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Author Topic: gas testing and commissioning  (Read 2977 times)

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Offline roberto

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gas testing and commissioning
« on: December 03, 2011, 10:16:07 PM »
hey guys,

I work with a licenced gasfitter who, on a new gas installation job or alteration job does not perform a pressure test on the pipework or appliance, he simply runs pipe from the bottle station to the appliance and connects a digital manometer to the test point and performs a drop test, then turns the appliance on a few times to purge it, then once the applaince is working he just walks away (this example is for a rinnia hot water unit) he would normally put more effort into a hob install.

He also just guesses a number above 7kpa for the gas cert form, hed say "ah, just put 7.55kpa" and then he would also guess the working pressure test and put a number just above 2.75kpa like 2.79kpa.

This to me doesnt sound like good practice to me, I am a licenced plumber and am yet to sit my Gasfitting exam in june this year, I dont think he would be the right person to learn from, I think from watching him compared to what I have learnt at polytec/distance learning this is a bit of a difference.

The other problem I have is our boss quotes the jobs on the time it takes my workmate to to it, so when I am doing the same job, which obviously would take longer as I would do the full and correct testing/commissioning I get it in the neck for taking too long! If my boss only knew the shortcuts my workmate was taking, he would allow another 30 mins to a hour on the quote.

wondering if i should change my workplace???



Offline Thunderhead

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Re: gas testing and commissioning
« Reply #1 on: December 04, 2011, 10:46:34 AM »
what a crap situation you are in roberto

Firstly i would approach your workmate privatley and talk to him about not doing the correct pressure test's and what the code requires...As he is not a certifying gasfitter then the hammer will fall on the boss as he is the one signing off on the cert's...maybees you could sit down with the boss and ask him if he feels it is ok to test pipework in this manner to save time, without bringing your workmates name into it, just say you saw someone at tech do it like this. And if your boss is hard and fast about testing to the codes then i would go back and remind your work mate what the boss requires and if he telles you to get stuffed then go and front up to the boss with him present...remember the shortcuts he is taking could lead to a disaster in a worstcase senario and to short cut these proceedures is the action of a lazy tradesman or a cowboy nither of which should be in this trade.
And if it all turns to shit then you can just change your workplace...but to walk away without first trying to rectify the problem is the wrong action i feel as you are the first line of protection for the safety of the public.

As for getting it in the neck about the speed thing...I always say to my boss when he hassles me about speed "The day that im faster then you is the day i leave you!" lol

Offline integrated

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Re: gas testing and commissioning
« Reply #2 on: December 04, 2011, 11:13:00 AM »
yeah not good trade practice, thats effectively fraud - on top of being dangerous for lack of testing, if hes taking shortcuts like that does he ever do room volume calcs for hobb's etc

sooner or later people like that will get burned

as to if you should leave?  you should document everything, inform your employer - if no joy from employer I would notify PGDB, minister, PGDF & MP and find work elsewhere, that probably sounds a bit extreme but look at what has happened to Paul Gee - I would be avoiding situations like that at all costs

Offline Jaxcat

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Re: gas testing and commissioning
« Reply #3 on: December 04, 2011, 09:44:13 PM »
Appendix O - 5261!
Have you learned lessons only of those who admired you, and were tender with you, and stood aside for you?  Have you not learned great lessons from those who braced themselves against you, and disputed the passage with you?  (Walt Whitman 1819-1891)  American Poet

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