If you are really bored, have a read of the actual kangaroo court I was subjected to....you'll find in here, amongst other crap....
......another fraud un-earthed, people making statements like....well if I'd been shown these photos I would never have signed my statement (most if not all statements were kindly prepared for people to sign, and they were given the impression that I was illegally selling certs in Northland, this was rescinded some many months later, I will explain this one separately as it is quite complex).
......my answers to the 44 trumped up charges.....like where the investigator swears that the install hadn't changed since I had worked there.......even though a cert was issued for work done days before his site visit....
.....the dodgy investigator admitting that if I had complied with the mandatory part one, then the non mandatory part two was irrelevant....as its a means of compliance.....this is the only charge they "got me for"......but later ignored and told an elderly couple to shut their window when using the gas califont.....
.....the hearing being shut down as I was about to go 100% innocent, shut down by the dodgy investigator's buddy who was chairing the hearing
These are just the low lights there is much much more, even a bit of humour with my answers.....like I said if your bored and got some time to see what you could be subjected to have a gander......remember most people just plead guilty because of the threat of a fine and costs......my principles would not allow me to plead guilty to something I had tried to warn about for 6 years before the explosion...NEARLY KILLLED SOMEONE......and no-one has been held accountable to this day, but there is ample and obvious evidence of who is responsible........
Still think the new crew can be trusted.......just a clean up crew I reckon......helping cover it all up......dodgy, at a risk to the NZ public it is deplorable and disgusting.
All in the minister who is responsible for our portfolio's back yard in the homes of the people who he is supposed to represent and protect.......reprehensible!
This muppet, that to this day still goes protected by the PGDB......worked for decades in Nelson, gifted a full gas certifying license after one chat with the same guy who was appointed as the dodgy investigator years later......this work is still out there......FOR f****S SAKE!