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Author Topic: Are you going to pay this years licensing fees and discipline levies?  (Read 4959 times)

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Offline Wal

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Happy New Year everyone.

The new year is with us and along with the new year will be some very hard decisions one of which is the payment of licensing fees. We have had a turbulent time with fees and levies and the regulation of the industry in general so how long should we continue to support the funding of the Plumbers Gasfitters and Drainlayers Board when there is no proof they are achieving anything of benefit to us. The Federation has voiced its opinion of payment of fees and levies this year and is of the opinion they shouldn't be paid until we are satisfied the Board is operating in a satisfactory manner.

Why is it that it is always the industry that has to pay on time and yet there is no PROVEN benefit and we say proven in that it is purely speculation that the Boards activities protect the health and safety of the public and benefit practitioners by preventing unauthorised people from doing sanity plumbing, gasfitting and drainlaying. The Federation is currently working on legitimate action to be taken at licensing time as a protest measure. We know a lot of people are fearful of action being taken against them buy the Board if they don't license but the People of Kaipra are leading by example and are refusing to pay their rates as a protest action.  They are fighting against a council whom they believe have failed them and we should do the same against a Board whom numerous Government watchdogs have reported are failing. How long do we pay for failure?

We are expected to get it right first time so why shouldn't the Board? If we get it wrong it hits us in the pocket and can cost us our employment.  We pay every year to prove we are competent but yet the Board have over a decade of failure and we are forced to pay for their failures. We say NO MORE and ask you the question ARE YOU GOING TO PAY FEES and LEVIES THIS YEAR?.

We pay for our own competence and expect competence from those that we pay. We also believe that having 5 lawyers to cover your actions is not competence.

We borrowed the following from the people of Kaipra with some modification.

Forget all the high flown principles that are supposed to dictate the way the Board operates. These are the real rules for the Boards rort:
• Practitioners are responsible for everything whether legal or not.
• The public have to be protected at all costs and those cost are ours.
• The Board free-loaders can flout the law and their own policies with utter impunity.
• The watchdogs are deaf, dumb and blind, and stricken with paralysis. They will not interfere.
• Any action taken by the Board even though clearly illegal or in breach of a regulation or policy is deemed to be legal until a court decides otherwise.
• All the agencies of government will join to prevent any action being brought before a court.
• In the rare case that any actions are identified as illegal then Parliament will morph into a Chinese laundry and white-wash and sanitise them.
• All those working in government and closely related fields will support each other and ensure that the Boards gravy train continues unhindered on its journey.


Offline Wal

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Re: Are you going to pay this years licensing fees and discipline levies?
« Reply #1 on: January 02, 2014, 08:57:33 AM »
To read more on the fight at Kaipra go to:

Offline Badger

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Re: Are you going to pay this years licensing fees and discipline levies?
« Reply #2 on: January 02, 2014, 09:44:56 AM »
I found a receipt for my licence for 90 odd dollars when having a clean out just the other day, it was for the same year that an explosion nearly killed someone, I paid it three days after this explosion, ironically.

This same explosion was after I had been trying to get the corrupt and incompetent to look at my old boss for over six years previously, then they made me the scape goat. I still believe my old boss was either totally responsible or knows who was responsible for this explosion. My hearing showed yet another fraud in another part of the country, to my knowledge nothing was done about this either (I'll chase this up and let you know).

The thing is, we are financing them to TAKE AWAY our perceived competence, we have been competent for over a 100 years before these clowns took over. Sitting an apprenticeship and looking to our elders for guidance, with a well meaning trade experienced board, with next to no lawyers. How many people could they employ to give us advice and guidance on doing a job instead of paying lawyers to shaft us AFTER the public have potentially put at risk, sometimes nearly killed, but like the board said this wouldn't be cost effective, nice people they are.

The biggest incompetence and illegal actions have been shown by them 10 fold compared to us tradesman (and I mean tradesman, not someone who has decided to pick up a spanner without an apprenticeship, these are not bad plumbers, they are not plumbers full stop), ironically the person protected for the above explosion by these clowns was given his full craftsman license with no apprenticeship sat, then the same clown that held the investigation, this investigating clown (Tony Hammond) is a chemical engineer and hasn't sat an apprenticeship either, but he also has been given his full craftsman gas ticket, to enable him to be an inquisitor for the board.

With the new "random" annual reviews for 150 licenses, you WILL be singled out for treatment, if it suits their agenda....or you can band together and make a stand, or get used to the taste of arse kissing (not my choice), if you think you are "in" it is no protection, corrupt people have no loyalty other than to them selves, totally.

I was the Nelson President of the Master Plumbers, I was told by one of these people at a Master Plumbers Leaders Course, that I was "in", because I had balls.....well mate you didn't give me my balls, they are still there and in the new year I WILL have this situation rectified to my satisfaction, I ain't going nowhere.

I will pay my licencing fee into the Federations Protest Fund.
You can't choose who you are.....but you are the sum of your choices.......

Offline Watchdog

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Re: Are you going to pay this years licensing fees and discipline levies?
« Reply #3 on: January 02, 2014, 11:54:45 AM »
I'll be supporting the Federation in any protest action and in the build up to the elections I'll be going to every National speech that I can and will question them on Flip Flop Williamsons in-actions and lack of accountability of the Board. I'll turn his rainbow into a grey cloud and thunderstorms.

This situation has been going on for too long and I'm sick of hearing excuses for not taking action:

"maybe next year I'll get involved" or
"someone else will do it" or
"the Board may chase me"
"I don't have time"
"Nothing will change"

The Board may as well line up on pay day and take money straight out of your wallet and you may as well not do an apprenticeship as all it does is creates a chain around your neck to prove your competence for the rest of your life. Probably better to flip burgers and go home and rest. 

Offline Badger

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Re: Are you going to pay this years licensing fees and discipline levies?
« Reply #4 on: January 02, 2014, 11:01:46 PM »
While your there Watchdog, ask flip flop about the untruth he told in Parliament about Pizza Hut... just days before his rainbow speech.

Offline Jaxcat

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Re: Are you going to pay this years licensing fees and discipline levies?
« Reply #5 on: January 03, 2014, 01:03:50 PM »
This is the $64 million dollar question - do we have enough guts to take action when it counts.  All the protesting, all the letter writing and all the posturing come down to one thing - are we "man" enough to take true action where it counts?  Each person will need to examine their motivation this licensing year and see if they truly are brave and courageous enough to stand up and be counted.  It's a truism that "United we stand - divided we fall".  The key will be to set up a fund that money can be paid in to that is well run and accounted for - it needs to have respected people in industry as the signatories and then the paperwork needs to be straight.

This done, practitioners will still be expected to write out their fees and not use this protest action as a means of dodging payment, but write out a cheque to the Protest Account to be held by those trustees in good faith until such time as the Board are behaving in a manner that makes them deserving of getting practitioners money.  All the letters, all the emails, all the protest action mean little to them as they have proven over and over they don't respect practitioners at all - but this action could bring them to their knees.  It hits them at the very core of their organisation - cashflow - without it they can't do anything - include pay their staff.  Sure they have reserves, well maybe it's time to test how many weeks or months of reserves it takes to keep the little empire going.

Again the point that must be made is it is taking this action TOGETHER that will ensure safety for all.
Have you learned lessons only of those who admired you, and were tender with you, and stood aside for you?  Have you not learned great lessons from those who braced themselves against you, and disputed the passage with you?  (Walt Whitman 1819-1891)  American Poet

Offline Watchdog

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Re: Are you going to pay this years licensing fees and discipline levies?
« Reply #6 on: January 04, 2014, 10:25:43 AM »
You're right there Jaxcat.  I believe everything has been tried and the industry has been stonewalled.  The Boards wanting actions are causing the entire situation to escalate. Finding issues with the Board is like cockroach hunting - when you find one there is bound to be more. If we have to stand up for ourselves illegally then so be it but finding legal protest is better.  I'm sure the Federation will come up with something. 

The Board needs to have a close look at the CEO I recon he has been delegated too much power.

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Re: Are you going to pay this years licensing fees and discipline levies?
« Reply #7 on: January 04, 2014, 11:42:22 AM »
Yes I'm all for supporting the fed on this one, something has to be done , however I'm picking up my craftsman registration this licencing period and don't want to stuff it up as i need to have this qualification to continue working,  it is the culmination of a lot of time and effort.
Still thinking about it as i may register for my certifying and not my discipline and other licences.

It astounds me that still bugger all people know anything about this saga or care for that matter and that goes for tradesmen as well as the Joe public.

''Never have so many been fooled by so few''
Plumbing is not a career it is a disease....

Offline Badger

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Re: Are you going to pay this years licensing fees and discipline levies?
« Reply #8 on: January 04, 2014, 06:00:55 PM »
In this election year we should call them on all their bullshit and illegality and incompetence and shafting people in a national news paper, listing everything that if it wasn't true then they would set the lawyers on us.

If the public don't know then they won't do anything, if they knew that it costs them too in the charges we have to charge to cover these clowns, the public would have a hernia.

Offline Wal

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Re: Are you going to pay this years licensing fees and discipline levies?
« Reply #9 on: January 16, 2014, 11:10:47 AM »
This week an update was sent to the Social Services Committee warning them action will be taken at licensing time.

The entire regulatory system has lost its credibility and an inquiry is required to set the path for a better and productive future for the industry. We are waiting for the outcome of the review by the Office of the Auditor General in a similar manner to which we have been waiting for improvement of the Board’s performance based on the Auditor Generals recommendations in its original report in 2011.

Years of waiting are forcing normally law abiding citizens of New Zealand to contemplate protest actions and the Federation will be encouraging its members and others in the industry to contest the payment of licensing fees in March this year as a protest action.

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