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Author Topic: Fellow Practitioner Issue 236 Dated 12 December 2014  (Read 240969 times)

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Re: Fellow Practitioner Issue 236 Dated 12 December 2014
« Reply #225 on: March 07, 2015, 09:49:07 AM »
You would think that that would be an end to it, that the Board may have learnt that flippant handing out of licences wasn't a good idea......

Well, please explain how this guy's son gets an upgrade from a "provisional" gasfitting licence, to his full "certifying" licence, the very next year.....

Email:       Address: PO Box 13454
Auckland, 1643    Preferred Contact Number:
Current Licence(s)

Licence Type   Licensing Period      
Certifying Gasfitter(^)   Licensed from 01 Apr 2014 to 31 Mar 2015      

Certifying Gasfitter(^)   Licensed from 01 Apr 2015 to 31 Mar 2016      

Registration History

Registration Type   Status   Registration Date   

Certifying Gasfitter   Active   06 Dec 2011   

Licensing History

Licence Type   Status   History   

Certifying Gasfitter   Active   2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011   

Provisional Gasfitter Licence   Expired   2011   

You can't choose who you are.....but you are the sum of your choices.......

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Re: Fellow Practitioner Issue 236 Dated 12 December 2014
« Reply #226 on: March 07, 2015, 09:55:15 AM »
John Debernardo, the gasfitter board spokesman, said the 570 certificates were a small fraction of the 100,000 issued during the three-year period.

Now..... over 3 years......$25 per cert paid to the Board X 100000 = 2,500,000........that 2.5 million Dollars......that's a large amount of money, that's a large amount of work......would need a large business to turn that would need a continuation of licence cover to oversee that kind of amount of work.

I wonder what someone would pay for a licence like that, to be granted a licence like that?

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Re: Fellow Practitioner Issue 236 Dated 12 December 2014
« Reply #227 on: March 07, 2015, 10:11:51 AM »
Now reread Max Pederson's letter attached, this matter is still before the Board after putting so many people at risk, and THIS guy deserves a fair trial, really??

But I didn't deserve a fair trial?........because I tried to warn it was going to happen? That's reasonable aye!!!!!

You should resign Max......this is pitiful......the Board are failing the NZ public.

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Re: Fellow Practitioner Issue 236 Dated 12 December 2014
« Reply #228 on: March 07, 2015, 02:40:08 PM »
So here is the original request......this all came to light in Sept 2009.....but one guy is still before the Board in May 2014.....that's four and a half this reasonable?

And definitely after Sept 2009 a licence was issued to this same guy for the 2010 year.....

Remember this.....

So 90% of 370 is 333.....that's 333 commercial premises and private homes that failed to meet compliance tests, with 16 found to be dangerous or unsafe.

"I sign the books. That's it, finished, as far as I'm concerned," he says. "But I always inspect the jobs."

And this guy gets his licence after admitting this and risking 333 sites and god knows how many people and their kids.........16, that's bloody 16, were found to be dangerous and unsafe.........but here you go Mr go fit some more appliances for 2010......

I wonder who is this guy is the one who is still before the Board?.........for 4 and a half years.......

The thing is guys when the powers that be aren't fair or reasonable and favour some people over others.......what confidence can you have in them?

If they hand out licences to people willy nilly......what does that do to the integrity of the trade? What about the confidence of the public in our skills?

What happens if you get on the wrong side of one of these bullies.......bullies who are prepared to risk our fellow kiwis health and safety.....remember I was an ex Nelson president of Master Plumbers, I was told at a leadership course that I was "in"......

They need to go and they need to go soon......I think we should start petitioning for resignations.....if the minister receives these petitions in numbers then he has to do something surely.........

Max Pederson you should resign, sooner rather than later.

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Re: Fellow Practitioner Issue 236 Dated 12 December 2014
« Reply #229 on: March 07, 2015, 02:56:58 PM »
So guys.....if this is the same person before the Board after all this time, after risking all these people at 333 site, with at least 16 dangerous, and I have reason to believe it is the same this fair or reasonable or even legal......4 and a half years they must be building a massive case against him, must have cost us a lot of money (as we finance this charade)......but I suppose he did chip in $2.5 million in gas certificate revenue.

What a joke, how much evidence does the government want, I have copied in lots of ministers to all this......nothing so far and the Ombudsman isn't interested.......fairness for all, is their motto........really?

And the person who over saw a lot of this up until today......the Chief the signatory on the letters attached, they don't seem to care.

Please pop your resignation in the post Mr Pederson, and please can all the other people from the Board who have stood by and watched this carry on follow suit.

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Re: Fellow Practitioner Issue 236 Dated 12 December 2014
« Reply #230 on: March 07, 2015, 08:35:45 PM »
I notice that the 100 000 certs is for the 3 years total for the industry, I bet the Board miss that cash cow......but it means that 90% of his work was substandard.....but he gets a licence, the following does that work?

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Re: Fellow Practitioner Issue 236 Dated 12 December 2014
« Reply #231 on: March 08, 2015, 09:34:48 AM »
So how would it look if there were five people highlighted by this appalling case and the Board prosecute the four people who bought the dodgy certs......but waited until nearly five years to go after the guy who was selling the dodgy......that sounds reasonable aye!

Darnley would sign off all and sundry too..... untrained, apprentices.....perhaps these guys had the same CPD courses.

Ironic that I lost my business by being thrown in with these people when the Board sent out letters to all the sites of "concern", before my hearing saying I was involved with this.......but potentially the guy responsible for it.....well he is still before the Board. What for 5 years.....what bullshit.

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Re: Fellow Practitioner Issue 236 Dated 12 December 2014
« Reply #232 on: March 08, 2015, 11:37:42 AM »
Sent this morning......doesn't it worry anyone that we have this blatant bullshit, with very real risk to the average kiwi.... and the minister has done nothing to date.....

Where's the media?

From: Paul & Emma []
Sent: Sunday, 8 March 2015 11:26 a.m.
To: 'Paul & Emma'; 'Nick 4 Nelson'
Cc:; 'Allan Day'; 'Colleen Upton'; 'Lyndon Moffitt';; 'Andrew Little';; 'Jude Hutton'; 'Janis Adair'; 'Judith Burney'
Subject: Compensation


Hi Nick,


Please see attached correspondence between myself and the Board.


Attached are two letters from the Board that confirm that someone is still before the Board (nearly 5 years later) for being involved in putting at risk 370 commercial premises and private homes, 90 per cent failed to meet compliance tests, with 16 found to be dangerous or unsafe.


If this is the person responsible for selling these certs (and I have reason to believe it is, perhaps you can ask), then it is reprehensible. It would be reprehensible because they would have prosecuted the purchasers not the guy selling them.


Also attached is the licence history of this person, after this came about and as he is to reported to have said that…I sign the books. That's it, finished, as far as I'm concerned," he says. "But I always inspect the jobs.", then he should be held responsible for this.

I find this confusing because even though he did all this, he was given his full ticket some six months later. Then after this the Board upgraded his son’s provisional licence to a full certifying licence. All this was done in the knowledge of what happened in Milton Street and the Board’s resulting attempted cover-up for flippantly handing out licences. I believe this is so very wrong.


Also see attached one of the letters, one of six that was sent to ALL sites that the Board laid charges (except the explosion), done before my hearing. Also see attached an apology for these letters. This letter to the only High School in Motueka, the main centre of my business, is what I believe killed my livelihood, my financial records reflect this.



Apparently the person still before the Board deserves a fair trial, why didn’t I receive a fair trial?



Nick I was framed for something I didn’t do, please can you tell me the process I have to start to be compensated for this.




This Board have acted egregiously and denied me my basic human rights, taking from me my business, reputation and time away from my family…..all done with risk to the NZ public’s safety. Not to mention the legionnaire risk they have ignored for years and the fact no one was held responsible for the explosion……It needs a public inquiry.





Regards Paul Gee

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Re: Fellow Practitioner Issue 236 Dated 12 December 2014
« Reply #233 on: March 08, 2015, 11:41:01 AM »
I told you all I had enough to go on for weeks and this is just the tip of what I have.....I am starting to loose my temper, big time.

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Re: Fellow Practitioner Issue 236 Dated 12 December 2014
« Reply #234 on: March 08, 2015, 08:03:09 PM »
Still before the Board.......what utter bullshit..........brushed under the carpet more like.........hoping that we'd all forget........nearly five years, they insult our sense of reason and call US unreasonable..........

Thing is when you brush things under the carpet, it makes for lumpy carpets..........which might trip you up in the future.....

16 homes and business's DANGEROUS and UNSAFE.......that is peoples lives, where they work and their homes......but they granted him a licence 6 months later, that taught him aye ::) beggars belief.

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Re: Fellow Practitioner Issue 236 Dated 12 December 2014
« Reply #235 on: March 08, 2015, 08:16:27 PM »
Anyone reading this if you want a comparison..... do me a favour.... print it all off, this stream of ample evidence, including all the attachments and just try to comprehend how much evidence there is, how much the public have been put at risk, how bent the system is.......

Then print off what anyone, including the minister, media and all the experts at the Board have done to rectify it........actually do this will be a very small pile, if it is even a sheet of paper......

Now that $500 for licences seem a bargain aye.....

Or sat in a "classroom" being "taught" for your CPD for days, just so you can earn a crust.....

But what ever you do don't stand up for your self or be "unreasonable".........

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Re: Fellow Practitioner Issue 236 Dated 12 December 2014
« Reply #236 on: March 09, 2015, 07:27:02 AM »
I ask you to think on this, the Board have....

Ignored an elderly couple who complained about fumes entering their home, told them to shut the window when they use their califont.

Have ignored for years a legionnaires risk, where the hot water system shares its water with the c/h system

Spent over $200,000 in persecuting me, focusing so much on me that they can't and won't look at who all the evidence points to, and no one has been held responsible for an explosion that nearly killed someone

Have ignored the gas certificate system rules (in their own words they have done nothing to a person who didn't register a cert at an explosion) and have run the system so badly it had to carry a disclaimer, just before it was taken off them

Had a guy involved with putting a massive amount of people at risk, then gives him a licence the year after and probably not looked at it since some 5 years later

Lied to the point of having to write an apology (an apology that is worth nothing more than the paper it is written on)

Ignored massive conflicts of interest

Taken illegally two million dollars from the industry, taken illegally in my world means stolen

Imposed an illegal CPD system on it, ignoring conflicts of interest (one of the biggest training providers holds 50% of the trade representation on the Board, against the recommendations of the NZ law society)

Handed out certifying licences to total idiots while making good honest tradesman resit their qualifications and made certifying exams un-passable

Went on a all expenses paid trip to Aussie with partners, all done with us paying the tab.

I could go on and on......they got to is a joke.

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Re: Fellow Practitioner Issue 236 Dated 12 December 2014
« Reply #237 on: March 10, 2015, 07:50:23 PM »
Just filled out my survey for.....

Good morning Paul


Thank you for your email on Friday 27 February 2015.


The Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment is reviewing the operation of the Plumbers, Gasfitters and Drainlayers Act. 


As part of the review process, the Ministry is conducting a survey of plumbers, gasfitters drainlayers to find out whether the Act is supporting them in their day-to-day work and to find out how it could be improved. If you have not received a link to the survey , please complete this survey

Your comments and feedback are important to us and will be used to inform the government’s review of the operation of the Act.  If you have any questions regarding the survey please call 0800 242 243 or email

The survey closes midnight Tuesday 31 March 2015.


I hope they think I am serious.....what a joke......get on there guys if we say nothing we can expect nothing

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Re: Fellow Practitioner Issue 236 Dated 12 December 2014
« Reply #238 on: March 10, 2015, 07:51:44 PM »
The link is below guys let them know what's going on....

Mine was a bit a read I can tell you, all true, and totally unbelievable

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Re: Fellow Practitioner Issue 236 Dated 12 December 2014
« Reply #239 on: March 10, 2015, 10:21:04 PM »
The Board have covered up the handing out of a gas fitting licence to an unqualified person who worked in Nelson for over a decade, this flippant issuing of a licence ended in Ron Clark of the Milton Street chipshop nearly dying in this explosion, all the evidence points to this person.

Please take the time to read through this evidence that is on this stream, to those that have....I am saying this because I just discovered Twitter, and am sharing this have a look under "paul gee 14" on twitter.

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