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Author Topic: Fellow Practitioner Issue 236 Dated 12 December 2014  (Read 240921 times)

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Re: Fellow Practitioner Issue 236 Dated 12 December 2014
« Reply #90 on: January 26, 2015, 08:05:56 PM »
WTF......there HAS to be more relevant and palatable past case notes.....or was their intention to terrorise......

Or is it that their own levels of decency are so low they see no wrong in it.

Max Pederson advised me to engage a lawyer to explain it to me, he has no problem with it......I told him I didn't need a lawyer to teach me ethics and common decency. People wonder why I nut off?
You can't choose who you are.....but you are the sum of your choices.......

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Re: Fellow Practitioner Issue 236 Dated 12 December 2014
« Reply #91 on: January 26, 2015, 08:06:10 PM »
Ok - I am speechless - what the hell does this have to do with a gas about gas certificates, exploding fish and chip shops, clearances etc?  I'm lost.  What is the context?
Have you learned lessons only of those who admired you, and were tender with you, and stood aside for you?  Have you not learned great lessons from those who braced themselves against you, and disputed the passage with you?  (Walt Whitman 1819-1891)  American Poet

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Re: Fellow Practitioner Issue 236 Dated 12 December 2014
« Reply #92 on: January 26, 2015, 08:09:14 PM »
Send Max Pederson an email to explain it.......or Nick Smith......or Campbell live.......because if anyone can explain it to me, then we will both know

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Re: Fellow Practitioner Issue 236 Dated 12 December 2014
« Reply #93 on: January 26, 2015, 08:13:12 PM »
It nearly gave my wife a nervous break down, I swear on all that is holy if anything ever goes that far.....I will show them my distaste, it is so very ironic that the person they have terrorised the most, is the one keeping them safe.

Cowardly scum.....this needs airing, can you imagine Nick Smith telling me "on air" that its normal legal practice......the public back lash would give him whiplash.

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Re: Fellow Practitioner Issue 236 Dated 12 December 2014
« Reply #94 on: January 26, 2015, 08:38:13 PM »
Here is the Boards take on it.

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Re: Fellow Practitioner Issue 236 Dated 12 December 2014
« Reply #95 on: January 26, 2015, 08:40:51 PM »
Now add all this to the bullshit we need/want/deserve this kind of shit?

Which side are you going to pick......they are utter scum.

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Re: Fellow Practitioner Issue 236 Dated 12 December 2014
« Reply #96 on: January 26, 2015, 09:16:16 PM »
Here is a list of people who know, some have helped me beyond all I could have ever thought, some are yet to help and there are those that want this swept under the carpet, well I don't like lumpy blue below

From: Paul & Emma Gee []
Sent: Sunday, 25 January 2015 10:33 p.m.
To: 'Registrar'; ''; 'Nick 4 Nelson'
Cc: 'Wal Gordon'; 'Allan Day'; 'Colleen Upton'; 'Lyndon Moffitt'; ''; 'Andrew Little'; ''; 'Janis Adair'; 'Jude Hutton'
Subject: RE: Letter responding to 26 Nov email


Please see the link below,


Max can you please answer my last requests and can you confirm that it is Mr Jackson stood next to John Darnley in the photo that I sent, I believe it is. Mr Jackson sat on my impartiality hearing and is the present chair of the Board. Is this reasonable?


I ask you if any of this is acceptable, reasonable…. even legal? It is all there in the public domain, what do I have to do to get this get looked at fairly?


I will not let this lie.

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Re: Fellow Practitioner Issue 236 Dated 12 December 2014
« Reply #97 on: January 26, 2015, 09:29:25 PM »
If your new to the forum, please take the time to read the posts on here, there is a lot, but there is a lot that we deal with.

Max Pederson Plumbers Board CEO, what is happening with the legionnaires risk that you have ignored for years, are you going to wait until someone falls ill.

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Re: Fellow Practitioner Issue 236 Dated 12 December 2014
« Reply #98 on: January 26, 2015, 09:48:00 PM »
Actually if your new to this forum, read all the posts by Badger, there is one hell of a story, a cover up, and an explosion that nearly killed someone, Parliament even changed the law to make what the Board did legal.

This could be done in your homes.....please share the best disinfectant is daylight, please share this to as many people as you can.

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Re: Fellow Practitioner Issue 236 Dated 12 December 2014
« Reply #99 on: January 26, 2015, 09:53:55 PM »
if your an old hand to this forum share it on face book, share it around, print it off and put it in the smoko room, but please do use discretion with the sick and twisted case notes, they are twisted and should be only shown to consenting adults who are aware of the content, unlike my wife who had them sent to us unmarked.

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Re: Fellow Practitioner Issue 236 Dated 12 December 2014
« Reply #100 on: January 27, 2015, 06:43:38 PM »
I am just wondering does any of this seem reasonable.....wait until I prove the last charge is wrong too, a physical impossibility, unless your on Planet Board where shit rolls up hill.....

Give em a few days until they answer my other queries.....if that wasn't Mr Jackson stood next to Darnley....I am pretty sure they would have sent me an answer by now, its their usual way, they only delay, mislead and flannel when there is something to hide.

So how do you guys feel about being lead by these type of people....I have been told that when I tried to warn about all this dodgy work covered by dodgy certs, that "I pissed some high ranking people off, one even tried to threaten Wal over the phone (after meeting him face to face the night before), very brave.

But who had the publics health and safety first and foremost in their mind.....

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Re: Fellow Practitioner Issue 236 Dated 12 December 2014
« Reply #101 on: January 29, 2015, 06:48:59 AM »
It gets better, here is my reply received last night, now I am more convinced than before, sometimes you answer by not answering, and the more flannel just shows your hiding something......apparently it isn't reasonable to ask someone you have worked closely with for years whether it is them in a photo, ever more is an idea Mr Pedersen ASK Mr Jackson if its him in the photo. It is that easy.

And as Mr Pedersen has never met Mr Darnley??? perhaps he could ask the investigator, Mr Hammond, the chair of my hearing Mr Parker, or the other Board member's in the photo, what Mr Darnley looks like, he is the one this a reasonable answer?

Now I asked the Board to show where I had "varied" on making my point in  my complaints about this hot water system (I can find no variations???, but this would help to undermine me yet again, bit like when they said I called myself a mere plumber, but can't show me where I said it). please if you can find any variations let me know.

...... but they have sent a full comprehensive list of when and how I have tried to get them look at a legionnaire's risk(its a big list), even the time I contacted the coroner, they mention twice contacting the local TA and that I would be informed of the result, still waiting to hear about this, as well as a pink copy of the cert for this place, you've seen how it is potentially plumbed, and according to the Board they have no letters (so they have sent no letters) to Darnley to inform him of these complaints, which they are meant to send on receiving a complaint, unless the complaint is dismissed as vexatious or frivolous, or even lately unreasonable, so it appears that they don't adhere to their own policies....should they adhere to their own policies??? wouldn't you want to get this potentially dangerous system looked at? Is this reasonable?

Offline Badger

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Re: Fellow Practitioner Issue 236 Dated 12 December 2014
« Reply #102 on: January 29, 2015, 07:09:56 AM »
Sent this they have any credibility?


From: Paul & Emma Gee []
Sent: Thursday, 29 January 2015 7:06 a.m.
To: 'Paul & Emma Gee'; 'Registrar';;; 'Nick 4 Nelson'
Cc: 'Wal Gordon'; 'Allan Day'; 'Colleen Upton'; 'Lyndon Moffitt';; 'Andrew Little';; 'Janis Adair'; 'Jude Hutton'
Subject: RE: Letter responding to 26 Nov email


To all those copied in, I ask you is this reasonable?





Mr Pedersen,


ASK Mr Jackson if its him in the photo. It is that easy.

And as you have never met Mr Darnley??? perhaps you could ask the investigator, Mr Hammond, the chair of my hearing Mr Parker, or the other Board member's in the photo, what Mr Darnley looks like, he is the one this a reasonable answer?

I have asked the Board to show me where I had "varied" on making my point in my many complaints about this hot water system (I can find no variations???, but this would help to undermine me yet again, a bit like when the Board said I called myself a mere plumber, but can't show me where I said it).


You have not aswered my query, please if you can find any variations, please can you let me know what they are, I can’t find any.

You have sent a full comprehensive list of when and how I have tried to get the Board to look at a legionnaire's risk (its a big list, and a very real concern), you have even included the time I contacted the coroner.


You mention twice in this correspondence that you have contacted the local TA and that I would be informed of the result, I am still waiting to hear about this, as well as recieving a pink copy of the cert for this address, which has the risk. Please can you forwards me this.


I find it totally unreasonable that you've seen how it is potentially plumbed (see correspondence), and according to the Board they have no letters (so they have sent no letters) to Darnley to inform him of these complaints, which the Board are meant to send on receiving a complaint, unless the complaint is dismissed as vexatious or frivolous, or even lately unreasonable, so it appears that the Board is selective on adhering to their own policies....should the Board adhere to their own policies??? Shouldn’t the Board want to get this potentially dangerous system looked at? Is this reasonable?


I will ask again…..Why do you protect Darnley?


Please ask Mr Jackson if it is him the photo, I think this is a reasonable request.


I direct you all to the link below, I ask you all to add this altogether and ask your self if this Board has any integrity, competency or credibility?


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Re: Fellow Practitioner Issue 236 Dated 12 December 2014
« Reply #103 on: January 31, 2015, 09:24:21 AM »
So here's a quote from a news paper, attributable to Mr Pedersen...

“Don’t risk your family’s health and safety or your insurance by hiring unauthorised people. Any defective sanitary plumbing work has the potential to cause disease and serious, costly damage to the home.”

Now read the correspondence below in the attachments and ask your self why doesn't this quote apply to this address.

Wouldn't you just send someone to check if what I am saying is true or untrue, wouldn't it be reasonable to make sure that this address is safe? Instead of palming it off to others?

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Re: Fellow Practitioner Issue 236 Dated 12 December 2014
« Reply #104 on: January 31, 2015, 09:41:45 AM »
So any way back to the ignored blatant evidence..........I left Allgas the December before the THRID hose was sold to the exploding chipshop........this is I am told by the owner who got exploded that this is the hose that caused the this reasonable.

Have a look at the attachments......

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