs covering dodgy work for six years before an explosion nearly kills someone......this guy looses everything.......

Another guy who was complained about by the guy above, faces a charge for the said explosion, but the charge he was already retired, he paid $10 000 for nearly killing someone....retires to his beach house......

And another guy who according to the Board was audited for more than 370 commercial premises and private homes and found more than 90% failed to meet compliance tests, with 16 found to be dangerous or unsafe. And this case is still before the Board.......really?? So nothing happened to him??

Nick Smith most of this happened in your back yard......and your the minister for the Plumber's goon squad......please can we get some action?? Just look into it, call me on my accusations, put my reams of evidence and correspondence to the test......

Guys are you prepared to be governed by these are running a gambit by hoping that you don't become a target.......those of you that think I "deserve" this.....ask those who you know are in the match their reasoning for terrorising my family and apply it to your potential future behaviour......what did I do to deserve this? Ask them.....listen to their lies, then ask me if what they say is true.....I bet what they tell you is bullshit......

I don't like to live on my knees, I will always stand up or die trying to stand up.......

I have done nothing wrong, but my persecutors have done a lot wrong, risking the public's health and safety in the process, allowing their mates to get away with it all, while calling us incompetent.......I ask you all......IS THIS REASONABLE??????????

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Re: Fellow Practitioner Issue 236 Dated 12 December 2014
« Reply #221 on: March 06, 2015, 08:10:41 AM »
So 90% of 370 is 333.....that's 333 commercial premises and private homes that failed to meet compliance tests, with 16 found to be dangerous or unsafe.

"I sign the books. That's it, finished, as far as I'm concerned," he says. "But I always inspect the jobs."

I have very good reason to believe that this guy's case is still before the Board.

Just another Darnley waiting to happen........So guys, how does the CPD taste now?

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Re: Fellow Practitioner Issue 236 Dated 12 December 2014
« Reply #222 on: March 06, 2015, 11:10:37 AM »
Sent this morning I will let you know the reply, 20 working days from now apparently.....

Mr Pederson,


I am laying a formal complaint against Mr Darnley’s involvement re- the explosion at the Milton Street Chipshop. I believe he might be responsible for this explosion and I am complaining about this so you can appoint an investigator to find out; please appoint an investigator that Darnley isn’t friends with or is a member of any groups that Darnley was/is a member of.

I would complain that Darnley didn’t register the pink master copy of cert 345138, while handing out the carbon copies to the customer and gas supplier.

I would also complain that all available copies lack a recording of a gas leak test, at a site that later exploded…..because of a gas leak, a gas leak on a hose supplied by Darnley’s company Allgas, weeks after I left Allgas. Please see attached receipt for this hose. Please note I left the year before in 2003.

I have reason to believe that it was Darnley who installed the fryers; please see the handwriting samples supplied to you just recently also attached.

I would also complain that after altering my initial install and changing the gas cylinder supply set up and changing the hose ( the hose mentioned above, the one that caused the explosion) that a further certificate wasn’t issued.

I hope you do not take your previous stand that my having faced charges for this debacle protects Darnley in someway from my complaint, you have said that you can’t revisit my case; please open a new case, one that is fair and transparent.

I would also take this chance, to yet, again lay a complaint about the legionnaire’s risk, installed by Mr Darnley. Please see attachment, this dwelling has central heating with radiators, an impossibility with out contaminating the hot water supply when heated with the califont on the cert. You have this blatant evidence, please act on it. It is very dangerous plumbing and this is your jurisdiction, no one else’s. Please note it is that time of year where the thermostatic heads on the radiators are opening and the 11 year old water is being atomised by the elderly mans shower (any plumber worth his salt would know this to be a ticking time bomb, a matter of when not if there will be an issue, it has the potential to kill.)

And I would also complain about the manipulation of the gas certificates at Powick Street, by my reckoning it is missing at least 2 certificates for work carried out, and as far as I know it still has the lpg cylinders on the deck, this was of such concern that the Board laid charges against myself. As I have proved that it was impossible for me to have done this, I would complain about the person who did. According to your correspondence you have made no other contact to the owner of Powick Street, other than the letter that said I was capable of acting illegally in Northland which was sent out before my hearing, my hearing showed this manipulation and the Board have done nothing. Just for the record I have never been to Northland.

Again, I hope you do not take the stand that my having faced charges for this protects the person responsible in someway and you can’t revisit my case, I am not asking you to revisit my case, please open a new case, one that is fair and transparent.

Also I would complain that even though someone nearly died because of bad, very bad gasfitting and shoddy practices, that no one has been held responsible for nearly killing Ron Clark.

I am appalled that even though Darnley didn’t sit an apprenticeship the Board saw fit to gift him (and others) his/their full craftsman/certifying status, I would complain about this flippant issuing of a licence that resulted in empowering a person not fit to practice, that at least once has ended in an explosion.

Also Kern Uren stated at my hearing that Mr Darnley had an extensive file, please by way of an OIA request can I get a copy of this extensive file and the basis for gifting Darnley his licence, please blank out all names as I do not want to invade anyone’s privacy. I am willing to cover the photocopying cost.

And my last complaint is that the Board have covered up a badly administered gas safety certificate and licence system that resulted in a near fatal explosion, I complain about this dereliction of duty.

I believe all the above are reasonable grounds for laying these complaints.




Regards Paul Gee

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Re: Fellow Practitioner Issue 236 Dated 12 December 2014
« Reply #223 on: March 07, 2015, 09:24:47 AM »

So I found this on the net, it is dated Sept 2009, we had the Milton street chipshop explosion in April 2009........what do you think would have made sense, what do you think might have been the right direction to take when this came up......

You had an explosion that heavily involved a person (Darnley) granted his licence after a chat, granted by Hammond who was appointed the investigator in July 2009......just before this came out below....

Instead of thinking we might be getting things wrong and risking NZer's lives.......they framed me for it......please read this below.....because what they did AFTER this blew me away, I lost my business because of letters sent out about this dire situation mentioned below, they even tried to lump me in with this below.....see letter attached......

Hundreds of homes and businesses have been fitted with potentially illegal and dangerous gas connections which authorities say could put people at risk of fire or poisoning.

Police and Government authorities are investigating the alleged scam in which more than 570 blank safety certificates were signed by a registered gasfitter, then sold to up to eight unqualified tradesmen who carried out work in Auckland and Northland.

The alleged fraud went on for nearly three years until a homeowner noticed her gas certificate looked bogus and laid a complaint with the Plumbers, Gasfitters and Drainlayers Board in July.

The Government licensing body launched an inquiry and discovered the scale of the alleged offending.

An urgent audit of more than 370 commercial premises and private homes found more than 90 per cent failed to meet compliance tests, with 16 found to be dangerous or unsafe.

More than 200 certificates are still missing and the board has issued an alert to the public to help trace the unlicensed work.
Energy Safety, part of the Ministry of Economic Development, and the Department of Labour are also investigating the potentially explosive gas fittings. A complaint has also been laid with police.

John Debernardo, the gasfitter board spokesman, said the 570 certificates were a small fraction of the 100,000 issued during the three-year period.

While most were technical breaches and the number of potentially lethal gas leaks found were small, he urged anyone with information to come forward.

"Gas is a fuel that has the potential to create danger or pose a health and safety risk. This is a serious matter," said Mr Debernardo.

The internal investigation would be completed in a few weeks and a disciplinary hearing was likely for the gasfitter at the centre of the audit.

Criminal charges were also possible for the man signing the blank certificates and those who paid money for them.

"As a gas industry spokesman, I'm ashamed of what these guys have done," said Mr Debernardo.

To compound matters, gas connections done by an unlicensed worker are not covered by insurance.

Mr Debernardo said the audit had cost taxpayers $250,000 so far, a figure likely to rise to $500,000.

He would also report back to the board with a review of the gas-fitting certificate system to see if changes needed to be made.

Mark Wogan, of Energy Safety, said the audit found six homes and 10 businesses in Auckland were dangerous or unsafe. The immediate focus was on public safety.

* To report one of the missing gas certificates or for further information, call the Plumbers, Gasfitters and Drainlayers Board 0800 743 262 0800 743 262.

Do you know who the rogue gasfitter is?

Fitter claims smear campaign
20/09/2009 4:32:01

The Auckland gas fitter who is at the centre of an alleged safety certificate scam thinks the whole thing is a storm in a teacup.

Police and safety authorities are investigating after revelations nearly 600 blank safety certificates, signed by a registered gas fitter, were on-sold to unqualified tradesmen.

They went ahead with work in Auckland and Northland regions, using the certificates to legitimise what they had done.

The Plumbers, Gasfitters and Drainlayers Board says an audit has found most jobs failed compliance tests, and some were unsafe because of leaks.

Richard Oldfield, who is accused of signing off the certificates, thinks it is a smear campaign to tarnish his image.

He is expecting to be hauled before the Board, and if they do not like what he has done, he says they can cancel his licence or whatever they like.

Mr Oldfield insists his actions have always been above board.

The Board audited more than 370 commercial premises and private homes, and found more than 90 percent failed compliance tests.

It is appealing to people who have had gas work done in the last 31 months to check their certificates against numbers listed on the Board's website.

One hundred and ninety-eight certificates are still unaccounted for.

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Re: Fellow Practitioner Issue 236 Dated 12 December 2014
« Reply #224 on: March 07, 2015, 09:34:38 AM »
Now remember this happened in Sept 2009........this would be approx. 6 months before relicensing....there was a lot of publicity and evidence available to the Board.......

So how did this guy get his full certifying licence in 2010........from the Boards own website.....

Oldfield, Richard Henry   02497      
Email: Contact the Board       Address: Contact the Board    Preferred Contact Number:
Contact the Board
Current Licence(s)

Licence Type   Licensing Period      
No current licences held         

Registration History

Registration Type   Status   Registration Date   

Certifying Drainlayer   Active   23 Mar 2010   

Certifying Plumber   Active   06 Apr 1990   

Certifying Gasfitter   Active   01 Jan 1978   

Licensed Drainlayer   Superseded   01 Jan 1978   

Licensed Plumber   Superseded   01 Jan 1978   

Licensed Gasfitter   Superseded   01 Jan 1978   

Licensing History

Licence Type   Status   History   

Certifying Drainlayer   Expired   2010   

Certifying Gasfitter   Expired   2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004, 2003   

Certifying Plumber   Expired   2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004, 2003   

Licensed Drainlayer   Expired   2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004, 2003   


Now read that again about how bad this was how much risk to others there were.......and he just gets given his licence the year after and someone who is involved with this is still before the Board, so he can get a fair trial.......

Where was my fair trial?  Where is the fairness for the people involved with this, the people who had their families put at risk?

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