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Author Topic: Fellow Practitioner Issue 236 Dated 12 December 2014  (Read 243185 times)

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Offline Badger

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Re: Fellow Practitioner Issue 236 Dated 12 December 2014
« Reply #735 on: May 11, 2017, 02:46:04 PM »
So there is a copy of this cert on the PGDB website....there is a copy at the gas suppliers.....I know because that's where I photographed it........ Cert 299760......look at the test for leaks.......empty......

Just like the cert 345138 for the site of the near fatal explosion.........

I ask the PGDB about these matter straight away after leaving Allgas......remember the cert 299760....its mentioned in the reply I got......the batch of certs you will notice also mentioned in this reply isn't the ones ordered in my name either....

Here's some correspondence attached.....
You can't choose who you are.....but you are the sum of your choices.......

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Re: Fellow Practitioner Issue 236 Dated 12 December 2014
« Reply #736 on: May 11, 2017, 02:50:24 PM »
About this time weeks after I left Allgas......someone at Allgas sold the third hose to supply two fryers......


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Re: Fellow Practitioner Issue 236 Dated 12 December 2014
« Reply #737 on: May 11, 2017, 02:53:31 PM »
Now you have seen when I left Allgas......months before this letter attached......

Acting in my name with out my knowledge nor permission....THIS TOO IS KNOWN TO THE PGDB......I got this letter off the PGDB after the explosion.......and bear in mind I had already questioned certs in my name covering work not mine and dangerous.....and told them I had left Allgas.......

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Re: Fellow Practitioner Issue 236 Dated 12 December 2014
« Reply #738 on: July 02, 2017, 07:45:07 PM »
Just as a little interlude to the evidence here is a brief over view......

Cowboys and Idiots……A Cover Up.

I understand that the plumbing and gasfitting industry is considered by most as neither glamorous nor all that interesting and it isn’t ranked as “professional” by the so called professionals like lawyers, psychologists and engineers. These professionals by the way are usually the people who govern our trade and who from my experience show a total disregard and utter disrespect towards us.
Like most essential everyday things that are integral to our lives plumbing, gas and drainlaying is hidden, nondescript and plain. It happens behind walls, under houses and in the ground.
The Gas industry is working today under a gas certificate system during a housing shortage of 60,000 houses that is not only susceptible to cause accidents and empower cowboys but I believe it is actually prone to it.
At one time we had independent of the trade, an inspected gas safety system; with inspectors that were financed by the gas supply companies. It was in the company’s interest to get it right because the liability lay with those selling the gas, reinvesting their profits in the common good and safety of the public.
In the early 90’s the rampant ideology and dogma of deregulation came along, putting profit before safety. Doing away with inspectors and putting those making a profit from installing gas in control of quality and safety, whilst weighing this up against their profit margin.
Most are honest and are observing the proper procedures and standards, but apparently there are those that do not. I am told some of the worst that aren’t observing are the ones with “connections”, acting with impunity because they can and have in the past and will until they stop getting away with it.
Within the gasfitting industry this deregulation introduced a self certificate system, with certificates sold by batches identified by a unique cert number sold only to a specific licence holder.
These unique certs had a triple carbon copy of the original handwritten top copy; this top copy was then held by the PGDB. With the subsequent carbon copy then held by the gas supplier, the gasfitter and the customer.
These four independent document depositories was an effective honesty mechanism with a handwritten checkable way of filling the cert in, with a real signature done by hand. This has all gone now.
The onus was moved to the fitter, you might say “as it should”. But now we had the problem of those making a financial gain from the installation of gas, inspecting their own work, with random audits by the PGDB. But even these audits and this more robust self cert system has since proved to be untenable and has ceased.
This system made the installer liable for the install, freeing the gas company’s to sell a volatile flammable gas with a very much reduced liability.
GANZ represents the suppliers of gas. GANZ via the so called “impartial” inspector for my case lobbied for this deregulation. Impartial he was not. GANZ was also the group that the chair of my hearing was a member. These two people represented GANZ for many years as a double act at seminars and trade shows.
I give you this background to give you an idea of the conflicts of interest involved in my case.
The cover up started with an explosion, which resulted in two families lives being wrecked (mine and the owner of the exploding chipshop) with this poor blast victim laying in a drug induced coma for weeks in a burns unit. The cover up started while he lay in this coma, covered up by the PGDB.
I began working for a gas company called Allgas in February 2003, situated in Nelson.
Nelson being the long term electorate of Nick Smith, the now Building and Housing Minister, with the PGDB under his portfolio. He had other portfolios at the start of this fiasco and moved into this position after the explosion.
I left this employment at Allgas after only approx 9 months after seeing a total disregard for the safety of their customers and left because of these safety concerns.
The day after I told my old boss to shove his job where the sun doesn’t shine, four books of gas safety certificates (certs) were ordered in my name with out my knowledge. I found out after the explosion that also a letter was written, again acting in my name without my knowledge to alter a cert months after I had left.
Literally as soon as I left Allgas I started work for another gas supplier and instantly became aware of dodgy certs in my name, covering dangerous altered work.
I began complaining to the PGDB from this time on in late 2003. I also made my concerns known to industry groups (I was the Nelson Master Plumber President and brought it up at meetings) and MPs (Nick Smith included).
Nothing other than flannel was done. The explosion happened in 2009.
At one point in 2006 Nick Smith wrote a letter on my behalf airing my concerns to the PGDB, he even backed me calling for a public inquiry in his other letters after the explosion, even right up to my hearing in May 2011.
But the month following my hearing (after placing his “very good friend” on the PGDB), Nick totally changed his tact to a “nothing to see here” attitude, even when he now had the portfolio under which all this fiasco comes. Nicks “very good friend” did not see out his tenure as PGDB Chairman and resigned for personal reasons later on, resigning after my hearing and after he slated me in my local Newspaper.
My old boss was installing gas in homes and businesses in Nelson for well over 10 years very probably nearer 20 years, he was totally clueless and I think an MP owes it to his electorate to look into this to ensure those that vote him in are kept safe.
The people of Nelson thought they were dealing with a fully qualified craftsman gas fitter who was a member of the gas engineers group NZIGE, when in reality he had never sat an apprenticeship and was totally inept. He resigned from NZIGE in May 2009 just weeks after the April explosion.
My old boss’s attitude to safety can be summed up in the comment that added to my leaving Allgas. He told me to “just use a poker face and make out you know what you’re was doing”.
He said this when I asked for an appliance specification data sheet. I asked for this specification as I saw him installing central heating in a house where the radiator water comes out of the hot water system, and as far as I am aware it still does.

The chip shop exploded on 9th April 2009, at 09:40 approx in the morning, either side of this time the chipshop and adjoining dairy would have been surrounded by kids on the way to school or full of people buying smoko. It had a butcher’s shop full length plate glass windows as a shop front. The blast shot this glass out like a shotgun. The thought of what could have happened still gives me nightmares.
As the blast victim lay in a coma in intensive care, the telling of ridiculous untruths began and a scapegoat was sort after.
The PGDB told the blast victim’s lawyer that the original top copy of the certificate for the last work done at the site of the explosion (totally in the name of my old boss and issued years after I left Allgas) could not be produced as this cert was never received by the PGDB.
This claim of non registration is very hard to believe as this “un-registered” cert appears on the PGDB website and the PGDB even have a date of entry for this cert from their fox-pro data system, this system cost 600k and is now defunct.
This cert is also mentioned by number in the Dept. of Labour complaint with all available carbon copies showing the lack of recording of a pressure test for leaks, the test for leaks field is empty on all carbon copies, the original top copy can’t be found.
My old boss is the person totally responsible for this cert for the last gas work at the site of the explosion. Even by the PGDB’s own reckoning he fails to register this incomplete cert with the PGDB, but issues the carbon copies to their respective places.
This non registration, if it were true, is enough to lay charges and pursue my old boss. And as I had spent the previous 6 years warning specifically about my old boss and his dodgy dealings with certs the PGDB should not have targeted me.
The same guy (my old boss) who is responsible for the “non registered” and incomplete cert nearly burnt down a house just over a year before the explosion and anonymously appears in the government accident book. Here are the comments.

Date: 27/12/2007
Location: Nelson
Equipment: Water heater
Accident type: Fire
Losses: A house was rendered uninhabitable due to fire and smoke damage. A water heater was destroyed.
Summary of events: Pipework in a gas installation had been pressure tested but appliances had not been commissioned. The owner received permission from the installer to turn on the gas and use it (the installer was to commission the next day). Due to a leaking fitting, fire ignited in an external instantaneous water heater mounted in a recess box. Heat from the gas fire ignited the soffit above and the fire spread into the ceiling space.
Suspected causes and significant factors: The appliance had not been commissioned and gas leaked from a loose fitting. Gas built up in the recess box and was ignited, probably from use of the water heater.

My old boss actually did face a charge for the explosion, but it conveniently disappeared before his hearing. I believe this doubling up of charges was done because if the PGDB ensured we both faced a charge for the same explosion, we would had to have separate hearings (they actually made this statement)…..this prevented us from cross examining my old boss at a common hearing.
I was chosen for the role of scapegoat in a witch-hunt that saw my young family terrorised and we were financially forced to sell our recently renovated home, loosing our business and reputation. This forced my wife to live in a caravan for a whole winter collecting drinking water and emptying a chemical toilet at the local i-site, while I worked away in the North Island for that winter, the first of many. Before the explosion we had very little debt, only what we owed at the plumbers merchants. We were mortgage free and owned all our vehicles and tools.
One of the worst things that happened to us was the sending of case notes on probabilities in a law court, sent in an unmarked wrapper of its vile content. The three cases chosen and were all sexually deviant but the worst were the child sexual abuse case notes. I came home to find my wife hysterical, she had read them and not long after this she had to live in the caravan while I worked away.
I have either worked away within my trade or worked locally out of my trade since, my reputation being ruined and all my money tied up in an almost derelict shack of a house which I can’t sell, but we live in.
My old boss, the person I was complaining about for about 6 years before the explosion was gifted his full license by the PGDB after one oral exam, basically a chat. This saw him rise from a guy working under an exemption license to a full certifying craftsman license. This enabled him to sign off any gas work. He had served no apprenticeship whatsoever and was only a gas salesman, not even a plumber, which ran a gas company, i.e. Allgas. He was willing (and this is also known to the PGDB) to sign off anyone, even the untrained and unqualified.
The PGDB then appointed as investigator to investigate the explosion and both my old boss and me, the very same person who held that one oral exam and gifted the full certifying craftsman gas license to my old boss.
The investigator then audited me and when I explained that initial audit and answered all his concerns, questions and potential charges, he re-audited me a second time. I have actually got a PGDB letter that the PGDB audited three full years of my work, but the PGDB publically claim to have only done a sample of 10% of my work.
Basically the investigator kept going until he found something he thought he could pin on me.
When I answered these later set of second charges before the hearing, he amended 50% of these charges and also laid several charges for each of the sites. This is how he managed to get 44 charges out of just seven sites. The charges were stepped in severity and he tried to get the most severe charges to stick first, then worked his way down.
Well before the hearing the PGDB sent untrue letters to all the additional sites to the explosion that charges were laid. The letters told the untruth that I was issuing illegal certs in the North Island, in places I have never even visited. I am not allowed to call them lies.
The PGDB agree in their later apology, issued well after my hearing, that these letters could have given the impression that I was willing to act illegally, basically in their own words prejudicing every site additional to the explosion that I was willing to act illegally when it came to issuing gas certs.

One of the untrue letters, the one sent to the local high school, killed my business and reputation. I was abused on worksites by other tradesman, (when I could actually get work).
Interestingly the totally unrelated reason for these untrue PGDB letters were the problems found when someone in the North Island sold 560 certs. He sold them blank except for his signature….someone involved in this has his case still before the PGDB.
Sixteen of the sites of these blank certs were potentially lethal and 90% were non compliant.
The guy responsible for these certs was still granted a license for some time afterwards, until he retired…..then the PGDB granted his son a full certifying license… the same manner as my old boss, same gas group memberships and AFTER the explosion….the PGDB had learnt nothing.
I paid a lawyer to act for me and turned down name suppression; the lawyer took well in excess of $10K off me….. then told me to plead guilty.
After ceasing the use of this lawyer’s services, I met Wal Gordon of the Plumber’s Federation he has been a huge help to not just me but to the industry as a whole.
We requested an impartiality hearing before the actual hearing because there were blatant conflicts of interest. The PGDB then went on to decide that they themselves were impartial, which is impossible.
You can not decide yourself, if you yourself, are impartial. Apart from being really bad grammar the decision alone makes you a party to the proceedings, not to mention all the obvious relationships and groups they all belonged to and happily ignored.
This so called impartial investigator went on to present his “findings” at a hearing which was chaired and over seen by his very long term colleague of at least 16 years. This very well known colleague then shut down the hearing as we were cross examining the investigator about the details of the last charge and I was about to go 100% innocent. I answered 42 out of 44 trumped up charges, the only charge to stick was to be frank total bullshit, but they slated me in the local paper anyway.
Of note: Some time later, about 18 months after my hearing the PGDB ignored the complaints of an elderly couple for the very same issue but in a much worse situation. They actually complained about fumes entering their home (my customer was happy with my installation and had never smelt fumes). The PGDB told them to close the window when they use their califont.
Also my hearing showed a certificate manipulation perhaps a fraud on the West Coast unconnected to Allgas and Nelson, this still goes unaddressed.
No one has been held responsible for the explosion, nor any of the sites of the other charges, nor the potential fraud on the West Coast, all of which I was found innocent of and nothing has been rectified.
So, apart from the explosion, you got to ask how dangerous was it all? Apparently it was dangerous enough to ruin me over, but not so dangerous as to allow them to ignore it if the PGDB couldn’t pin it on me.
The hearing was a sham with the investigator not divulging over 100 photos, withholding them for two years that proved what I had said from day one, that the pipe was lowered and altered from my original installation.

These withheld photos only came to light after cross examining the police forensic expert at the hearing. He had taken the photos the day after the explosion and made them available to the investigator, but the investigator only requested a small number of the photos to support his investigators’ report.
In these withheld photos you could see the original screw holes in the wall and the pipe was running down hill. Add these withheld photos to the Allgas receipt for the other gas hose sold weeks after I left Allgas. This is the hose that caused the explosion; the hose was replaced as it had split before, due to this lowering of the pipework. This is all known to the PGDB, MP’s and the Ombudsman.
The investigator and the chair of my hearing and my old boss were all part of GANZ, (and NZIGE and other gas groups).
Remember that GANZ was the gas group that openly lobbied for deregulation and the self cert system, a system shown by the explosion to have failed. Actually the investigator wrote papers about deregulation lobbying for it, now add that to the investigator’s issuing of a full certifying license to my old boss, he was not impartial.
As part of my “rehabilitation” after the hearing I was ordered by the PGDB to do a course of instruction to uplift my license, the course didn’t exist so I was assessed. I was told by the assessor that I would be in the top 10% of gasfitters the assessor had assessed, I had not been taught anything, just assessed.

The question is……
How would the PGDB look if someone not time served and unqualified, who the PGDB had flippantly granted a full certifying gas license to and gifted credentials to empowering them to sign off gas work, who then went on to issue a gas cert for the last work at the site of an explosion caused by a gas leak, with the top original copy (which was accepted by the PGDB) was lacking any recording of a test for gas leaks?
I think the PGDB would look pretty bad (and apparently so do the PGDB)….the cover-up shows their attitude to the trade and the public’s safety….they are bound to continue this cover-up.
We now are left with the present gas “safety” cert system that has devolved even more to all new gas work being classed as low risk in a housing shortage of 60,000 homes. As all this new gas work is deemed low risk it is not required to be registered with neither the ESS nor any other government agencies, it has no hand written signed copies back up with a carbon copy honesty mechanism.
Also the PGDB I am told are still handing out gasfitting licenses to those that are deemed “acceptable” to the PGDB, but are withholding licenses to people much more deserving.
The Ombudsman being the office for Fairness for “All”, up to and including the Chief Ombudsman is happy with all of this and the Ombudsman’s “quick” response team took many years to tell me of this happiness.
There is so much more to this but believe it or not I am trying to keep it brief. I lost everything and my old boss who had just retired before the explosion sits back in his house by the beach.
And it is us lowly tradesmen that are not classed as professional….by these professionals.

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Re: Fellow Practitioner Issue 236 Dated 12 December 2014
« Reply #739 on: July 05, 2017, 07:05:43 PM »
I had some feed back from a newspaper about the length of my I edited it down to power points.....

I try, probably because its very personal and I don't lie, to explain every point and justify/prove it (which I can)....

This could be you......

Cowboys and Idiots……A Cover Up.

The Gas industry is working today under a gas safety certificate system during a housing shortage of 60,000 houses that is not only susceptible to cause accidents and empower cowboys but I believe it is actually prone to it.

I began working for a gas company called Allgas in February 2003 in Nelson.

I left Allgas after approx 9 months after seeing a total disregard for the safety and left because of these safety concerns.
The day after I told my old boss I was leaving, four books of gas safety certificates (certs) were ordered in my name, with out my knowledge. I later found out after the explosion a letter was written acting in my name without my knowledge to alter a cert months after I had left.

I started work for another gas supplier and instantly became aware of dodgy certs in my name, covering dangerous, altered work.

I began complaining to the PGDB from this time in late 2003. Nothing was done. The explosion happened in 2009.
My old boss was installing gas in homes and businesses in Nelson for well over 10 years, probably nearer 20 years.
People thought they were dealing with a fully qualified craftsman gas fitter and a member of NZIGE….. but he had never sat an apprenticeship.

The chip shop exploded on 9th April 2009, at 09:40 approx in the morning, either side of this time the chipshop and adjoining dairy would have been surrounded by kids on the way to school or full of people buying smoko.

As the blast victim lay in a coma in intensive care the PGDB told the blast victim’s lawyer that the cert for the last work done at the site of the explosion was never received by the PGDB.

Interestingly this “non registered” cert appears on the PGDB website and is mentioned by unique cert number in the Dept. of Labour complaint. All available carbon copies lack recording of a pressure test for gas leaks.

I had spent the previous 6 years warning specifically about my old boss and his dodgy dealings with certs but PGDB targeted me.

My old boss did face a charge for the explosion, but it conveniently disappeared before his hearing.

My family were terrorised, financially forced to sell our home, lost our business and reputation. My wife had to live in a caravan collecting drinking water and emptying a chemical toilet at the local i-site while I worked away in the North Island.

The worst thing that happened was the sending of case notes on probabilities in a law court, sent in an unmarked wrapper of its vile content. The three cases chosen and were all sexually deviant but the worst were the child sexual abuse case notes.

My old boss, the person I had complained about for about 6 years before the explosion was gifted his full license by the PGDB after one oral exam, basically a chat.

The PGDB then appointed as investigator to investigate the explosion the very same person who held that one oral exam.
The investigator then audited me….. twice. I have a PGDB letter that the PGDB audited three full years of my work, the PGDB publically claim a sample of 10%.

The investigator kept going until he found something he thought he could pin on me and then he amended 50% of these charges weeks before the hearing.

The PGDB sent untrue letters prejudicing every site additional to the explosion that I was willing to act illegally when it came to issuing gas certs; the letter sent to the local high school killed my business and reputation. I was abused on worksites by other tradesman.

The actual reason for these untrue PGDB letters was unrelated because someone in the North Island sold 560 certs blank but for his signature….someone involved in this has his case still before the PGDB.

Sixteen of the sites of these blank certs were potentially lethal and 90% were non compliant.

I paid a lawyer to act for me in excess of $10K, he told me to plead guilty to the 44 charges.

I stopped using this lawyer and met Wal Gordon from the Plumber’s Federation.

The hearing was chaired by the investigators long term colleague, he shut down the hearing as we were cross examining the investigator, preventing me going 100% innocent.

Also my hearing showed an unconnected certificate manipulation/potential fraud on the West Coast, this still goes unaddressed.

No one has been held responsible for the explosion, any of the sites of the other charges or the potential fraud on the West Coast.

The hearing was a sham with the investigator withholding over 100 photos.

In these withheld photos you could see the original screw holes in the wall and the pipe was running down hill, just as I had maintained for 2 years. Also an extra gas hose was sold, after I left Allgas. This is the hose that caused the explosion.

I faced 44 charges, disproved 42, but the PGDB continued to slate me in the local newspaper.

Think on this…..

How would the PGDB look if they flippantly granted a full certifying gas license and gifted credentials to an unqualified person, empowering him to sign off gas work? Who then went on to issue a gas cert for the last work at the site of an explosion caused by a gas leak that was lacking any recording of a test for gas leaks? But it was accepted incomplete by the PGDB after they ignored my warnings?

We now are left with a far worse system with all new gas work being classed as low risk in a housing shortage of 60,000 homes.

The Ombudsman’s Office of Fairness for All isn’t concerned…..his quick response team taking many years to tell me of his happiness.

I lost everything and my old boss retired in his house by the beach.

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Re: Fellow Practitioner Issue 236 Dated 12 December 2014
« Reply #740 on: July 05, 2017, 07:59:28 PM »
When will they promote a safe awareness campaign, the explosions do more to stop gas sales than honesty....I found this article on newshub......

My case could have been used as a warning ..... IF YOU f****ING SMELL GAS, TURN THE f****ING GAS OFF AND CALL A SPECIALIST.......the fire brigade are busy enough and most will be small problems that can be fixed......this by the way was once the duty of the gas companies to trace and repair gas leaks......

the gas companies need to tell everyone if you smell gas.....she will not be f****ing right, she could well possibly level your house and lay you in a burns unit.....for f****s sake....

Read the press release below.....turn off the gas after every time you use your gas? really ....... what if the cooker (which have been allowed to be sold with no flame failure device) is on, you turn off the gas and extinguish the flame, then reinstate the gas flow.....with no flame......just raw gas........muppets

And apparently you can check with soupy water for you use oxtail or chicken and f****in leek with bastard croutons..........these wankers need to up their game, you can't blame the reporters.....where are they getting their info from?????

See below.....

A gas leak was to blame for a fire that caused a loud explosion and engulfed a house in flames in the Auckland on Tuesday.

An LPG gas leak occurred around an oven at the destroyed property in New Windsor, and the gas ignited when a light switch was turned on.

Fire and Emergency New Zealand officer Jason Goffin said the explosion that neighbours heard at about 6:00am would have been caused by the gas igniting.

Several houses in the area were evacuated as a precaution. A woman was taken to Middlemore Hospital in a serious condition and a man was taken to Auckland Hospital with moderate injuries.

Fire and Emergency New Zealand's advice on gas bottles safety:
Regularly check and maintain any gas fittings and connections
Make sure the cylinder is turned off when you're finished using it
Have all gas appliances serviced according to the manufacturers instructions
Check you connections for leaks by pouring soupy solution over the valve, if any bubbles are created you may have a gas leak
If you smell gas, get out of the house and call 111


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Re: Fellow Practitioner Issue 236 Dated 12 December 2014
« Reply #741 on: July 05, 2017, 08:02:17 PM »
Soupy solution......looking for leeks are they welsh beauties of leeks with a onion would be hysterical if it wasn't so f****ing sad for the level of ignorance......

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Re: Fellow Practitioner Issue 236 Dated 12 December 2014
« Reply #742 on: July 05, 2017, 08:06:37 PM »
IF you have bubbles, you may have a leek......what in the soupy water?.....perhaps its simmering......

No....if you have bubbles, which are bubbling up through the soapy most definitely got a leak.....

Did they get this advice off master chef.......

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Re: Fellow Practitioner Issue 236 Dated 12 December 2014
« Reply #743 on: July 05, 2017, 08:18:22 PM »
Does any one here think its a good idea to turn off the gas on an LPG twin pack system after you have finished with it.......

So you have a shower and run outside and turn off the cylinder, then pop out there and turn it back on to fry your breakfast? A tested safe system is best left live, until you smell or suspect otherwise.....then you turn it off and phone a gasfitter to test know a real gasfitter who hasn't been gifted his license after a chat....

When will we all communicate and talk to each other, the fire dept, the gas companies, the public, the Board......unless they already are and haven't a clue.....

Everyone needs to share the knowledge and replace the ambulance (hearse really) at the bottom of the cliff....with an open book at the top of the cliff that everyone can read and understand.....

It ain't rocket science....well it is if we keep on the way were going because people are going in to orbit, via explosions.....


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Re: Fellow Practitioner Issue 236 Dated 12 December 2014
« Reply #744 on: July 05, 2017, 08:50:26 PM »
We have a housing shortage of 60,000 homes.......all new work is low this explosion all new work?

I do wonder if all the work here in this recent explosion was all new work......can we check the register, no we can't if its all new......

If this is all new work, we should ask the poor lady in a burns unit if she thinks it is "low risk".........

I wonder if they will make more of the warnings about ignoring the smell of gas or totally ignore this chance to educate people and look for a scapegoat.....just as they did to me......

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Re: Fellow Practitioner Issue 236 Dated 12 December 2014
« Reply #745 on: August 01, 2017, 04:06:55 PM »
So the Ombudsman is happy with how I was treated see below..............I have met others now who have similar stories, it is so wrong

Have a read of this guys story.....then compare to mine....

Cowboys and Idiots……A Cover Up.

I understand that the plumbing and gasfitting industry is considered by most as neither glamorous nor all that interesting and it isn’t ranked as “professional” by the so called professionals like lawyers, psychologists and engineers. These professionals by the way are usually the people who govern our trade and who from my experience show a total disregard and utter disrespect towards us.
Like most essential everyday things that are integral to our lives plumbing, gas and drainlaying is hidden, nondescript and plain. It happens behind walls, under houses and in the ground.
The Gas industry is working today under a gas certificate system during a housing shortage of 60,000 houses that is not only susceptible to cause accidents and empower cowboys but I believe it is actually prone to it.
At one time we had independent of the trade, an inspected gas safety system; with inspectors that were financed by the gas supply companies. It was in the company’s interest to get it right because the liability lay with those selling the gas, reinvesting their profits in the common good and safety of the public.
In the early 90’s the rampant ideology and dogma of deregulation came along, putting profit before safety. Doing away with inspectors and putting those making a profit from installing gas in control of quality and safety, whilst weighing this up against their profit margin.
Most are honest and are observing the proper procedures and standards, but apparently there are those that do not. I am told some of the worst that aren’t observing are the ones with “connections”, acting with impunity because they can and have in the past and will until they stop getting away with it.
Within the gasfitting industry this deregulation introduced a self certificate system, with certificates sold by batches identified by a unique cert number sold only to a specific licence holder.
These unique certs had a triple carbon copy of the original handwritten top copy; this top copy was then held by the PGDB. With the subsequent carbon copy then held by the gas supplier, the gasfitter and the customer.
These four independent document depositories was an effective honesty mechanism with a handwritten checkable way of filling the cert in, with a real signature done by hand. This has all gone now.
The onus was moved to the fitter, you might say “as it should”. But now we had the problem of those making a financial gain from the installation of gas, inspecting their own work, with random audits by the PGDB. But even these audits and this more robust self cert system has since proved to be untenable and has ceased.
This system made the installer liable for the install, freeing the gas company’s to sell a volatile flammable gas with a very much reduced liability.
GANZ represents the suppliers of gas. GANZ via the so called “impartial” inspector for my case lobbied for this deregulation. Impartial he was not. GANZ was also the group that the chair of my hearing was a member. These two people represented GANZ for many years as a double act at seminars and trade shows.
I give you this background to give you an idea of the conflicts of interest involved in my case.
The cover up started with an explosion, which resulted in two families lives being wrecked (mine and the owner of the exploding chipshop) with this poor blast victim laying in a drug induced coma for weeks in a burns unit. The cover up started while he lay in this coma, covered up by the PGDB.
I began working for a gas company called Allgas in February 2003, situated in Nelson.
Nelson being the long term electorate of Nick Smith, the now Building and Housing Minister, with the PGDB under his portfolio. He had other portfolios at the start of this fiasco and moved into this position after the explosion.
I left this employment at Allgas after only approx 9 months after seeing a total disregard for the safety of their customers and left because of these safety concerns.
The day after I told my old boss to shove his job where the sun doesn’t shine, four books of gas safety certificates (certs) were ordered in my name with out my knowledge. I found out after the explosion that also a letter was written, again acting in my name without my knowledge to alter a cert months after I had left.
Literally as soon as I left Allgas I started work for another gas supplier and instantly became aware of dodgy certs in my name, covering dangerous altered work.
I began complaining to the PGDB from this time on in late 2003. I also made my concerns known to industry groups (I was the Nelson Master Plumber President and brought it up at meetings) and MPs (Nick Smith included).
Nothing other than flannel was done. The explosion happened in 2009.
At one point in 2006 Nick Smith wrote a letter on my behalf airing my concerns to the PGDB, he even backed me calling for a public inquiry in his other letters after the explosion, even right up to my hearing in May 2011.
But the month following my hearing (after placing his “very good friend” on the PGDB), Nick totally changed his tact to a “nothing to see here” attitude, even when he now had the portfolio under which all this fiasco comes. Nicks “very good friend” did not see out his tenure as PGDB Chairman and resigned for personal reasons later on, resigning after my hearing and after he slated me in my local Newspaper.
My old boss was installing gas in homes and businesses in Nelson for well over 10 years very probably nearer 20 years, he was totally clueless and I think an MP owes it to his electorate to look into this to ensure those that vote him in are kept safe.
The people of Nelson thought they were dealing with a fully qualified craftsman gas fitter who was a member of the gas engineers group NZIGE, when in reality he had never sat an apprenticeship and was totally inept. He resigned from NZIGE in May 2009 just weeks after the April explosion.
My old boss’s attitude to safety can be summed up in the comment that added to my leaving Allgas. He told me to “just use a poker face and make out you know what you’re was doing”.
He said this when I asked for an appliance specification data sheet. I asked for this specification as I saw him installing central heating in a house where the radiator water comes out of the hot water system, and as far as I am aware it still does.

The chip shop exploded on 9th April 2009, at 09:40 approx in the morning, either side of this time the chipshop and adjoining dairy would have been surrounded by kids on the way to school or full of people buying smoko. It had a butcher’s shop full length plate glass windows as a shop front. The blast shot this glass out like a shotgun. The thought of what could have happened still gives me nightmares.
As the blast victim lay in a coma in intensive care, the telling of ridiculous untruths began and a scapegoat was sort after.
The PGDB told the blast victim’s lawyer that the original top copy of the certificate for the last work done at the site of the explosion (totally in the name of my old boss and issued years after I left Allgas) could not be produced as this cert was never received by the PGDB.
This claim of non registration is very hard to believe as this “un-registered” cert appears on the PGDB website and the PGDB even have a date of entry for this cert from their fox-pro data system, this system cost 600k and is now defunct.
This cert is also mentioned by number in the Dept. of Labour complaint with all available carbon copies showing the lack of recording of a pressure test for leaks, the test for leaks field is empty on all carbon copies, the original top copy can’t be found.
My old boss is the person totally responsible for this cert for the last gas work at the site of the explosion. Even by the PGDB’s own reckoning he fails to register this incomplete cert with the PGDB, but issues the carbon copies to their respective places.
This non registration, if it were true, is enough to lay charges and pursue my old boss. And as I had spent the previous 6 years warning specifically about my old boss and his dodgy dealings with certs the PGDB should not have targeted me.
The same guy (my old boss) who is responsible for the “non registered” and incomplete cert nearly burnt down a house just over a year before the explosion and anonymously appears in the government accident book. Here are the comments.

Date: 27/12/2007
Location: Nelson
Equipment: Water heater
Accident type: Fire
Losses: A house was rendered uninhabitable due to fire and smoke damage. A water heater was destroyed.
Summary of events: Pipework in a gas installation had been pressure tested but appliances had not been commissioned. The owner received permission from the installer to turn on the gas and use it (the installer was to commission the next day). Due to a leaking fitting, fire ignited in an external instantaneous water heater mounted in a recess box. Heat from the gas fire ignited the soffit above and the fire spread into the ceiling space.
Suspected causes and significant factors: The appliance had not been commissioned and gas leaked from a loose fitting. Gas built up in the recess box and was ignited, probably from use of the water heater.

My old boss actually did face a charge for the explosion, but it conveniently disappeared before his hearing. I believe this doubling up of charges was done because if the PGDB ensured we both faced a charge for the same explosion, we would had to have separate hearings (they actually made this statement)…..this prevented us from cross examining my old boss at a common hearing.
I was chosen for the role of scapegoat in a witch-hunt that saw my young family terrorised and we were financially forced to sell our recently renovated home, loosing our business and reputation. This forced my wife to live in a caravan for a whole winter collecting drinking water and emptying a chemical toilet at the local i-site, while I worked away in the North Island for that winter, the first of many. Before the explosion we had very little debt, only what we owed at the plumbers merchants. We were mortgage free and owned all our vehicles and tools.
One of the worst things that happened to us was the sending of case notes on probabilities in a law court, sent in an unmarked wrapper of its vile content. The three cases chosen and were all sexually deviant but the worst were the child sexual abuse case notes. I came home to find my wife hysterical, she had read them and not long after this she had to live in the caravan while I worked away.
I have either worked away within my trade or worked locally out of my trade since, my reputation being ruined and all my money tied up in an almost derelict shack of a house which I can’t sell, but we live in.
My old boss, the person I was complaining about for about 6 years before the explosion was gifted his full license by the PGDB after one oral exam, basically a chat. This saw him rise from a guy working under an exemption license to a full certifying craftsman license. This enabled him to sign off any gas work. He had served no apprenticeship whatsoever and was only a gas salesman, not even a plumber, which ran a gas company, i.e. Allgas. He was willing (and this is also known to the PGDB) to sign off anyone, even the untrained and unqualified.
The PGDB then appointed as investigator to investigate the explosion and both my old boss and me, the very same person who held that one oral exam and gifted the full certifying craftsman gas license to my old boss.
The investigator then audited me and when I explained that initial audit and answered all his concerns, questions and potential charges, he re-audited me a second time. I have actually got a PGDB letter that the PGDB audited three full years of my work, but the PGDB publically claim to have only done a sample of 10% of my work.
Basically the investigator kept going until he found something he thought he could pin on me.
When I answered these later set of second charges before the hearing, he amended 50% of these charges and also laid several charges for each of the sites. This is how he managed to get 44 charges out of just seven sites. The charges were stepped in severity and he tried to get the most severe charges to stick first, then worked his way down.
Well before the hearing the PGDB sent untrue letters to all the additional sites to the explosion that charges were laid. The letters told the untruth that I was issuing illegal certs in the North Island, in places I have never even visited. I am not allowed to call them lies.
The PGDB agree in their later apology, issued well after my hearing, that these letters could have given the impression that I was willing to act illegally, basically in their own words prejudicing every site additional to the explosion that I was willing to act illegally when it came to issuing gas certs.

One of the untrue letters, the one sent to the local high school, killed my business and reputation. I was abused on worksites by other tradesman, (when I could actually get work).
Interestingly the totally unrelated reason for these untrue PGDB letters were the problems found when someone in the North Island sold 560 certs. He sold them blank except for his signature….someone involved in this has his case still before the PGDB.
Sixteen of the sites of these blank certs were potentially lethal and 90% were non compliant.
The guy responsible for these certs was still granted a license for some time afterwards, until he retired…..then the PGDB granted his son a full certifying license… the same manner as my old boss, same gas group memberships and AFTER the explosion….the PGDB had learnt nothing.
I paid a lawyer to act for me and turned down name suppression; the lawyer took well in excess of $10K off me….. then told me to plead guilty.
After ceasing the use of this lawyer’s services, I met Wal Gordon of the Plumber’s Federation he has been a huge help to not just me but to the industry as a whole.
We requested an impartiality hearing before the actual hearing because there were blatant conflicts of interest. The PGDB then went on to decide that they themselves were impartial, which is impossible.
You can not decide yourself, if you yourself, are impartial. Apart from being really bad grammar the decision alone makes you a party to the proceedings, not to mention all the obvious relationships and groups they all belonged to and happily ignored.
This so called impartial investigator went on to present his “findings” at a hearing which was chaired and over seen by his very long term colleague of at least 16 years. This very well known colleague then shut down the hearing as we were cross examining the investigator about the details of the last charge and I was about to go 100% innocent. I answered 42 out of 44 trumped up charges, the only charge to stick was to be frank total bullshit, but they slated me in the local paper anyway.
Of note: Some time later, about 18 months after my hearing the PGDB ignored the complaints of an elderly couple for the very same issue but in a much worse situation. They actually complained about fumes entering their home (my customer was happy with my installation and had never smelt fumes). The PGDB told them to close the window when they use their califont.
Also my hearing showed a certificate manipulation perhaps a fraud on the West Coast unconnected to Allgas and Nelson, this still goes unaddressed.
No one has been held responsible for the explosion, nor any of the sites of the other charges, nor the potential fraud on the West Coast, all of which I was found innocent of and nothing has been rectified.
So, apart from the explosion, you got to ask how dangerous was it all? Apparently it was dangerous enough to ruin me over, but not so dangerous as to allow them to ignore it if the PGDB couldn’t pin it on me.
The hearing was a sham with the investigator not divulging over 100 photos, withholding them for two years that proved what I had said from day one, that the pipe was lowered and altered from my original installation.

These withheld photos only came to light after cross examining the police forensic expert at the hearing. He had taken the photos the day after the explosion and made them available to the investigator, but the investigator only requested a small number of the photos to support his investigators’ report.
In these withheld photos you could see the original screw holes in the wall and the pipe was running down hill. Add these withheld photos to the Allgas receipt for the other gas hose sold weeks after I left Allgas. This is the hose that caused the explosion; the hose was replaced as it had split before, due to this lowering of the pipework. This is all known to the PGDB, MP’s and the Ombudsman.
The investigator and the chair of my hearing and my old boss were all part of GANZ, (and NZIGE and other gas groups).
Remember that GANZ was the gas group that openly lobbied for deregulation and the self cert system, a system shown by the explosion to have failed. Actually the investigator wrote papers about deregulation lobbying for it, now add that to the investigator’s issuing of a full certifying license to my old boss, he was not impartial.
As part of my “rehabilitation” after the hearing I was ordered by the PGDB to do a course of instruction to uplift my license, the course didn’t exist so I was assessed. I was told by the assessor that I would be in the top 10% of gasfitters the assessor had assessed, I had not been taught anything, just assessed.

The question is……
How would the PGDB look if someone not time served and unqualified, who the PGDB had flippantly granted a full certifying gas license to and gifted credentials to empowering them to sign off gas work, who then went on to issue a gas cert for the last work at the site of an explosion caused by a gas leak, with the top original copy (which was accepted by the PGDB) was lacking any recording of a test for gas leaks?
I think the PGDB would look pretty bad (and apparently so do the PGDB)….the cover-up shows their attitude to the trade and the public’s safety….they are bound to continue this cover-up.
We now are left with the present gas “safety” cert system that has devolved even more to all new gas work being classed as low risk in a housing shortage of 60,000 homes. As all this new gas work is deemed low risk it is not required to be registered with neither the ESS nor any other government agencies, it has no hand written signed copies back up with a carbon copy honesty mechanism.
Also the PGDB I am told are still handing out gasfitting licenses to those that are deemed “acceptable” to the PGDB, but are withholding licenses to people much more deserving.
The Ombudsman being the office for Fairness for “All”, up to and including the Chief Ombudsman is happy with all of this and the Ombudsman’s “quick” response team took many years to tell me of this happiness.
There is so much more to this but believe it or not I am trying to keep it brief. I lost everything and my old boss who had just retired before the explosion sits back in his house by the beach.
And it is us lowly tradesmen that are not classed as professional….by these professionals.

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Re: Fellow Practitioner Issue 236 Dated 12 December 2014
« Reply #746 on: August 03, 2017, 08:19:30 AM »

6 years ago to the day....

I lost everything, had nearly 250k spent on me....look at the costs spent on Darnley and this is a % of costs, think it was 30%....less than 30k that's a 220k difference of resources and funds spent going after me than Darnley....who most if not all the evidence points to........Darnley who faced a charge but it disappeared before his hearing......

Nick Smith changed his mind about supporting me after his good friend Bickers was voted on to the PGDB......Bickers stood down before seeing out his tenure. Nick Told me Bickers was his mate after summonsing me to his caravan to tell me to back off.....amazing what you can record on smart phones eh....

Interestingly Bickers turned up at a power-station where I had finally found local work close to my family....I met him there, he had joined the Board of the Power Company and was visiting sites.....My position was disestablished some time after and I was made redundant.....had to fly in and out of Wellington for months to support my family (couldn't sell the house and move, still can't, because it is a shack....I WAS mortgage free before all this bullshit).......I had to leave that Wellington job because they wanted me to supervise the workers under me, even though I had expressly told them at the start I was only to do quotes.....

People keep telling me to get on with my to if I had it back....

I now work as a trainee in a new industry, after over 25 years in the gas industry....I am an apprentice......

Embattled gasfitter's ex-boss found guilty

Tracy Neal·01:00, Aug 03 2011



Whats App


The former boss of embattled Takaka plumber and gasfitter Paul Gee has been found guilty of faulty work practices on a number of properties in the Nelson region, which placed public safety at "significant risk".

Mr Gee said yesterday he was "fuming" but not surprised that his former boss John Darnley was found to have broken industry laws, but it proves he was right in trying to warn the industry of wrongdoing. He was not sure if it bodes well for his appeal against two industry charges of which he too was found guilty.

The Plumbers, Gasfitters and Drainlayers Board said in a decision issued yesterday that it had found that Mr Darnley breached the Plumbers, Gasfitters and Drainlayers Act (1976) when he carried out gasfitting work on four properties in the Nelson area between 2003 and 2005.

He was found to have caused a "significant health and safety risk to the public" in relation to work carried out on the four properties and has been fined $1800 and ordered to pay $8780 in costs.

Mr Darnley, who now lives in Waikanae, said he was appealing the decision which he described as "completely ridiculous".

The board said Mr Darnley's conduct demonstrated a serious level of incompetence because he carried out non-compliant gasfitting at four properties which raised significant safety issues. It was a "matter of luck" that it had not resulted in any serious harm to the public.


The board found Mr Darnley failed to appreciate the standard required by those in the gasfitting trade and had not accepted the serious safety risk. It said in its decision that a "strong message" needed to be sent to Mr Darnley, to the industry and to the public that such conduct cannot be tolerated from certifying gasfitters.

Mr Darnley has also been ordered to undertake additional training prior to uplifting his next licence to carry out gasfitting work.

Mr Darnley was general manager of the former Allgas Products in Nelson until 2004. Mr Gee began work at Allgas in February 2003. He resigned in November that year, citing a deteriorating employer-employee relationship.

The company did gas installation work at the Milton Street Fish and Chip Cafe which was destroyed in an explosion in 2009 which seriously injured former owner Ron Clark.

The charges against Mr Gee, which related to a number of properties around the Nelson region, stemmed from an investigation into the Milton St explosion, but the board recently found that his work at this site was not contrary to regulations.

Last month the Plumbers, Gasfitters and Drainlayers Board cleared Mr Gee on 42 of the 44 particulars in the two charges brought against him for his work at seven properties in Nelson, Marlborough and Westport between May 2003 and June 2006. He plans to appeal the two particulars he was found guilty of. The board found him guilty of "professional shortcomings and unacceptable conduct" relating to work on a house in Malvern Ave, Atawhai.

Mr Gee said it "speaks volumes" that he was found 95 per cent not guilty and Mr Darnley was "found 100 per cent guilty", but he was still angry. The consequences for him had been serious in that he had lost his business in Golden Bay and had been forced to move to the North Island to find work and leave behind his family.

"The decision just backs up everything I did to warn [the industry] about what was going on. The decision is not a surprise to me but the whole thing really saddens me. Ron's life had been affected and so has my life and my kids' lives."

Mr Gee has received widespread support from colleagues and Nelson MP Nick Smith, who believed he had been made a scapegoat by the board for its own inadequacies.

The board has faced an overhaul in recent years, with many of the government-appointed members replaced by Building and Housing Minister Maurice Williamson after numerous reports finding serious administration flaws.

Dr Smith said yesterday the board's decision against Mr Darnley reinforced Mr Gee's earlier alerts.

Dr Smith was confident in the election of Tauranga engineer Alan Bickers as the board's new chairman. "It's a good move. He's a capable leader but it's a big job cleaning up the mess and restoring the public and Government's confidence," he said.

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Re: Fellow Practitioner Issue 236 Dated 12 December 2014
« Reply #747 on: August 06, 2017, 04:25:50 PM »


From: Paul & Emma Gee []
Sent: Saturday, 5 August 2017 9:26 p.m.
To: 'Paul & Emma Gee'; ''; 'Registrar'
Cc: 'Wal Gordon'; ''; ''; 'Tracy Neal'; ''; ''; ''; 'Nick 4 Nelson'; 'Paul Stichbury'; 'Info'; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; 'Colleen Upton'; ''; ''; ''; 'Infoline'; ''; ''; 'Laura Basham'; ''; ''; 'Tracy Neal'; 'Rt. Hon. Winston Peters'
Subject: RE: Justice


To all copied in, supplementary to my other emails below.



I am amazed, deeply disappointed and very saddened at the extent of the rot that appears to be rampant in our society.


We are governed by those that act like they are running a private gentleman’s club, but sadly this club appears to lack any gentlemen (or women). Some of these people entrusted with power appear to be filling their pockets to the detriment of the NZ public’s personal interests and finances and even personal safety.


The media should be outraged and putting this on every channel, front page, dedicating prime air time to it both on radio and TV.


But we appear to be more concerned with who wins The Americas Cup, the latest rugby game, The Block or what body part a celebrity has had cut off or sown on.


Compare the recent benefit fraud of an MP to the story told in this link, compare to my story where a guy nearly died in an explosion and the now auditor general fiasco….both attached.


The massive but ignored issue is….. when people think they can act with impunity their behaviour and morals deteriorate, this happens exponentially with each time they get away with it. This needs stemming before the top becomes so rotten there is no going back…..that’s if we aren’t already there.



They can not do any of this in an open and transparent forum.




It is the media’s job to keep those that Govern honest.



Yours With Integrity Paul Gee




From: Paul & Emma Gee []
Sent: Friday, 4 August 2017 9:05 a.m.
To: ''; 'Registrar'
Cc: 'Wal Gordon'; ''; ''; 'Tracy Neal'; ''; ''; ''; 'Nick 4 Nelson'; 'Paul Stichbury'; 'Paul Warhurst'; 'Info'; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; 'Colleen Upton'; ''; ''; ''; 'Infoline'; ''; ''; 'Laura Basham'; ''; ''; 'Tracy Neal'; 'Rt. Hon. Winston Peters'
Subject: FW: Justice


Hi Martin,


Please see below an email recently sent to Jacinda Ahern. I find it truly amazing how many people I am meeting with stories of nepotism and corruption, basically good people who have crossed paths with just plain wrong people who are very dodgy…..the reason am passing this on to you is that these insipid methods of ruling never last… reaches a point where people stop believing in your system.


The PGDB only exist as a “legal fiction”, the same as a limited liability company.


It is an entity, a person for all legal requirements….. but it does not truly exist in reality, i.e. its not a physical being… has a building, staff and computers and even a Board populated by real people, but as the PGDB is a legal fiction it only truly exists in peoples minds…..when these people turn their backs to the PGDB……the PGDB basically will cease to exist.


For people to believe in you….. you need transparency, fairness, adherence to relevant rules actioned with integrity and honesty which is then administered with competence…. with the safety and best interests of the people who believe in this entity of the PGDB first and foremost in your actions…….the PGDB have failed miserably in all aspects of these requirements in recent years, and covered up since.


Take a look around you mate….look at the types of people who you are protecting, then compare them to those who are trying to guide you in the right direction…..have I or Wal or the Federation misled you or lied to you or been shown to be incompetent?


I say again…..look at my case……..I came forward on the day of the near fatal explosion (after warning for 6 years about dodgy certs covering altered dangerous work)….I told the truth and showed the investigator for what he was, a conflicted dodgy bastard covering up for another dangerous dodgy bastard who nearly killed someone…….Pick a side.


Look at who the more recent and proper investigations are turning up as being dodgy…..I am told it is the ones who think they are connected and they are astounded that they are being fingered, I wonder why?


Historically they thumbed their noses to the rules and acted with impunity….all the historical actions of the PGDB have given these dodgy bastards the impression that they can do as they like…this needs to change.


You have the power to change this; you more than anyone…..well except the disengaged Nick Smith, copied in. This explosion happened in Nelson, Nicks own constituency….the person who most if not all the evidence points to for this near fatal explosion worked in Nelson for many many years…..the people of Nelson thought they were dealing with a member of NZIGE, empowered by a PGDB full certifying license (which was gifted after one chat with the later appointed investigator and no apprenticeship sat)…..this enabled him to install and sign off gas fitting work in Nicks constituency…..this work did not retire with this dodgy bastard, most of it is still there ticking away. See attached for a very brief history.


I still think you took this job with good intentions and deep down you want the right thing for the industry…..but while you help these dodgy bastards to hide this bullshit, then well to be frank mate, you are no better than them.


Please Martin do the right thing and leave your mark on this industry…….but make it a good mark, not a skid mark.


Yours with Integrity Paul Gee



From: Paul & Emma Gee []
Sent: Thursday, 3 August 2017 6:56 p.m.
To: 'Paul & Emma Gee'; ''
Cc: 'Paul Stichbury'; 'Wal Gordon'; ''; ''
Subject: RE: Justice


Hi Jacinda,


I see tonight on the news that the Auditor General has resigned, resigned over missing money….. but it is being hushed up now he has resigned…..apparently it ends there, how dodgy are these people? How rotten does Denmark have to get? It needs a full public inquiry.


The carpets and rugs at the Beehive must resemble the Southern Alps with the amount of political detritus and cover ups swept under them.


We also have an MP who swindled the benefit….money again! But its ok she will pay it back….out of her ample MP wages, while others have gone to prison for less.


But in our two stories below and attached..…. mine and Mr Stichburys….. a whole city was/is being misled and a person nearly died in a preventable gas explosion……it appears misappropriated money or funds going missing comes before safety, fairness, honesty and peoples wellbeing in their homes….money before lives is so very wrong.


Both my family and that of Mr Stichbury have been steamrollered and adversely affected, both terrorised with what appear to be exact sick sexually deviant case notes, not to mention the poor guy left in a coma in a burns unit.


Please can you tell me if you are going to address our cases?


If you are not going to take this on, please can you tell me why money seems to matter more than lives?


Yours with Integrity Paul Gee



From: Paul & Emma Gee []
Sent: Tuesday, 1 August 2017 4:20 p.m.
To: ''
Cc: 'Paul Stichbury'
Subject: Justice


Hi Jacinda,


Congratulations on your recent achievement of leader of the opposition.


Since my being framed for something I wasn’t responsible for (actually spent 6 years trying to warn about it) and having my family terrorised by the PGDB….I have met other people who are fighting for justice; I have copied in Paul who is the author of the link below. You’ll notice the common thread of Nationals Dr Smith.


Please can you read his story and compare to mine, see attached. Where do we go for justice?


Best Regards Paul Gee

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Re: Fellow Practitioner Issue 236 Dated 12 December 2014
« Reply #748 on: August 06, 2017, 06:35:08 PM »
If you think we have a good should read this guys take on it too......

What sort of future do we have if things like this can happen to the innocent?

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Re: Fellow Practitioner Issue 236 Dated 12 December 2014
« Reply #749 on: August 16, 2017, 08:22:52 PM »
From the NZ Herald......

Now numbers of cowboys being detected and prosecuted are rising "because we are getting better [at detecting them]."

Or perhaps the system is failing and getting worse by the day........ perhaps....see full article below that I took the quote from.....all this in a housing shortage of 60,000 homes where ALL new gas work is deemed low risk and (as far as I know, please correct me) no work whatsoever is audited......why because the people responsible for my case go can the public respect our trade when the powers that be don't respect our trade.....

Mark my words the repercussions for us to face tomorrow are being installed today......

Unlicensed tradesmen cause problems in building boom – mistakes others have to repair.
There's a new class of tradesmen cropping up in Auckland - fix-it men.

No, not handymen who do odd jobs round the house - tradesmen who fix mistakes by the "cowboys" originally hired to do a professional job.

Jayson Thomas is manager of the investigative team for the Plumbers, Gasfitters and Drainlayers Board. A former policeman with nine years' experience with the CIB, he now heads a small staff of six investigators and technical advisers.

What do they investigate? Shoddy work performed by tradesmen who are not licensed - popularly known as cowboys - and work done by inexperienced tradesmen who are supposed to be supervised when working on a project...but often aren't. They also check up on tradesmen who were once licensed but have let it lapse.


Advertise with NZME.
It's in this context that Thomas and his investigators have noticed a new trend in Auckland - a thriving industry which has sprung out of the fact many cowboys are botching jobs luckless homeowners have paid for and then have to pay out again to fix them.

"I have spoken to people who recently have ceased to do any commercial work themselves. Instead, they just do maintenance work - but what that really means is they follow the people who are doing the original work and do fix-ups.

Jayson Thomas, manager of the investigative team for the Plumbers, Gasfitters and Drainlayers Board. Photo / Supplied.
Jayson Thomas, manager of the investigative team for the Plumbers, Gasfitters and Drainlayers Board. Photo / Supplied.
"For one of the guys I spoke to, that was his entire business - fixing other people's shoddy work - and he was absolutely flat out. It is one measure of just how many cowboys there are out there these days."

The main reason for this increase in the cowboy population is the building boom in areas like Auckland and Queenstown and other parts of the South Island.

Thomas says: "It's a buoyant construction market; some people see a chance to make easy money."

PGDB CEO Martin Sawyers says earthquake zones had been a target: "After the Christchurch earthquakes in 2010 and 2011, there were instances of people offering plumbing services when untrained and unlicensed - and we issued a warning to that end when the Kaikoura quake happened."

Now numbers of cowboys being detected and prosecuted are rising "because we are getting better [at detecting them]."

Thomas says a key tool is the Report A Cowboy (RAC) app launched last year, downloadable from the PGDB website. There are no figures available to compare from previous years but 126 complaints were laid over the app last year and 15 so far this year, with over 10,000 downloads of the app. Just under half the complaints involved allegedly unauthorised plumbers.

"Even if the information we receive through the app and other methods does not lead to a prosecution, it is an excellent intelligence-gathering tool," says Thomas. "It allows us to put a picture together involving a firm or an individual."

Thomas and his investigators can then "raid" projects where they have heard unlicensed operators may be carrying out illegal work.

Thomas doesn't like to call such surprise visits "raids" as he says they are generally low-key affairs. However, the investigators' work has enabled them to recognise a building sector under pressure, taking short cuts and sometimes exploiting workers.

"No one is making any excuses - plumbing, gasfitting and drainlaying has to be done by trained and licensed professionals for very good reasons," says Thomas. "But everyone [in the building sector] is feeling the pressure, particularly in Auckland and Queenstown, to build more and more. That creates a strong demand for contractors."

What happens next can cause problems. Thomas says some contractors hire unlicensed workers or gain an exemption to have unlicensed workers operating under the close supervision of a licensed tradesman.

In reality, the tradesman will often be away at another site because of the pressure of business - leaving behind unlicensed workers who Thomas says don't know what they are doing and who sometimes cause "absolute bedlam".

The worst case he has seen so far was in Christchurch where a drainlaying job went badly wrong. The workers had over-excavated the site, meaning the homeowners couldn't lay the tar-sealed driveway they wanted but instead had to pay out for a much more expensive reinforced concrete drive.

Even worse, the work meant the homeowners couldn't use their shower or toilet. The tradesman told the owners to use the neighbour's (instead of connecting up the drains every night when work finished) - but the neighbours were similarly unable to use their toilet.

"There was a part-timer and a first-year apprentice in charge of the job - the main guy spent most of his time at another site; this job was so bad the tradies got in to fix things said originally they didn't want to touch it."

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