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Author Topic: Fellow Practitioner Issue 236 Dated 12 December 2014  (Read 240931 times)

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Re: Fellow Practitioner Issue 236 Dated 12 December 2014
« Reply #780 on: February 09, 2018, 11:45:58 AM »
Other than getting it in to the media, I couldn't be more public.....those copied in have been told and the PGDB are aware of these posts.....

So framing an innocent person, while covering up for the guilty, for a near fatal explosion must be ok for all these people....they know you know too and apparently couldn't give a shit.....

Where is the respect for our trade?

Precedents are set by past actions.....this precedent says all this is ok......what if is you next time, or someone you know who gets shafted or injured?
You can't choose who you are.....but you are the sum of your choices.......

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Re: Fellow Practitioner Issue 236 Dated 12 December 2014
« Reply #781 on: February 15, 2018, 05:06:24 PM »

I have just und out t they used one of my warning letters to try to pin the explosion on me.....for a report solely aimed at me.....ignoring all the that fair? 

From: Paul & Emma Gee []
Sent: Thursday, 15 February 2018 8:55 a.m.
To: ''; ''; ''; 'PGDB Competency Based Licensing'; ''; ''; ''; 'Hannah Neville'; ''; 'licensing'; ''; 'Registrar'; ''
Cc: ''; 'Andrew Little'; 'Julia Minko'; ''; ''; 'Wal Gordon'; 'Allan Day'; 'Colleen Upton'; 'Chris Griggs'; 'lynnmoff'; 'Faculty of Law'; 'Paul Warhurst'
Subject: FW: OIA request for Handwriting report




Thank you for the recent handwriting report, attached…..please can you explain the ethics of the PGDB using one of my warning letters, attached (a letter warning about dodgy certs covering dangerous gas work) which was sent 5 years before an explosion nearly killed someone.


This letter was used by the PGDB as a reference document for a handwriting report (a very directed and focused report only on me only, done well before BOTH mine and Darnley’s hearing)  ….trying to pin that explosion on me. Really? Using my warning to try to implicate me for what I was warning about? Then withholding that report, not divulging it until now, after an OIA request?


Why wasn’t any of Darnley’s handwriting/doc’s reviewed….like the cert for the pizza oven (which the PGDB lost) or the actual job card that shows Darnley’s hand for the addition of the fryers that caused the explosion.



The use of this letter is nearly as bad as relying on child molestation case notes to prove probability in a plumbing context, nearly!




All the evidence is here for those who want to look in the email below and evidence attached.





While I have your ear, I am yet to hear from you about the gas caused fire in Nelson where I asked the question in an email, quoted below, on the 20th Jan 2018.


How many fires caused by a gas leak were there in Nelson on that date? This should narrow it down for you…..if there was no investigation (similar to mine) then why not? It made the Notifiable gas accidents report from Energy Safety attached, emphasis on notifiable. The reference I sent in early December was taken from this report.



I have also just recently found out from someone I trust, that Darnley….who most if not all evidence points to for the Milton Street explosion, and is probably involved in the fire above (please can you confirm)….that the reason he was visited (and as a result gifted his full certifying gas license by Hammond with no apprentice sat after one oral exam, by none other than the same Hammond appointed to investigate the explosion)……well he was making up his own certs….on an exemption license….whilst selling gas….(Hammond also lobbied for deregulation form a gas retailers point of view). Confused? Call me on it….I’ll fly up and walk you through the huge amount of evidence.


So to recap…..


Please explain the ethics on utilising my warning to try to pin the signature on me for the dodgy certs.

Confirm who caused the fire.

Was Darnley issuing his own certs

Why are you protecting this man



I have copied in a few PGDB email addresses as I want this email tabled to the PGDB board at its next meeting. I want the perpetual Board take ownership of this debacle, not sweep it under the carpet.


You talk about trust and integrity you inherit the past and leave a legacy for the future with your present.


Injustice is corrupting if it is accepted....even if it is ignored…… it eats away at integrity, opening the doors to the dismantlers of good, just like rust corrupting the integrity of an otherwise strong steel durable structure.....its no plan for the future. 


This is why we don't use this as a template for ongoing success, history tells us corruption ultimately fails and causes chaos.




Yours With Integrity


Paul Gee




From: Paul & Emma Gee []
Sent: Wednesday, 14 February 2018 2:42 p.m.
To: 'Allan Day'
Cc: 'Wal Gordon'; 'Colleen Upton'
Subject: RE: OIA request for Handwriting report


Hi Allan,


I have copied in Wal and Colleen so we can see it all in one place.


The sick minded people behind this used one of my “warning” letters so they could pin the signatures on the certificates on me….I distinctly remember that the investigator (investigator he was not) stated that it was all about the signature……ignoring all the different inks and different handwriting.


This two page letter was one that I sent to warn about my concerns over 5 years before the explosion…..mentioned in reference docs for report, i.e. a two page letter stamped 09 01 04 (stamped by the PGDB)…..the letter being dated 06 01 04, the three days difference for it to be delivered to the PGDB and is the only letter I sent around that time.


This letter submitted by the investigator as a sample of my signature to give to the handwriting expert …..if you look at the letter….my concerns were later shown to be very well founded and actually bang on.   




This report then goes on to raising doubt over my involvement, even saying the signatures were different and could have been copied by a skilled person (all be it doubtful)…..The investigator ignoring Darnley involvement totally (please see break down of my findings in my email to Wal).


Not forgetting this report was withheld and I have only just seen it.




Did I get a fair go?



All the Best











From: Allan Day []
Sent: Tuesday, 16 January 2018 10:50 a.m.
To: Paul & Emma Gee
Subject: Re: OIA request for Handwriting report


Hi Paul

Thank you for including me into your email, please keep me advised as to the response.

I have been reading Wal's report/submission and I can tell you I find it upsetting at the injustice of those involved and the wheels with in wheels as they concealed and covered the truth.

Kind regards





On 15/01/2018, at 11:21 AM, Paul & Emma Gee <> wrote:




Please by way of an OIA request can I get a copy of the report from the forensic document examination and handwriting expert who the PGDB contracted to analyse documents for the investigation into the explosion at Milton Street.


It is the report that the PGDB were billed for 12 hours of consultation, examination and the resulting report for. The invoice from the handwriting expert was dated 20 September 2010, but as it was part of the investigation it should have been retained until the hearing which is within the 7 years limit.


I would have thought a copy would have been made available to me at the time, but it has never been passed on to me and I have never seen a copy. It is within 7 years to the hearing and I can assure you my request is neither frivolous nor am I being vexatious. I do not think the well worn excuse of it’s “too hard to find” is warranted either.


A man nearly died in a preventable explosion due to circumstances I had warned about for 6 years before that explosion. My family were terrorised and my life has been in turmoil since.


Please Martin do not continue this cover up. Please clear my name and give me my life back. I have done no wrong but my family has paid a hefty price.


Thank you


Yours with Integrity

Paul Gee


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Re: Fellow Practitioner Issue 236 Dated 12 December 2014
« Reply #782 on: February 15, 2018, 05:14:32 PM »
That should read "just found out"......

Have a read of the letter I sent over 5 years before the explosion....

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Re: Fellow Practitioner Issue 236 Dated 12 December 2014
« Reply #783 on: February 18, 2018, 11:59:39 AM »
That's the mettle of these people..... to utilise my letter trying to warn about dodgy certs covering dangerous work, to pin those certs on the writer of that letter, me, via my signature.....then not divulging the handwriting report and ignoring the questions that report raised....

Bear in mind there were two people charged with the explosion....but the handwriting report is solely aimed at me....then strangely enough the charge for the explosion for Darnley just disappears....

Read the letter sent to the PGDB in Jan 04, after I rang the PGDB in Dec 03 .....explosion in April 2009.....

Same people relied on child molestation case notes to prove a point on probability.

Now they won't own up to what they did, it needs a public inquiry.



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Re: Fellow Practitioner Issue 236 Dated 12 December 2014
« Reply #784 on: February 18, 2018, 01:29:28 PM »
If we can get this looked at under a select committee or public inquiry it will ultimately protect us all (NZ public included), and set the correct precedent for the future.

The precedent set now is they can do as they please and shaft who they like....this helps no one but the dodgy bullies who like it this way.

Which way is the best way?

I believe impartial, open and transparent fairness carried out with natural justice observed is best, their actions have shown that this is not their way, and this is the way (if this is allowed to stand) YOU can expect to be treated.

You can guarantee that if it suits them, they will hang you out to dry....regardless of how connected you think you are... 


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Re: Fellow Practitioner Issue 236 Dated 12 December 2014
« Reply #785 on: March 02, 2018, 08:22:58 AM »
Here is my reply, to the PGDB's delusional embarrassing reply to the Federations report done into the fiasco of the cover up of a near fatal explosion, my hearing and inquisition (I know how to spell investigation).

I am going to try to load the report, it might not happen in one post, so may have to do in two parts...well it is 138 pages long and shows NINE people "of interest" that these people have ignored (I counted nine, you may find more).

Wal, you are a stalwart of the industry, thank you for doing this for my family and my sanity. I can now prove I did no wrong and direct anyone to how the PGDB fitted me up, protected the guilty and ignored some very serious situations when it suited their agenda.

Look who know and look who don't care....well if they do nothing, they can't care......

From: Paul & Emma Gee []
Sent: Thursday, 1 March 2018 10:30 a.m.
To: 'Paul & Emma Gee';;;; 'PGDB Competency Based Licensing';;;; 'Hannah Neville';; 'licensing';; 'Registrar';
Cc:; 'Andrew Little'; 'Julia Minko';;; 'Wal Gordon'; 'Allan Day'; 'Colleen Upton'; 'lynnmoff'; 'Faculty of Law'; 'Paul Warhurst'; 'Rt. Hon. Winston Peters';;;;; 'Bridgette Toy-Cronin'; 'Bronwyn Jones';; 'Barry Forman';;;;;;; 'Mac McIvor'; 'Faculty of Law';; 'Guardian.Motueka'; 'Info';;;; 'Jehan Casinader'; 'Legal Issues Centre'; 'Laura Basham';; 'master plumber';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
Subject: RE: OIA request for Handwriting report

Dear All,

I am in receipt of a letter sent by the PGDB to Wal Gordon, the author of the very concise and accurate report attached. The PGDB letter is in reply to that report.

I ask you all if this PGDB reply is acceptable or fair or show even a hint of observance to natural justice.

Is it ok with you…..

•   that the attached report indicates NINE possible people “of interest” that the PGDB have totally ignored whilst investigating a near fatal gas explosion? All done whilst protecting the person who most, if not all the evidence points to for being if not responsible, then at the very least involved in the circumstances leading up to that near fatal explosion?

•   that the hearing and investigation was blatantly partial and biased whilst withholding and misrepresenting evidence? Nothing was addressed it was merely covered up, whilst ignoring massive conflicts of interest. Please see the unfounded comments from PGDB in their attached letter. Please compare the contents of the report to the reply. The reply is nothing short of deluded. I would be embarrassed to put my name to such an unfounded blatantly untrue letter.

•   that a handwriting report was withheld, only seen very recently after an OIA request. This PGDB request for a $2400.00 handwriting report (which later showed doubts over my involvement)… despicably and very deviously utilised one of my many warning letters as a handwriting sample. Done to try to pin these very certificates (that I was warning about) on me via my signature, whilst ignoring a lot of unreliable information on those certificates.

•   that my appeal in the high court was effectively shut down and restricted to an incorrect measurement that has since been proven to be correct. Done whilst ignoring a massive submission of my concerns to that court. Taking this last set of 2 charges into account with the 42 answered charges (out of 44 charges laid) then I did absolutely nothing wrong….even by the reckoning of the biased PGDB kangaroo court.

•   that the PGDB relied on child molestation case notes to prove a point on probabilities in a gas/plumbing context. Opened by my wife and taken as a threat, just before we lost our home?

•   that we as a country are now lumbered with a much more inferior system of gas certificates in a housing shortage. We have lost all the honesty mechanisms that showed the real offenders actions and the PGDB’s incompetence and mismanagement. We are as a country less served by this new system, is this ok? We are yet to see the repercussions of this, the unregistered and dangerous work is being installed as you read this letter…..what will your legacy be?

•   that I lost my trade, our home and business and reputation? After warning, for 6 years before the explosion, that a situation was present that could cause that very explosion?

I literally could go on and on about how despicable and corrupt the system and process my family were subjected to but ask that just the points above be addressed.

Most of you copied in claim to be upholders of law, ethics and have the health and safety of the NZ people first and foremost in your thoughts and actions; please can someone look into this travesty?

The PGDB have closed ranks in this letter and refuse to talk to me. In my opinion an admission of guilt, if their ever was one. If someone claimed any of this against me and I was in the right….I would never ignore it, I would clear my name regardless. Just as I intend to do.

You can’t argue with corruption, only against it.

The attached PGDB letter of reply shows how deluded the PGDB are in their power, empowered in their impunity by people who just sit back and watch it happen.

Of Note: The warning letter (attached) was a warning made about unreliable certificates covering dangerous altered gasfitting work that could hurt someone. The explosion at the chipshop involved a very unreliable certificate 345138, covering a site of much altered gas work, which then exploded and hurt someone. This unreliable certificate claimed never to have been received by the PGDB. Ironically, there is a copy on their website and is mentioned by number in the DOL letter of complaint that initiated this fiasco. All available electronic copies and carbon copies missing a record of a test for gas leaks, at a site that exploded due to a gas leak, issued by a man gifted his license by the PGDB after one oral exam. This oral exam held by the same man later appointed by the PGDB to investigate the explosion…..natural justice? My warnings could not have been better tailored, did I deserve to be singled out as a scapegoat?

You seriously have to ask….

1.   How does a certificate get entered on the PGDB website if it was never received by the PGDB? (this denial is what the lawyer for the blast victim was told,  while the blast victim lay in a two week drug induced coma)

2.   How would the PGDB look if they had accepted this unreliable certificate, that lacked a record of a test for leaks for a site that later exploded? All done after ignoring my warnings about unreliable certificates covering dangerous altered work. This is I believe the reason of singling me out as a scapegoat, two birds with one stone so to speak.

3.   How would the PGDB look if that unreliable cert was issued by a person who the PGDB gifted a full certifying license to, with no formal apprenticeship served, after just one oral exam? Issued for a site that nearly killed someone.

4.   How would the PGDB look if they appointed as an investigator for that near fatal explosion, the very same ex-PGDB member who held that one oral exam?

My Grandmother had a saying when she caught someone being dishonest……”Now we both know what you are”……. this is so very relevant to me and this ridiculous reply from the PGDB.


My conscience is clear; I have tried to do the right thing by the Kiwi general public for near 14 years, at a huge cost to my family. The ball is in the court of you that receive payment to manage and report these things for the betterment of the average Kiwi.

My account is paid in full; I only have change to give.

Yours with Integrity

Paul Gee

From: Paul & Emma Gee []
Sent: Thursday, 15 February 2018 8:55 a.m.
To: ''; ''; ''; 'PGDB Competency Based Licensing'; ''; ''; ''; 'Hannah Neville'; ''; 'licensing'; ''; 'Registrar'; ''
Cc: ''; 'Andrew Little'; 'Julia Minko'; ''; ''; 'Wal Gordon'; 'Allan Day'; 'Colleen Upton'; 'Chris Griggs'; 'lynnmoff'; 'Faculty of Law'; 'Paul Warhurst'
Subject: FW: OIA request for Handwriting report


Thank you for the recent handwriting report, attached…..please can you explain the ethics of the PGDB using one of my warning letters, attached (a letter warning about dodgy certs covering dangerous gas work) which was sent 5 years before an explosion nearly killed someone.

This letter was used by the PGDB as a reference document for a handwriting report (a very directed and focused report only on me only, done well before BOTH mine and Darnley’s hearing)  ….trying to pin that explosion on me. Really? Using my warning to try to implicate me for what I was warning about? Then withholding that report, not divulging it until now, after an OIA request?

Why wasn’t any of Darnley’s handwriting/doc’s reviewed….like the cert for the pizza oven (which the PGDB lost) or the actual job card that shows Darnley’s hand for the addition of the fryers that caused the explosion.

The use of this letter is nearly as bad as relying on child molestation case notes to prove probability in a plumbing context, nearly!

All the evidence is here for those who want to look in the email below and evidence attached.

While I have your ear, I am yet to hear from you about the gas caused fire in Nelson where I asked the question in an email, quoted below, on the 20th Jan 2018.

How many fires caused by a gas leak were there in Nelson on that date? This should narrow it down for you…..if there was no investigation (similar to mine) then why not? It made the Notifiable gas accidents report from Energy Safety attached, emphasis on notifiable. The reference I sent in early December was taken from this report.

I have also just recently found out from someone I trust, that Darnley….who most if not all evidence points to for the Milton Street explosion, and is probably involved in the fire above (please can you confirm)….that the reason he was visited (and as a result gifted his full certifying gas license by Hammond with no apprentice sat after one oral exam, by none other than the same Hammond appointed to investigate the explosion)……well he was making up his own certs….on an exemption license….whilst selling gas….(Hammond also lobbied for deregulation form a gas retailers point of view). Confused? Call me on it….I’ll fly up and walk you through the huge amount of evidence.

So to recap…..

1.   Please explain the ethics on utilising my warning to try to pin the signature on me for the dodgy certs.

2.   Confirm who caused the fire.

3.   Was Darnley issuing his own certs

4.   Why are you protecting this man

I have copied in a few PGDB email addresses as I want this email tabled to the PGDB board at its next meeting. I want the perpetual Board take ownership of this debacle, not sweep it under the carpet.

You talk about trust and integrity you inherit the past and leave a legacy for the future with your present.

Injustice is corrupting if it is accepted....even if it is ignored…… it eats away at integrity, opening the doors to the dismantlers of good, just like rust corrupting the integrity of an otherwise strong steel durable structure.....its no plan for the future. 

This is why we don't use this as a template for ongoing success, history tells us corruption ultimately fails and causes chaos.

Yours With Integrity

Paul Gee

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Re: Fellow Practitioner Issue 236 Dated 12 December 2014
« Reply #786 on: March 02, 2018, 08:40:13 AM »
I think the Federation Report loaded, please let me know if it hasn't....this could be YOU if you let this stand.

We are better than this, we are being shat on by those who literally can't defecate or brush their teeth with out us, they look down on our trade and treat it with contempt, laughing at us over the muffins and poncey little triangle sandwiches with the crusts cut off....swilling it down with coffee at their little brunches....all paid for by us.

We deserve respect for what we do, not disdain.

It is easy spending other peoples money....bit like the $225,000.00 they spent on carrying this bullshit the report, it will take some time, its taken 14 years of my life from my first warning....a warning that these twats used to try to pin certificates on my signature....ignoring different handwriting, different colour ink and bringing pink paper black photocopies to my interviews to hide that different colour ink....

Wal has done so much for you guys, you will never know how much......the report deserves to be loaded twice.

Wal, you have taught (and showed me) patience, blind true/good ethics working toward justice and due diligence and helped me so much. I class you as a very good mate and one of the best, the PGDB could learn a lot from you if they could just remove their heads from their own arses.

You did all this for no personal gain, for a total stranger.....because it was the right thing to do. Take note PGDB, this is what you should be doing, you could learn so much from him.

Thank you.


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Re: Fellow Practitioner Issue 236 Dated 12 December 2014
« Reply #787 on: March 02, 2018, 08:43:44 AM »
If you have taken the time to read the to the reply from the PGDB......

Was anything addressed at my kangaroo court? Delusional and embarrassing......

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Re: Fellow Practitioner Issue 236 Dated 12 December 2014
« Reply #788 on: March 02, 2018, 02:11:53 PM »
Call me out on this, please.....they all know that you know on here, the amount of respect they have for us and the amount of care they have for the public can be measured in their actions and non actions.

Remember this the next time you see them on TV pontificating about safety and the good that they do.....

From: Paul & Emma Gee []
Sent: Friday, 2 March 2018 2:08 p.m.
To: 'Paul & Emma Gee'; ''; ''; ''; 'PGDB Competency Based Licensing'; ''; ''; ''; 'Hannah Neville'; ''; 'licensing'; ''; 'Registrar'; ''
Cc: ''; 'Andrew Little'; 'Julia Minko'; ''; ''; 'Wal Gordon'; 'Allan Day'; 'Colleen Upton'; 'lynnmoff'; 'Faculty of Law'; 'Paul Warhurst'; 'Rt. Hon. Winston Peters'; ''; ''; ''; ''; 'Bridgette Toy-Cronin'; 'Bronwyn Jones'; ''; 'Barry Forman'; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; 'Mac McIvor'; 'Faculty of Law'; ''; 'Guardian.Motueka'; 'Info'; ''; ''; ''; 'Jehan Casinader'; 'Legal Issues Centre'; 'Laura Basham'; ''; 'master plumber'; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''
Subject: RE: OIA request for Handwriting report

Dear All

Here is a link below where I have posted this email and the Federation report and a massive amount of evidence, it has nearly 67 thousand views and your actions/non actions can be considered to be done in front of a large part of the industry, as it is specifically a “plumbers” forum.

Openly you all talk about natural justice, doing the right thing, being a good person, sticking up for the average Kiwi. Well here is your chance.

The gas certificate system we have now is a joke, the dodgy work of future accidents, perhaps even deaths, is being installed as we speak, mark my words.

You have an obligation by the roles you get paid very good money to carry out, to make sure this doesn’t happen to the people you profess to care for and be responsible for. Please call me on my accusations. I am happy to travel to anyone of you to explain (within reason my coffers are empty due to this travesty), how about I meet you all at once in Wellington? PGDB are invited to put their side forward at that meeting….lets have an open debate/meeting over this fiasco that puts the public at a very real risk.

Yours with Integrity Paul Gee

Here is the link…..

Thank you for your time.

lets see what they think of safety and the trade


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Re: Fellow Practitioner Issue 236 Dated 12 December 2014
« Reply #789 on: March 02, 2018, 02:23:38 PM »
I believe only in an open forum can the sheer size of their ineptitude can be seen, their arguments are embarrassing and I would love them to sit opposite me and try to argue the point.

I also sent the email below to these people as well.

From: Paul & Emma Gee []
Sent: Friday, 2 March 2018 2:20 p.m.
To: 'To: "Rt. Hon Jacinda Ardern'; 'Cc:'; ''; ''; ''; 'Andrew Straw'; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; 'Nicky Hager'; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; 'Editor'; ''; ''; ''; 'Rt. Hon. Winston Peters'; ''; 'Grace Haden'; ''; 'Penny Bright'; 'RangiMarie aka Lady Justice'; 'Eric Marchant'; 'Paul King'; 'Lynette Stevens'; 'Gordon McNab'; ''; 'Gavin Hillary'; ''; 'Newsdesk - The New Zealand Herald'; ''; ''; 'David Clark'; 'David Clark'; ''; ''; ''; 'Marsa Dodson'; ''; 'Chief Justice'; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; 'State services commission'; 'Serious Fraud Office'; 'Megan Woods'; ''; ''; ''; ''; 'Eva Lu'; ''; ''; 'Mark Henaghan'; ''; 'Kathryn Beck'; ''; ''; 'Blossom lightdancers'; ''; ''; ''; 'Stuart Nash'; 'Winston Peters'; ''; ''; ''
Subject: FW: OIA request for Handwriting report

FYI……please see a recent email sent to those listed below, sorry if I have sent this email to you twice.


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Re: Fellow Practitioner Issue 236 Dated 12 December 2014
« Reply #790 on: March 07, 2018, 07:33:16 PM »

You can't argue with corruption, only against it....and those who have no principles, always underestimate those that do have principles....

I will never let this go, that's ever.....

I tried to warn about dodgy certs covering dangerous altered gas work for 6 years before an explosion nearly killed someone, after being altered and covered by the dodgiest of certs........and I am not about to start to wear it now, not ever......

Total tossers.


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Re: Fellow Practitioner Issue 236 Dated 12 December 2014
« Reply #791 on: March 09, 2018, 04:56:59 PM »

Here is the link to the report, its an easy way to share the info and not have to send the whole file.....please share as much as possible.....send it to your local MP and tell them you don't want it to happen to you....

Thanks again Wal, you only have your name and reputation and you have given me mine back, thank you. To those that tried to take them I hope you are now seen for what you are....

My dear old Nan had a saying if she caught you being dishonest OR LYING ....



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Re: Fellow Practitioner Issue 236 Dated 12 December 2014
« Reply #792 on: March 11, 2018, 07:34:14 PM »
LOL it looks like my Nan was dyslexic, must run in the family....

What I meant to write was....when my Nan caught you lying she would say....

Now we both KNOW what you are!

Dodgy dirty little devious bastards, more interested in themselves and their egos than the industry, the NZ public or Natural Justice.

Oh and you fund them fully....



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Re: Fellow Practitioner Issue 236 Dated 12 December 2014
« Reply #793 on: March 13, 2018, 04:09:22 PM »

So Nick Smith agreed that the PGDB would have no convictions over turned under appeal......was that at all costs, regardless of evidence and blatant conflicts of interest?

Read attachment, its page 5 of the agreement....I did try to attach the whole doc but my computer was telling me not to because of a virus?? WTF ?

All referenced docs are attached and the report as you have seen is this one on this link

From: Paul & Emma Gee []
Sent: Tuesday, 13 March 2018 1:19 p.m.
To: 'Paul & Emma Gee'; ''; ''; ''; 'PGDB Competency Based Licensing'; ''; ''; ''; 'Hannah Neville'; ''; 'licensing'; ''; 'Registrar'; ''
Cc: ''; 'Andrew Little'; 'Julia Minko'; ''; ''; 'Wal Gordon'; 'Allan Day'; 'Colleen Upton'; 'Chris Griggs'; 'lynnmoff'; 'Faculty of Law'
Subject: RE: OIA request for Handwriting report


Please take my email below as a complaint on the use of one of my warnings to pin the near fatal explosion on me (the outrageous outline is found below in my email please regard ALL questions as a complaint)……

So to recap…..

1.   I complain about the ethics on utilising my warning to try to pin the signature on me for the dodgy certs, that those warnings mentioned.

2.   I complain about the person who caused the fire mentioned below.

3.   I complain that Darnley may have been issuing his own certs.

4.   I complain that the PGDB is protecting Darnley.

I would add to that complaint your inaction to this email below. I am of the opinion after reading your policy, that my complaining about your inaction, removes you Martin from dealing with that complaint and ensures it goes before the Board. Just as the PGDB needed to see the report by the Federation, it needs to deal with these complaints in light of this report.

I have attached the PGDB’s own policy on complaints and the report for your convenience and it is under that policy that I make these complaints.

I also guide you to your most recent available agreement, page 5 attached, with the minister (Nick Smith), are the comments about appeals under “Complaints and Discipline” not to be over turned done at all costs…ignoring natural justice?

The policies and agreements that the PGDB ignore at will, whilst pontificating to the public is sickening.

Was my case too late to meet these policies? Yes it was…..but common decency has always existed, along with ethics and natural justice… the PGDB need a rule book to show these aspects fundamental to a well meaning humanity?

Yours with Integrity

Paul Gee

From: Paul & Emma Gee []
Sent: Thursday, 15 February 2018 8:55 a.m.
To: ''; ''; ''; 'PGDB Competency Based Licensing'; ''; ''; ''; 'Hannah Neville'; ''; 'licensing'; ''; 'Registrar'; ''
Cc: ''; 'Andrew Little'; 'Julia Minko'; ''; ''; 'Wal Gordon'; 'Allan Day'; 'Colleen Upton'; 'Chris Griggs'; 'lynnmoff'; 'Faculty of Law'; 'Paul Warhurst'
Subject: FW: OIA request for Handwriting report


Thank you for the recent handwriting report, attached…..please can you explain the ethics of the PGDB using one of my warning letters, attached (a letter warning about dodgy certs covering dangerous gas work) which was sent 5 years before an explosion nearly killed someone.

This letter was used by the PGDB as a reference document for a handwriting report (a very directed and focused report only on me only, done well before BOTH mine and Darnley’s hearing)  ….trying to pin that explosion on me. Really? Using my warning to try to implicate me for what I was warning about? Then withholding that report, not divulging it until now, after an OIA request?

Why wasn’t any of Darnley’s handwriting/doc’s reviewed….like the cert for the pizza oven (which the PGDB lost) or the actual job card that shows Darnley’s hand for the addition of the fryers that caused the explosion.

The use of this letter is nearly as bad as relying on child molestation case notes to prove probability in a plumbing context, nearly!

All the evidence is here for those who want to look in the email below and evidence attached.

While I have your ear, I am yet to hear from you about the gas caused fire in Nelson where I asked the question in an email, quoted below, on the 20th Jan 2018.

How many fires caused by a gas leak were there in Nelson on that date? This should narrow it down for you…..if there was no investigation (similar to mine) then why not? It made the Notifiable gas accidents report from Energy Safety attached, emphasis on notifiable. The reference I sent in early December was taken from this report.

I have also just recently found out from someone I trust, that Darnley….who most if not all evidence points to for the Milton Street explosion, and is probably involved in the fire above (please can you confirm)….that the reason he was visited (and as a result gifted his full certifying gas license by Hammond with no apprentice sat after one oral exam, by none other than the same Hammond appointed to investigate the explosion)……well he was making up his own certs….on an exemption license….whilst selling gas….(Hammond also lobbied for deregulation form a gas retailers point of view). Confused? Call me on it….I’ll fly up and walk you through the huge amount of evidence.

So to recap…..

1.   Please explain the ethics on utilising my warning to try to pin the signature on me for the dodgy certs.

2.   Confirm who caused the fire.

3.   Was Darnley issuing his own certs

4.   Why are you protecting this man

I have copied in a few PGDB email addresses as I want this email tabled to the PGDB board at its next meeting. I want the perpetual Board take ownership of this debacle, not sweep it under the carpet.

You talk about trust and integrity you inherit the past and leave a legacy for the future with your present.

Injustice is corrupting if it is accepted....even if it is ignored…… it eats away at integrity, opening the doors to the dismantlers of good, just like rust corrupting the integrity of an otherwise strong steel durable structure.....its no plan for the future. 

This is why we don't use this as a template for ongoing success, history tells us corruption ultimately fails and causes chaos.

Yours With Integrity

Paul Gee

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Re: Fellow Practitioner Issue 236 Dated 12 December 2014
« Reply #794 on: March 19, 2018, 09:32:47 PM »

Apparently My Twyford is the guy to ask.....

From: Paul & Emma Gee []
Sent: Monday, 19 March 2018 4:46 p.m.
To: ''
Cc: 'Winston Peters'; 'Wal Gordon'
Subject: FW: Acknowledgement from office of Rt Honourable Winston Peters

Dear Mr Twyford,

I have been directed to your Office by Mr Peters, please see email stream below.

Please see attached a very brief story of what was inflicted on my family and a report on the shortcomings of the so called hearing I was subjected to which ignored 9 people of interest and protected the guilty. I have a massive amount of evidence to back these attached documents. I welcome questions and am happy to clarify any queries you might have.

We have now deteriorated to a far worse inferior certificate system which is I believe much more prone to abuse….. in a housing shortage, covered up by those to whom we entrust our safety in our homes… is so very wrong.

This link below has well over 67 thousand views and I can assure you if anything said on this link was not true the PGDB would sue for defamation, but it isn’t defamation if it is true.

I am trying to expose these people for what they are. Please can you help me?

Thank you for your time.

Best Regards Paul Gee


From: W Peters (MIN) []
Sent: Monday, 19 March 2018 3:52 p.m.
Subject: Acknowledgement from office of Rt Honourable Winston Peters

Dear Paul Gee,

On behalf of Rt Hon Winston Peters, Deputy Prime Minister, thank you for your email of 13 March 2018.

As it is an operational matter, the Minister is unable to comment. However the matters you raised come under the portfolio responsibilities of Hon Phil Twyford, Minister for Housing and Urban Development. You may be able to approach his office for advice.

Office of Rt Hon Winston Peters
Deputy Prime Minister  I  Minister of Foreign Affairs
Minister for State Owned Enterprises  I  Minister for Racing
L7.4 Executive Wing  I  Parliament Buildings  I  Wellington  I  New Zealand

From: Paul & Emma Gee []
Sent: Tuesday, 13 March 2018 1:27 PM
To: Rt. Hon. Winston Peters <>
Subject: FW: OIA request for Handwriting report
Dear Mr Peters,
Please see the inaction I am witnessing whilst trying to get to the bottom of a very dodgy dealings with the PGDB.
Please can you help me?
Kind Regards Paul Gee
From: Paul & Emma Gee []
Sent: Tuesday, 13 March 2018 1:19 p.m.
To: 'Paul & Emma Gee'; ''; ''; ''; 'PGDB Competency Based Licensing'; ''; ''; ''; 'Hannah Neville'; ''; 'licensing'; ''; 'Registrar'; ''
Cc: ''; 'Andrew Little'; 'Julia Minko'; ''; ''; 'Wal Gordon'; 'Allan Day'; 'Colleen Upton'; 'Chris Griggs'; 'lynnmoff'; 'Faculty of Law'
Subject: RE: OIA request for Handwriting report
Please take my email below as a complaint on the use of one of my warnings to pin the near fatal explosion on me (the outrageous outline is found below in my email please regard ALL questions as a complaint)……
So to recap…..
1.   I complain about the ethics on utilising my warning to try to pin the signature on me for the dodgy certs, that those warnings mentioned.
2.   I complain about the person who caused the fire mentioned below.
3.   I complain that Darnley may have been issuing his own certs.
4.   I complain that the PGDB is protecting Darnley.
I would add to that complaint your inaction to this email below. I am of the opinion after reading your policy, that my complaining about your inaction, removes you Martin from dealing with that complaint and ensures it goes before the Board. Just as the PGDB needed to see the report by the Federation, it needs to deal with these complaints in light of this report.
I have attached the PGDB’s own policy on complaints and the report for your convenience and it is under that policy that I make these complaints.
I also guide you to your most recent available agreement, page 5 attached, with the minister (Nick Smith), are the comments about appeals under “Complaints and Discipline” not to be over turned done at all costs…ignoring natural justice?
The policies and agreements that the PGDB ignore at will, whilst pontificating to the public is sickening.
Was my case too late to meet these policies? Yes it was…..but common decency has always existed, along with ethics and natural justice… the PGDB need a rule book to show these aspects fundamental to a well meaning humanity?
Yours with Integrity
Paul Gee

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