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Author Topic: Fellow Practitioner Issue 236 Dated 12 December 2014  (Read 240908 times)

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Re: Fellow Practitioner Issue 236 Dated 12 December 2014
« Reply #870 on: October 11, 2023, 12:42:57 AM »
From: <>
Sent: Wednesday, 11 October 2023 12:40 am
To:;; 'BuildingAndConstructionPortfolio' <>; 'Chris Baillie' <>;; 'Amanda Smith' <>; 'Wal Gordon' <>; 'Emma Gee' <>; 'Hon Damien O'Connor' <Damien.O'>
Cc: 'TVNZ' <>; '' <>;
Subject: RE: Cover up of a near fatal explosion

Hi Megan,

I received today a phone call from a very nice lady called Emily Pyke, she was a nurse and rang to check on my mental health.

She listened and was very professional, a rare occurrence in my experience. Thank you for providing a vent for me, but I would rather explain to you in person.

I am confused though, as I say in the link below, my mental health can be improved considerably (and quite simply) with some honesty and fair play. In nearly 21 years I have received neither.

You obviously shared my emails with her and she mentions that I am at the end of my tether in those emails. How far along your tether would you be after 21 years of corruption?

I would appreciate a response from you and not an unknown person checking if I am ok, all I need is justice. Its that simple.

Yours with Integrity Paul Gee
You can't choose who you are.....but you are the sum of your choices.......

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Re: Fellow Practitioner Issue 236 Dated 12 December 2014
« Reply #871 on: October 29, 2023, 01:12:44 PM »

"Concerned"  ::)  enough to get a psych nurse to ring me and check my mental health, a nurse that agreed with most of what I said by the way, but no reply to my email below from Megan. Par for the course. No surprises there then.


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Re: Fellow Practitioner Issue 236 Dated 12 December 2014
« Reply #872 on: January 06, 2024, 04:08:08 PM »

Still no reply from Megan  ::)


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Re: Fellow Practitioner Issue 236 Dated 12 December 2014
« Reply #873 on: April 10, 2024, 05:09:10 PM »

15 years yesterday the explosion nearly killed someone, no body held accountable until today, all done while ignoring blatant evidence...even the initial DOL report exonerates me and points to people still ignored to this day, all my evidence points to the same place...same guy faced the same charge as me for the chip shop explosion...I was PROVEN innocent...his charge disappeared before his hearing.

Still no contact from any mp's....

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Re: Fellow Practitioner Issue 236 Dated 12 December 2014
« Reply #874 on: October 30, 2024, 06:41:06 AM »

So they are pushing for self certification for plumbers and drain layers...I hope they run it properly...

I undeniably had my work altered after I did the initial install, they withheld evidence for 2 years...they ruined my business and reputation, I still deal with the repercussions after 15 years...

Before you "opt in" make sure they have fixed it... I have seen no evidence that they have fixed it, 100% not fixed in my case.

A man nearly died and I was fitted up... good luck with what you have coming.

Have a read of what you could face...

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Re: Fellow Practitioner Issue 236 Dated 12 December 2014
« Reply #875 on: October 30, 2024, 07:09:18 AM »
self certification

Paul Gee <>
07:06 (0 minutes ago)
to Christopher.Bishop, Chris, David.Seymour, Christopher.Luxon, nlo, bcc: Emma, bcc: bradley

Dear all,

Please see attached the shortcomings of being self certifying, how can you condone this system when this goes unaddressed?

I am struggling to make sense of any of it, my life has been a constant uphill struggle for 15 years.

Please root out this cancer before imposing this on our trades and ultimately the public.

Thank you

Paul Gee

sent this morning with the same attachment below.

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Re: Fellow Practitioner Issue 236 Dated 12 December 2014
« Reply #876 on: October 30, 2024, 08:15:49 AM »
08:10 (2 minutes ago)
to admin, chris.penk, Christopher.Luxon, Christopher.Bishop, nlo, bcc: tatsuhiko.koyama

Dear Master Plumbers


Please see attached what you can expect from self-certification, Greg Wallace has been quoted as saying how well the self cert system works, I can only guess he has no idea what happened to me, please ensure Mr Wallace sees this document.


I am an ex-president of Nelson Master Plumbers.


Please table this attachment to all regions and associations, you should be aware of what self-certification can mean and its re-percussions.


Thank you and good luck with “opting in”. Until this cancer is removed how safe are you to take responsibility for this system.


Yours Sincerely Paul

It will be interesting if the Master Plumbers will table the attachment below, as requested, let me know guys if it does or doesn't get tabled.

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Re: Fellow Practitioner Issue 236 Dated 12 December 2014
« Reply #877 on: October 31, 2024, 08:26:22 PM »
From: <>
Sent: Thursday, 31 October 2024 8:19 pm
Subject: RE: self certification

Supplementary to my last email, also to be tabled to all Master Plumber Associations, I thought that the ridiculous 33 page report would give some context to the indefensible ineptitude levelled at me and my family.

Also when I was President of Nelson Master Plumbers I was voted to go to a gas group, I was voted in by my association to air my concerns, which I had been vocal about for my whole membership. Someone else was sent in my stead, a member who I never once saw at a meeting. He was known to me from my visits to the pub. He also blew up a car painting oven because he didn’t know partially burnt gases were explosive.

I am happy to travel and present the whole body of evidence to anyone of you or the associations request it. 100s of documents.

If I was being advised to "opt in" I would expect the Master Plumbers to table all sides...let me know if they do

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Re: Fellow Practitioner Issue 236 Dated 12 December 2014
« Reply #878 on: October 31, 2024, 08:29:40 PM »
If any of you want a copy of the 33 page report by PGDB you got my email address, flick me an email and I will send it in reply.

It will be in total confidence.

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Re: Fellow Practitioner Issue 236 Dated 12 December 2014
« Reply #879 on: November 02, 2024, 09:39:49 AM »

My work was undeniably altered, this alteration made the job so dangerous it nearly killed someone...and they went after me, still to this day the PGDB refuse to clear my name...I HAVE DONE NO WRONG, I CAN PROVE THIS

What are they going to do, that if the same happens to ensure innocent people don't get screwed over for 15 years of of pain and suffering, with your family terrorised by cowardly back room corrupts.

If it suits them to make you a scapegoat, they will....let me assure you.

In my experience the inconvenience of waiting for an inspector compared to a 15 year struggle dealing with corruption...I'd rather wait for the inspector.


Brushing me under the carpet will not protect your future....think about it...all the corrupts need to be dealt with, to set the example for your future responsibilities ... which I can assure you, you will be held to.

The system needs to be, at least fair and robust...good luck if the president is set that they can screw people over when it suits....

No one will admit to altering your work, and if that person is connected, let me guarantee, you will be taken to the cleaners


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Re: Fellow Practitioner Issue 236 Dated 12 December 2014
« Reply #880 on: November 06, 2024, 08:11:37 AM »

...still waiting on a reply...

rom: Paul Gee <>
Date: Wed, 6 Nov 2024 at 07:36
Subject: Re: psych nurse phone call
To: <>, TVNZ <>, <>, <>, Chris Penk (MIN) <>, <>, <>

Hi Megan,

I have waited some time for you to explain why you apparently arranged a psych nurse to ring me, please see previous correspondence.

Please under an official information request can you explain why this was done, based on what information?

Please show this some urgency.

Many Thanks

Yours with honesty and integrity

Paul Gee

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Re: Fellow Practitioner Issue 236 Dated 12 December 2014
« Reply #881 on: November 28, 2024, 08:44:34 PM »

I was going to space it all out nice for you, separate paragraphs, the works...the info is there if you can be arsed to read it...

From: <>
Sent: Thursday, 28 November 2024 4:00 pm
To:;;; 'Chris Baillie' <>;
Cc:;;;;; 'TVNZ' <>; '' <>;
Subject: Self certification

Dear Prime Minister,
Please, before you inflict the self-certification system on the wider trades, explain to me why my one and final charge should stand and detrimentally and severely impact my life for over 15 years and in to the future. It has stressed me to the point of losing the pigment in my face and hands (according to my dermatologist, stress is the cause of vitiligo). Not all the repercussions are visible to the eye.
This BS “conviction” was for placing a gas water heater, with a powered flu at 540mm from an opening window. I produced a tech note and thought it the easiest to defend. I even sketched how the fumes would behave (thrust 90 degrees away from the wall away from the building), I produced this sketch at the hearing. This sketch exactly reflects the photos, utilising a smoke bomb, in a later experiment.
A few years later, after my hearing, when an elderly couple complained about a similar situation in a separate case. The PGDB told them to shut the window when using hot water. This install had a car port trapping the fumes, mine did not and no one had complained.
There is a relevant British Standard that states the minimum distance is 500mm, Britain is an expert in the world gas industry. We are allowed in NZ to use alternative standards from reputable countries. The investigator (Hammond) was from the UK. Hammond also gifted my boss (Darnley) his craftsman gasfitting license after one oral exam years earlier. Hammond also withheld over 100 photos and misrepresented evidence. With his brief sending my wife child sexual abuse case notes to prove a point on probabilities in a plumbing context. Also, sending un-true letters to every site of charges prior to the hearing, informing them that I had issued illegal certs in the North Island, in places I have never even visited. I was phoned and threatened by PGDB staff. One said “Have you ever thought of going back to the UK”… Would he have got away with that if I was from anywhere else?
We did try to question Hammond about this last charge at my Hearing, but his long-term colleague (Parker) and fellow gas group member shut the hearing down, this can be found in the last minutes (transcript attached). Parker was the chair of the hearing. Appointed as chair against my complaint of obvious personal relationships in many groups with the investigator and others, including my boss.
The same boss I had complained about for 6 years (pre-explosion) to everyone from MPs to industry groups. This is the same boss who resigned from the NZIGE, May 2009… straight after the April 9th explosion…Darnley faced a charge for the explosion but this charge disappeared before his hearing. How does that happen?
Of Note: my old boss was found guilty of 100% of his charges (excluding the explosion) I was found 95% innocent of my 44 charges, all except for this last final ridiculous charge.
We lost everything. Two years of persecution, bullying, lies and abuse. With a 15-year long daily struggle since 9th April 2009 for my family. I can show you how many jobs I’ve applied for and been through.
A builder, signing off a house…what happens when a homeowner decides to remove a supporting wall? My work was altered, I can prove it…I am stuck in limbo 15 years later. Are you up for that guys??? I would seriously worry about it, insisting on public assurances that it will NEVER reoccur. I was the only person to put the public first, against my families wellbeing and our business.
In what had better be a totally unrelated situation, just two days after Megan Woods MP apparently ordered a psych nurse to ring me, my youngest son was hidden by the local High School for 5 whole weeks, Woods has ghosted me since. I did not see his face nor hear his voice for those 5 weeks.
Link to phone call-
Please explain to me how any of this is acceptable to you all. Who does it serve to honour this decision for such a bogus charge? I was undeniably with-held any fairness. My family has been in turmoil since 2009 April 9th. To serve the egos of self-serving fractured cowards.
Yours with Honesty and Integrity
Paul Gee

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