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Author Topic: IPI Flexi gas installations  (Read 2683 times)

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Offline foggy

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IPI Flexi gas installations
« on: February 13, 2014, 09:42:12 PM »
I'm interested to know from gas fitters out there on what they know is the legal requirement when you come across any of these old high pressure flexi gas or other domestic installations. Some years ago I contacted the board about this and they sent me through some literature from ESS regards what to do when you find one of these installations, what complies, what doesn't and what testing to carry out. Recently I've spoken to gas fitters and they were totally unaware on what you should be doing regards these installations and I would of thought that this kind of thing would be perfect for training/upskiling rather than some of the stuff you can get from other CPD courses at the merchants.


Offline Jaxcat

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Re: IPI Flexi gas installations
« Reply #1 on: February 14, 2014, 05:19:21 AM »
I assume you are speaking of IPI installations?  ESS has a sheet on their website which tells you the checks that must be carried out - there is a checklist to download that you fill in.  We come across these about three times a year sometimes more.  The biggest thing to check for is rodent damage. We download the checklist fill it in and provide the customer with a copy along with the invoice.  Obviously you take the necessary action when there is a problem, where necessary we talk them in to re-piping.  Many consumers are unaware that this "experiment" was carried out and that there home was one of the ones done in this type of piping with high pressure.
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Offline aboutgas

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Re: IPI Flexi gas installations
« Reply #2 on: February 14, 2014, 04:35:35 PM »
Yes I come across a few where I am and also use the ESS checklist and find around 60/70% fail this check. Most consumers are not aware of the requirements of this system and get a bit upset when they find you can't add to it. Also very hard to do repairs when you have trouble sourcing the materials.

Yes also spoken to a couple of gasfitters in the area and there lack of knowledge on these systems is very poor I agree that it would be a good up skilling course BUT that would make far to much sense for the board so that rules that out
Unless the moral improves the floggings will continue

Offline Grant Bourke

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Re: IPI Flexi gas installations
« Reply #3 on: February 17, 2014, 10:06:38 AM »
Not sure that the Federation would want to go this way and get into CPD training, but if someone would like to make a powerpoint presentation from the ESS information I would be happy (for a non-monetary acknowledgement in the course) to convert it to a format where it can be loaded onto this website and prepare the required documentation etc and have it approved by the board. Would then need to have a volunteer to mark assessments and forward the results to the Board, and maybe a smooth talking volunteer to do the voice recording if you wanted one.

Offline robbo

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Re: IPI Flexi gas installations
« Reply #4 on: February 17, 2014, 05:08:29 PM »
Hi guys, just to say that I think this is a very admiral offer from Grant, great stuff just what the industry needs, forward thinking people,cheers

Offline Jaxcat

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Re: IPI Flexi gas installations
« Reply #5 on: February 17, 2014, 08:33:11 PM »
Grant - I think you may misunderstand the Federation's stance on upskilling.  They are all for upskilling that is necessary - not bullshit upskilling where sales reps get to push their products and call it upskilling.  In fact the Federation went to the PGDB and strongly suggested that it should be mandatory for all gasfitters to attend a course in person, or on line on the new gas code and regulations - they believed that his was clearly "matters necessary to.." under Section 32.   They thought all gasfitters should do a course such as this before the next licensing year - there was a clear reason for doing it as codes and regs had changed, it was in the interests of both the practitioner and the public - but the Board didn't seem interested.  Why?  Clearly because if they prescribed a course such as this they might have to fund it.  Much better to lean on suppliers to fund the courses and therefore also let them decide what is needed and create glorified sales pitches.  Let gasfitters repeat the same courses year after year after year - because of course this makes them much safer practitioners as far as the public are concerned (queue the Tui Advert about now).  So the Federation are for true upskilling - where new things are taught, or in the case of the IPI installations - where knowledge is sought.

The information on the ESS website is probably only known by older gasfitters who might have been around with the IPI systems were installed in what was another failed experiment (this time by energy companies) and they had rodent attacks on a few of the pipes, but as you can imagine with high pressure gas this was a grave concern.  Those gasfitters who are "full time" gasfitters probably come across it (in fact we've had two in the last two weeks), but generally we encourage consumers to re-pipe. 

The ESS check sheet is a must have if you come across an installation - it must be filled in we give a copy to the customer, keep one ourselves and also provide one for ESS.  They are particularly interested if there is a sign of rodents (we have only seen what may have been a rodent attack on one house next to a bush reserve).

Now we need someone computer savvy to take you up on your offer.  I would commend this type of training to all gasfitters, and I am sure the Federation would as well.  Much better than sitting for two hours and hearing how to crimp pipes (just in case you didn't know).

Offline Grant Bourke

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Re: IPI Flexi gas installations
« Reply #6 on: February 18, 2014, 10:26:32 AM »
I have found the bulletin referred to.
Fortunately it is in a reasonably recent pdf format that I can cut and paste from which means I can work straight from it rather than needing anyone to make a powerpoint.
I would just need to check ES dont have an issue with me doing this (I doubt they would have an objection).

I am somewhat familiar with this system from earlier days at Marker Measurement - we had the Sprague agency and I remember shifting several tons of  regulators at various times that were sprung and orificed for this system after it was banned ( I recall a house in Auckland had an explosion). Apparently electricians were very aware that if there was an existing hole in a house you never ran a wire through it as it was a rodent highway. Unfortunately gasfitters who had only ever used metallic pipe in houses simply didnt know this .....

So if the federation is interested in hosting it I can put it together in a few hours.


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Re: IPI Flexi gas installations
« Reply #7 on: February 20, 2014, 09:59:27 AM »
Hello Grant and fellow practitioners

Grant - on behalf of the Federation I would like to accept your generous offer of developing the training package.

The Federation is not a supporter of the Boards points scheme so there is no need to have it approved by the Board. It will be refreshing to have a course and information out there that is necessary for practitioners and is purely for knowledge and upskilling.

Thanks very much Grant. We look forward to seeing the final product.


Wal Gordon

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