Robbo mate if your a master plumber and remember the Board has a 50% representation on it of the positions available to the trades....then the Board does screw its own members in a Mater Plumber context.....and they will in the future and they have in the past.....not just me your backs guys, no loyalty to their own code, despicable people playing dirty.....
Not only did the same crew persecute me via the Board, they attempted to do it to me via the master Plumber's disciplinary group too....until I left....telling me not to go public because of a privacy part of the Master Plumbing contract, telling me it even survived my resigning( the only thing they could show me, was something for my protection, not theirs)
They should have stepped down and listed their conflicts of interest, they didn't
People on my hearing and involved in my impartiality hearing, and part of my investigation, where I was totally done for f**** all.....
Mark Whitehead, Master Plumber
Peter Jackson, Master Plumber
John Debanardo, Master Plumber
John Simmiss, Master Plumber
Graham Hardie, Master Plumber
Allan Bickers IPENZ
And Tony Hammond investigator IPENZ and along with Stephen Parker chair of my hearing, manage a trust together and run lots of gas groups...John Darnley,my dodgy old boss... same gas groups and master plumbers. Much more no doubt but these are the ones that spring to mind.
These people lead a trumped up kangaroo court and very dodgy investigation in to me, ignoring some very serious part is if, and its a huge if, these people stuck to their OWN master plumber rules and "ethic" code they would have to turn a blind eye...which is wrong aswell....
These people need not be feared if you see them out in the open, their intimidation only works if you let them do it behind closed doors.