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Author Topic: Fellow Practitioner Issue 236 Dated 12 December 2014  (Read 241506 times)

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Re: Fellow Practitioner Issue 236 Dated 12 December 2014
« Reply #600 on: February 06, 2017, 08:33:39 PM »
Here's some of the photos.....most are missing the test results for gas leaks......just like the exploding chip shop....

And my personal favourite the one covered in twink (or tipex for the UK contingent).......

And I was the one investigated? Even after the Hazard Notice by the Dept of Labour.....for dodgy certs.......Really? ???
You can't choose who you are.....but you are the sum of your choices.......

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Re: Fellow Practitioner Issue 236 Dated 12 December 2014
« Reply #601 on: February 06, 2017, 08:57:49 PM »
Anyone wonder why we have the utterly mental gas safety cert system that we work under now?

Where any new work doesn't need a cert registered anywhere except by the installer.....for him to pull out after an incident.......

It is because the PGDB made a total pigs ear of administrating the one cert system entrusted to them.....a total and utter cock up, a shambles......resulting in (before they totally lost control of the cert system) a disclaimer for accuracy and a Hazard Notice from the Dept of Labour.......

Now we got the crap one of today with more holes in it than my Nan's colander for draining her spuds......

Reckon they'll look after you? Give you a fair go?.......not if they can save their own skins and reputations.


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Re: Fellow Practitioner Issue 236 Dated 12 December 2014
« Reply #602 on: February 11, 2017, 05:22:09 PM »
You have seen the Dept of Labour complaint that lead the PGDB to appoint an investigation into the explosion......if not see attached.....

Now look at the "Hazard Notice" from DOL.......this is released......lets look at the time line in the press release.....


April 2009 - An explosion at the Milton St Fish and Chip shop
February 2010 - The Department of Labour issues a Hazard Alert, saying the explosion was caused by a lack of appliance but that anomalies in the gasfitting certification could have alerted the owners to substandard workmanship.

November 2010 - Industry charges are laid against Takaka gasfitter Paul Gee.

May 2011 - The charges against Mr Gee are heard in Nelson.

July 2011 - The board finds Mr Gee not guilty on 42 of the 44 particulars in the charges against him.

If you read the only that's ONLY basis for the whole reason for pursuing me......the initial DOL complaint.....

Well I came forward on the day of the explosion and admitted doing the initial pipework......BUT NOT THE FRYERS. How did I know this on the day of the explosion?.....because I was telling the truth.

Bare in mind that I had no idea what caused the explosion.....I have seen a receipt (and so have the PGDB) for a third hose to supply just two fryers, sold after I left....see other posts.....installed after I left Allgas....

My initial pipe run was lowered as shown by some of the 110 with held photos....and the cause of the explosion, was the hose.....this is in the Hazard Alert, see attached....look at the date, just look at the f****ing date this was known.

Now bare in mind that the Hazard Alert has concerns over the cert system failing.......look at the date of that f****ing Hazard Alert, look at the time line......PGDB are Bastards, anyone involved in this needs to go.....a leopard never changes its spots, if you're corrupt, you're move on and f**** off.

Now I have loads of evidence to show who was responsible for this third hose, the ADDED hand writing on the installation paperwork for the fryers.....

I did absolutely nothing wrong and was cleared of 42 charges out of 44, with the Board ignoring a worse case than mine for the remaining charge......

If you help cover up corruption, you are by definition corrupt.......these people still lead our industry, that's OUR is wrong.


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Re: Fellow Practitioner Issue 236 Dated 12 December 2014
« Reply #603 on: February 11, 2017, 05:29:18 PM »
If DOL had concerns over the CERTS when they thought it was just the certs for this near fatal explosion......

They didn't know about the other certs shown what concerns do they raise?

And the new fantasy cert system what the f**** does that raise?

This is our, OUR, industry.......they are f****ing it up, with out a doubt......and we are following them.......really?

I love these pictures, they speak volumes........this is YOUR industry, not a bunch of self serving vile corrupts......

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Re: Fellow Practitioner Issue 236 Dated 12 December 2014
« Reply #604 on: February 11, 2017, 05:48:09 PM »
Lets let the investigator Tony Hammond say in his own words what he thinks about changes to systems and the certifying....writing so very ironically March 2009, see info brief below, also check out the fat little face of Stephen Parker....the chair of my hearing, yes he is as pompous as he looks, they both are......

The Gas Regulations (REG 24) define, amongst others, that the
following require certification:
Extensions, additions and replacements to existing gas installations
Alterations that result in repositioning of pipework or changes to the
operation of the installation
It is worth noting that an installation is defined in the Gas Act as
“including a gas appliance”.
Therefore, replacement of one appliance by another, even if very
similar, requires certification.
Further weight is added to the argument when one considers that
even a “like for like” replacement needs to be adjusted to ensure
gas pressure and aeration are set appropriately
, the connections are
gastightness and the safety devices operate at the right levels; that
is, the appliance needs to be commissioned in accordance with clause
1.6.7 of NZS 5261.

So lets look at the third hose.......look above for Tony's take on it and then look at the receipt that I took out of Tony's

Then compare to the NON registration of the cert for the last work at the site of the explosion, what a tosser......

From: Melanie Phillips []
Sent: Wednesday, 11 May 2011 4:13 p.m.
To: Paul & Emma Gee
Cc: Wal Gordon
Subject: RE: Paul Gee 
Hi Paul
Please see attached Belinda’s file note of her request to John Darnley for a copy of certificate 345138.  This occurred after she was contacted by lawyers acting for the owner on 17 April 2009 requesting copies of all gas certificates relating to 136 Milton Street.   
Also attached is a copy of the certificate received which, as you will see, is of quite poor quality.
Please let me know if you need any more information. 
From: Melanie Phillips[]
Sent: Wednesday, 11 May 2011 3:22p.m.
To: Paul & Emma Gee; WalGordon
Subject: RE: Paul Gee
Hi Paul
I have just gone back through the file and can confirm that the Board never received a pink copy of certificate345138.  The only copy the Board has is a photocopy of the certifier’s copy, which you produced as exhibit PG007 together with a copy of the gas suppliers copy.
I see notes from Belinda Greer on the file that the Board copy of certificate 345138 was received after the explosion in 2009, I think from the Department of Labour.
I’m sorry I can’t help you further.

I did not know any of this when I went 42 out of 44 charges at the kangaroo court over seen by chubby Stephen Parker.....yes those cheeks are just as pinch and slappable in person, not in a violent way but in a chubby kids jowls way, cute really....especially the way his head seems to over flow his collar, perhaps that's why the blood can't get to his brain, tie's too tight.........

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Re: Fellow Practitioner Issue 236 Dated 12 December 2014
« Reply #605 on: February 11, 2017, 05:59:10 PM »
Sorry forgot to point out Tony's apparent hypocrisy was in a March 2009 Info Brief and the explosion was April 2009, you'd think he would have remembered what he wrote some weeks before.....

But then Tony's memory seems to be on its way out because he signed an affidavit to say he'd only met Darnley limited times, one of which was to grant his license after some oral and totally forgot to mention the photos of him at NZIGE meetings....with Darnley.....remember Darnley resigned from the NZIGE  weeks after the explosion......

Tony Hammond and Stephen Parker reckon they have a limited relationship.....hmmmmm not buying that....remember Parker shut down my hearing as I was going to go 100% innocent......oh year Tony and Stephen are in the photos with Darnley

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Re: Fellow Practitioner Issue 236 Dated 12 December 2014
« Reply #606 on: February 11, 2017, 06:02:06 PM »
What's the legal term for signing a legal document and presenting it in a formal forum and it doesn't reflect the truth.... ::)

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Re: Fellow Practitioner Issue 236 Dated 12 December 2014
« Reply #607 on: February 11, 2017, 06:07:59 PM »
This attachment has a special meaning to me and is what started me looking into this....who/what ever made Darnley resign, I am eternally grateful to you......

Just a quick Google search on a Darnley pulled this little beauty up.......NZIGE newsletter...May 2009.....explosion April 2009......hmmmmmm

Also see the tabs on these attachments....most if not all of this has been shown, by me, to the Ombudsman...

You know the Office for "Fairness for All"....just not Paul.....

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Re: Fellow Practitioner Issue 236 Dated 12 December 2014
« Reply #608 on: February 11, 2017, 06:44:38 PM »
I don't know what is wrong with these people but remember Darnley, the guy who thinks its funny to roll a truck with tonnes of LPG on its back, attached again for your convenience, you know the guy also known as "Porn-Dad".....the same guy who today is being protected by the PGDB.....

Well these vile twats sent this sickening trial papers to my home, opened by my Wife, from memory there was this one attached PLEASE DO NOT OPEN IF CHILD SEXUAL ABUSE it does my wife when she opened it.......and two others all three were of a sexual deviant nature one about a dentist touching up his patiens and another sexual abuse a plumbing context?

I think this reflects on Porn-Dad and his mates who protect him........

I know what we do to nonces where I am from and it ain't counselling........

Which side do you want to be on.......corruption and other less desirable traits or the guy who warned about dodgy certs covering dangerous work for six years before an explosion nearly killed someone? Eh Martin Sawyers......which side mate, pick one cos I ain't going no where.......

Martin as I asked you in my last email to you ........"why would you risk your reputation for the likes of these people" and I use the term people very loosely......



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Re: Fellow Practitioner Issue 236 Dated 12 December 2014
« Reply #609 on: February 12, 2017, 08:52:58 PM »
How would you feel to loose your business, home and reputation, along with your wife being terrorised by these filthy bastards.....working away from home off and on since the hearing back in 2011......

But the new guard, Martin sawyers et al, thinks all this is ok and I should move on......

Give me my life back and nothing would make me happier.....

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Re: Fellow Practitioner Issue 236 Dated 12 December 2014
« Reply #610 on: February 13, 2017, 12:13:13 PM »
Sent four days ago, today being the 13th Feb 2017......I have still had no reply from Martin Sawyers....the "new" CEO of the Plumber's Board.....

I am not really expecting one, but and I ask you this in all honesty, wouldn't you answer this.....

If my accusations are not true you would answer and tell me so, but if they are true (and they are) then the options are to address the corruption that risks the safety of the NZ public OR try to brush it under the carpet.......what does that make the person who does this?

Surely to help conceal corruption, it corrupt in its self?

Paul Gee <>   

AttachmentsFeb 9 (4 days ago)

to Martin

Hi Martin,

Please can you tell me if the Board were aware or in the possession of this document attached, a Hazard Alert from DOL, if so when did the Board become aware of this document.

I would have thought that after making the initial complaint the Dept of Labour (attached for your convenience) would have kept the recipients of that complaint up to date with its own findings, please by means of an Official Information Act Request may I get a copy of all correspondence between the DOL and the PGDB pertaining to this event/explosion.

Just a friendly reminder, I am still awaiting your response for the potentially lethal central heating system, if you are to act or not.

FYI we enjoying a southerly icy blast today in this area and those Thermostatic Radiator Valves might be opening, releasing the contaminated stagnant water into the hot water system and potentially atomising the water to make it easier to inhale by the elderly occupant, this is a perfect storm for a fatality from legionnaires. Lets just hope the elderly occupant doesn't try to ward off the chill with a warm shower, this is a dice rolled by you and your predecessors every autumn/winter....just to protect Darnley....why is that?

Best regards Paul

Just heard on TV that NZ is 60,000 homes short of its requirements to house our population.......

That is, as things stand today, 60,000 homes where a gas "safety"certificate isn't required to be registered anywhere but the gasfitters house/office/box in garage.......

With unlimited available copies of authentic looking certificates available to anyone with a computer and a printer....none of which have the facility of a carbon copy to ensure nothing is added/subtracted from the info....hell you could just print off another because there is no sequential number across the top......they don't come in books now, they are not issued to people by the book with traceability and the registered installer......basically any f****er can issue one until he is caught......

All this in a housing shortage......policed by a PGDB with a history tainted by my case, a case that is begging to be looked into for safety's sake.....but goes ignored....

The ambulance at the bottom of the cliff has been replaced with a hearse

OUR industry is in decline, headed toward issues that has a huge potential to hurt, maim and even kill.....and it appears we are tackling it with apathy and an ostrich mentality....she'll be right.......I think she is totally f****ed to be honest.....been there got the tee shirt.....


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Re: Fellow Practitioner Issue 236 Dated 12 December 2014
« Reply #611 on: February 13, 2017, 12:46:14 PM »
How are the powers that be auditing these new do they know where to go, what to look at?

Apart from people who have no idea and could down load these certs and not give a shit about the know people would always put safety before profit ::)

What if you are well meaning but ill informed? you keep doing the same work but are totally unaware that it is or could be dangerous?

No inspectors, no auditors, no integrity, no leadership and no f****ing sense.....this is the hearse at the bottom of the cliff.....

OUR industry is about to go tits up, along with the you really think people are going to continue to pay good money for a bad system?

Wake up guys, if this pans out as I believe it will and I have good reason to believe it will.....its over.

How can a Board expect to receive our respect and show integrity when it doesn't address blatant corruption and risks to the NZ public?

We went from a peer reviewed (usually by older very experienced inspectors), audited work with a traceable cert system issued only to certifying a non audited, print off all you like cert system which is totally open to any one with a computer/printer.....

I hope you all enjoyed the high life, not waiting for an inspector to check over your work (which is never an issue if you know what you are doing.......

I will say it again, apart from obvious safety concerns... it is bad bloody one will pay good money for a broken, mis-managed, (non managed even) system.....led by people with no integrity....

The ITO isn't what it used to be, people are getting all the qualifications with no real knowledge, unaudited......

Did no one notice where that got Darnley in my case......a bloody explosion......

The gas company's living the dream today, selling gas with the same responsibility of selling ice-cream.....

Explosions/deaths caused by incompetent people and bad work.....makes people install electric, it is that simple......pull your head out of your anus and see the big picture......

ALL of this is bad for business.....never mind the ethical reasons for keeping your customers safe......

If you let yourself be led by muppets you get all you deserve.....I just feel sorry for the NZ public to be honest.


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Re: Fellow Practitioner Issue 236 Dated 12 December 2014
« Reply #612 on: February 13, 2017, 12:49:25 PM »
All done in the climate of a housing shortage of 60,000 homes......perfect storm for an incident........

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Re: Fellow Practitioner Issue 236 Dated 12 December 2014
« Reply #613 on: February 13, 2017, 01:01:21 PM »
Sent today

Paul Gee <> 

12:58 PM (0 minutes ago)

to Martin, Wal


Please see link below, so that you are aware of my posts on the Plumbers forum, I feel it fair to let you know that this is where I have posted the inaction by the PGDB in not looking into the corruption surrounding and permeating through my case and in doing so protecting John Darnley at the very real risk to the NZ public.

I will also place this email on the same thread and your reply, if I receive one.....please can you write it as though you are talking to the industry as a whole, if you decide to ignore this email then I would put it to you that you are happy to ignore corruption and how it effects the industry.

Yours so very sincerely Paul Gee

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Re: Fellow Practitioner Issue 236 Dated 12 December 2014
« Reply #614 on: February 17, 2017, 11:36:16 AM »
from the other post to keep it all in context....I said back in Dec 2014 that could post lots of evidence and go on and on.....and I will continue to do so.......

If we let the ones that lack integrity rule us we can never expect justice...........

And here in lies the problem.....those effecting/lobbying the people who are making the laws wanted control of the trade/business.....enter the craftsman license....

So they implemented the..."You can't run a business with out a craftsman license"......because (and this makes me laugh a lot)...we are worried that business are going out of business, not because of bad trade practice but business short comings........if you get the license, these are the people who actually put me out of business....real caring like....

But those implementing the craftsman status......well we are going to award ourselves full craftsman licenses and impose accountancy and business law and tax rules to the craftsman qualification.......making it very hard for those who are practically minded to achieve....

What happened next was a decline in competition (so it worked short term)..... but the resulting shortage of tradesman (a long term f**** up)......BUT the short minded self serving twats forgot* to factor in.................(*forgot , see couldn't care less, their pockets are full)

That with great power comes great responsibility.....and liability and fines etc.....

So now the business owners want people to work for them with the craftsman license....because, as with my case, you can royally screwed if anything happens....and you're in the craftsman/responsibility seat.....taking full responsibility for a multitude of people of varying levels of skill, or the lack there of.....

So now we are entering the stage of levels of supervision, to distance the CEO's from the work, al a Pyke River scenario......people are seeing that deregulation is a short term gain with massive short see Pyke River changed the game......that CEO in my opinion should do time, the poor families effected, just for trying to earn a crust is just terrible, my hart goes out to them, it is appalling they can't go get their sons, husbands brothers.......

But this has changed the game....

With ever more levels of "supervision" i.e. distancing yourself from responsibility.....added to ever decreasing numbers of craftsman level supervisors......well I can only think of one word.....

Clusterf**** springs to mind.....two giant bullet wounds in both feet.....they want all the business with none of the those reading this from the PGDB I ask you......with in the trades who are the worst at complying......those who think they are above the law or those who aren't as "connected".......hmmmmm, I wonder.

Well what I think will happen is they will further dumb down our industry and allow muppets to sign off for profit needs and housing shortage needs......basically to cover the work load and still fill their pockets.....

There is one easy answer.... but those driving this hearse of an industry will have to swallow their giant pride and admit they got it so very wrong......

Remove the craftsman status and make everyone responsible for their own work, overseen by well paid neutral inspectors......please before all the knowledge of the guys retiring is gone and we are left with the results of the last ten years of those in power f****ing up our industry and filling their pockets.

People who lobbied for the gas craftsman license represented those selling gas......the self servers who implemented it saw they could corner the market.....but guys your idea has resulted in a total decline in the industry, every time someone hears of an incident or poor gas performance or an explosion.....well they go electric or solar......basically anything but're ill conceived plan isn't working.....and is going to decline, if not decline then achieve its full is just plain bad business. Gas is an awesome energy product, but it is stored energy that not only deserves respect, but demands it.

My case could be used to sweep clean some of the dodgy bastards.....then once the tower of shite starts to crumble I can guarantee that those who fall, will never fall alone and will drag the other scum with them....

If you build on fear, back room deals and corruption you will ultimately fail......because you are made up of scared little people with no morals or backbone, who in the full light of public scrutiny will go up in a puff of smoke, like most other parasitic vampires......lurking in the dark like bogymen....

Sun light is the best disinfectant......

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