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Author Topic: Master Plumbers submission  (Read 2416 times)

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Offline Jaxcat

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Master Plumbers submission
« on: March 29, 2013, 01:38:00 PM »
Well Wal I just read the Master Plumbers submission in response - while having a crack at the Federation they have not looked in the mirror themselves.  They say they  have 700 members - but the 700 businesses simply represent the principal of that business - they cannot automatically claim the workers in that business are supportive of master plumbers because that is a lie and over extending the understandfing that the business has when they sign up.  The owner is a member of master plumbers - not the staff and this is evidenced by the fact that the employees of that member have no vote in master plumbers activies like choosing Directors  - so what they mean is they have 700 members - and only that - not 3500 who they claim to represent.

They do have an employee class - but I am not sure if the employee actually signs up for that, or their boss puts in the form for them - either way these employees have no say in how master plumbers is run, they cannot attend meetings unless invited and are really window dressing numbers.

They seem to be making some claims that they can't substantiate - and are assuming that members of the Federation comprise of the subscription list to the newsletter.  How little they know.  One thing I am glad of though, and that is that staff of Master Plumbers appear to be reading the Federation newsletter - that's great news - I hope they are learning something about the Act and regulations that they can share with the Board of Master Plumbers, because given the very skimpy nature of the submission and supplementary  papers I wonder if they are familiar with it at all.   

The Federation does not charge a membership fee - does this make it any less valid?  No, it does not.  It also doesn't seek donations and support from suppliers and sponsors and therefore doesn't have to dance to their tune either - so members views are paramount - not those of suppliers or sponsors.  Sometimes views are watered down to keep those "funding" an organisation happy.  This is not always ideal.

Have you learned lessons only of those who admired you, and were tender with you, and stood aside for you?  Have you not learned great lessons from those who braced themselves against you, and disputed the passage with you?  (Walt Whitman 1819-1891)  American Poet

Offline Rodza1

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Re: Master Plumbers submission
« Reply #1 on: March 31, 2013, 10:04:29 AM »
At a guess I would say I am STILL counted as a Master Plumber supporter although I havnt worked for a Master Plumber business for two years. Their numbers they claim will never diminish in their opinion only rise.

Ive been bleating about this for a few years and is the number one reason why I will never join. I was told the fees are about $1000 a year to be a local member and more apparently to be recognised nationally?? Could you shed any light on how it definitely works and the costs involved Jax??

As far as I am aware you put the stickers on your van "To gain public trust" so I was once told by a former boss, they send you news letters, your invited to their annual monthly local meeting and thats it. I always felt that it was unethical how businesses I have been in contact with operated as Master Plumbers.

The consumer would get any person with a exemption license showing up at the door with Master Plumbers stickers on their van and insignia on their shirt but in reality it doesnt improve the quality of the tradesman and the level of that persons skill, yet the consumer does not understand this and thinks they are getting the best. Ive seen it time and time again. "Master Plumbers"... another top heavy organisation full of bureaucrats and dickheads that charge through the roof but do little for the every day tradesman.

Their true intentions to suck on and swallow whatever the Board gives them became apparent when a huge injustice and unethical malpractice with a very serious flaw in the PGDB's gas certification system was blamed on local forum gasfitter Paul Gee who was actually only trying to be a responsible gasfitter. He was offered no help or support although he was a paying "Master Plumber" member. Effectively they washed their hands of him for no apparent reason. It is for that I would not give them 10 Cents or a second of my time.

They way in which they have rolled out their own CPD courses is also of concern, $30 per point??? If anyone from Master Plumbers is reading this, who helped implement this, Are you for real???  What planet do you reside on???

If thats not a money grab then what the F**k is eh???   

I found out that where I am living, some local Master Plumber member who is a bit of a grub and I consider to be ignorant and arrogant, read from 5261 to the guys that showed up to pay $30 per point. They listened to shit getting garbled by this guy who what they told me later "obviously hasnt ever really read what he was trying to explain before" and had more than likely picked up this book probably from under a stack of other books and magazines in his messy office or worse borrowed one from someone else, as his copy was lost, everyone then filled out a little questionnaire, everyone was angry as they just got swindled and that was it.

Absolutely unbelievable.

Anyone else been to one of these Master Plumbers CPD courses and how was it???

Anyone out there that works for a Master Plumber angry that Master Plumbers are using them as a baseless number to justify THEIR selfish goals in this industry when in reality they dont give two shits about the guys on the tools?? They only care for looking important and being the big kid on the block when it comes to industry support when lobbying at govt level. They really dont care about their own members and they expect you to pay for the privilege.

In all sense and reality it is the Board who is masquerading as the Master Plumbers these days dare I say. How cheeky is that, they count half the trades people in this country all who hate the Board and use the numbers to implement their (board) will on us and use Master Plumbers as the apparent impartial industry body to do it.

They are using our own workmates and colleagues against us in a war of numbers. The Board know they cant just openly impose their will on us (although they are doing a piss poor job at hiding it at the moment) so use Master Plumbers as their weapon of choice to lobby govt on their behalf.

Im going to have to say that I think Master Plumbers have had their day, they have been corrupted and infiltrated by people with their own ambitions to the highest level of their organisation. They are not trustworthy, just look at what happened to Paul.

And we live in a democracy???
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Offline Badger

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Re: Master Plumbers submission
« Reply #2 on: March 31, 2013, 10:40:55 AM »
The NZ Law Commission said it best, you can read the whole document in the link below.

5.36 a difficulty arises here in that occupational regulatory and disciplinary bodies are
often funded by the relevant industry, which may adversely affect perceptions of
their independence. However, this funding is necessary. We suggest that it may be
acceptable for these bodies to be funded through mechanisms such as licensing fees
and industry levies provided that they are independent from industry associations
and other purely industry groups
, and that other mechanisms are in place to
safeguard their independence. For example, in its recent review of the real estate
agents act 1976, the Ministry of Justice suggested that the body responsible for
licensing and disciplinary matters ought to be “independent from the industry,”
meaning that the real estate institute of New Zealand should not be able to exercise
control over it. This body would be constituted as a separate body that would be
required to report annually to Parliament. Finally, it was seen as important for
public perceptions of independence that the Minister of Justice should appoint
members, rather than the industry
appointing the members.337 We note that these
recommendations arose in a context of public concern about the real estate industry.
However, we suggest that the underlying principles reflect a wider trend towards
greater independence for occupational bodies, and that the recommendations can
be considered as an example of best practice in any event.
You can't choose who you are.....but you are the sum of your choices.......

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