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Author Topic: CPD Decision out!  (Read 10296 times)

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Offline TS

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Re: CPD Decision out!
« Reply #30 on: December 21, 2011, 05:58:25 PM »
Keep doing what your doing, good luck to you. You won't get a mass protest organised.

Myself, I'm a plumber, gasfitter and drainlayer who has to jump through the same hoops as you guys to keep my licenses. Thunderhead you have no idea who I am or what I stand for, or what I have done for you guys. I can't say on here because it will damage my ability to contribute on here in the future. If you read between the lines you'd see I'm attempting to help you guys out.

As I said earlier you have two options. One is out because you don't like the Minister. The only other one is court. Its a whole lot easier than trying to organise a half hearted protest.

Go to court and challenge them on the points of law you claim to have in your favour. If not keep spouting the same dribble and we'll see where it gets you  ;D

Offline Badger

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Re: CPD Decision out!
« Reply #31 on: December 21, 2011, 05:59:25 PM »
I couldn't have said it better Thunder head, but perhaps with a few more swear words...............just like I do at the merchants.

Its the oldest trick in the book, you couldn't speak to god unless you spoke Latin, and guess who were the only people who spoke Latin.....the priests. Held to ransom over language.

I have talked to quite a few Lawyers recently and I love it when they get all smug and have to speak slowly in plain English and translate so I can reply to them is "why didn't you just say that in the first place", why make a simple situation or sentence more complicated than need be......because they charge an arm and a leg to to so...........leeches.

I hope all have a safe and happy Christmas ;)
You can't choose who you are.....but you are the sum of your choices.......

Offline Jaxcat

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Re: CPD Decision out!
« Reply #32 on: December 21, 2011, 06:50:10 PM »
I've said this before and I'll say it again - we need to keep the arguments issues based.  We're all in the same boat, albiet rowing in slightly different directions.   Everyone has an opinion, and everyone is entitled to speak what they believe.  Likewise we all have different exeriences which colour those opinions.  The one thing I am learning is that there is still a lot to learn.  I feel the Federation has assisted the ordinary everyday tradesperson who spends the bulk of their time on the tools to understand some of the complex legislation and regulation around what they do.  With more money, and more time a lot more could be achieved, but then quite a bit has been achieved to date.  We can choose to be on the outside throwing stones, or on the inside making changes.  There is a time for both things.  I am in no doubt that the PGDB has not always acted professionally, nor honestly, nor within the legislation.  The Office of the Auditor General also thinks this.   The difference is that when a tradesperson acts like this they face fines, publication of their name and censure.  When the PGDB act like this they face a report, they reply that they are new/trying to recitify the situation and no fine, nor any censure.  They are allowed to keep on making the mistake while they are given time to change.  If tradespeople were given the same opportunities then they might not be so hopping mad about it all.

The solution?  Numbers talk.  The bigger an organisation becomes the more people have to take notice of it.  I think the Federation want to become part of the solution, but NOT at the expense of selling themselves down the river.  TS I value many of the comments you make on this forum.  You show intelligence, reason and have provided valuable information to readers.  We disagree on very few things, but hey that's freedom of opinion and I have no issue with that.  Only time will tell what the final outcome will be, whether court is the answer, or whether Parliament is the answer with a review of the Act.  I just want to see some action - instead of empty rhetoric.
Have you learned lessons only of those who admired you, and were tender with you, and stood aside for you?  Have you not learned great lessons from those who braced themselves against you, and disputed the passage with you?  (Walt Whitman 1819-1891)  American Poet

Offline Jaxcat

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Re: CPD Decision out!
« Reply #33 on: December 21, 2011, 07:05:46 PM »
I typed my reply before I had fully read all the other comments.  Guys, it's not about who thinks they are better than someone else because they can put together a good letter, or a bood submission.  I don't think TS has ever said he is better than anyone else.  I too sit behind a desk and at a computer all day.  My tradespeople are out there on the tools, so I prepare the letters and submissions after talking to them.  There is an element of professionalism required to get taken seriously.  I don't ever underestimate the intelligence of my guys because some of them aren't good at spelling or grammar, however, they don't belittle my contribution because I am the one that puts pen to paper on their behalf.  We all work together as a team - one hand washes the other and both are clean.  I think TS is right when he says the Federation are not perceived as "professional".  I am sure the PGDB would agree with this.  That is not my concern - as I said before we need numbers, becasue with numbers they have to take us seriously.  As we grow and mature we will alter the systems and smooth the rough edges.  That said, I do believe the biggest strength the Federation has is that it is raw, it is honest and it is blunt where necessary.   Wal has a gift with words, I have had the privilege of reading much of what he has written and I can tell you he writes a letter worthly of a Queens Counsel lawyer.  He needs to because sometimes these are the people that the PGDB get to respond to him!

Christmas is near, and the time for goodwill to all is upon us.  I think the best thing to come out of this thread is that there are a myriad of suggestions as to how we can improve and believe me the executive of the Federation read this forum a lot and will take heed.  The next stage will be local chapters where people can meet and discuss in person - this will strengthen the organisation and allow a more direct feedback loop so we can reflect truly what you want.  In the meantime I wish you all a Merry Christmas, a Happy New Year and hoepfully a peaceful 2012!

Offline Thunderhead

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Re: CPD Decision out!
« Reply #34 on: December 21, 2011, 08:06:30 PM »
Keep doing what your doing, good luck to you. You won't get a mass protest organised.

Yea the only reason it will never happen is because idiots like you will never stand up...For a PRIME example look at the ports of auckland right now...are they standing up for what they believe...are you standing up ts?
I mean if you were REARLY behind helping why sit there and condem others all high and mighty?..If you rearly wanted to help with your skills that you stated before why dont you help to orginise instead of trying to put down about in your infinate wisdom try to pass out a little constructive criticisum next time and faclitate action.

Lets get real about it ts the minister will refuse to work with us because were not "yes" men...i dont care who the minister is this is how it is!.

Court is as far fetched as a mass refusal to pay the fees protest...BUT orginising a protest is only time consuming and relertivley cheep, compared to going to court...i thought you would have realised that ts...And when a large portion refuse to pay fees then govt will poke there head in and say oi whats going on here!...It WILL get attention and it good action or bad action it will be action.

You can live in that box called your mind ts but i like to scope all possibilites no matter how far fetched it seems to you.

And you can keep spouting that only two options dribble just as i like to spout my protest dribble its just two storys on the same page ts were all trying to achieve the same goal just you can only see two roads up that hill where i like to look a little more closley at many paths...And as you have stated your not even willing to donate towards court if we chose to so i dont even know why your persiting on trying to dash others hopes.

A question for you ts because obviousley you are full of knowledge...if i wanted to orginise this protest, where do you think i should start?...and that is a serrious question requiring a serrious answer please...A little mentoring would be nice please as you seem to have the knowledge and tools at hand ts..

I will tell you a story ts when i was around 18 i had been commercial fishing for 2years and i was thinking of leaving the boats but then i over heard a conservation from an old mechanic to my then skipper on the warf stating that he reckoned that i could never become a fisherman...i went on with those words in my mind for a further 6 years becoming the best and fastest fisherman out there who had one hell of a reputation with people i didnt even know walking up to me telling me of how they had herd about me and giving me instant respect...So please tell me i cant do this you say i dont know you and visa versa my friend ;)

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Re: CPD Decision out!
« Reply #35 on: December 21, 2011, 08:32:41 PM »
Good on you, a court decision will be binding and will have to be followed. A protest won't get a large enough percentage of participation to achieve anything and as you've acknowledged the Minister isn't interested so who are you appealing to with one?

The trade is not as passionate across the board. I know a number of plumbers in a number of cities and the masses aren't there prepared to down tools. They'll b**** and moan but ultimately thats all.

A decision from the court is not that expensive in comparison to what the true cost to you all would actually be to you all. You'll have a decision and the Board will have to listen if your right. My last words on this. I'll revisit this topic in a year and see how your getting on.......

Offline Jaxcat

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Re: CPD Decision out!
« Reply #36 on: December 21, 2011, 08:41:23 PM »
It is a sad but true comment that the passion is not shared across the Board.  Practitioners can and do moan, but are slow to call to action - when you think about 11000 practitioners around the country and only 440 odd submission on CPD and only just over 100 on levies - it is pretty pityful.  Does that mean they agree with the status quo, are too busy to do anything or just don't give a damn I'm not sure.  I do know that several just hope someone else will do it for them.  The great silent majority - these are the ones with the power to shift things.  How to motivate them?

Offline Badger

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Re: CPD Decision out!
« Reply #37 on: December 22, 2011, 12:43:36 AM »

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