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NO WAY, I been trying to hide this for the last decade.....
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Author Topic: An Open Letter to Maurice Williamson MP  (Read 28358 times)

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Re: An Open Letter to Maurice Williamson MP
« Reply #15 on: April 11, 2013, 07:23:41 AM »
 I totally agree Aboutgas.........

Its a worry that apparently no one tells them what to do, they are non liable for their actions, they can ignore the OAG, Ombudsman, regulation review committee, charities commission AND the law of the land and the only time Maurice will jump in is to change the law to make their unlawful actions legal with no better argument then it is ok to take money illegally if it so they can stay solvent...........

And coming soon to a court case near you....a yearly audit for no reason other reason than they want to (remember they have lost the income from the certs and will need a new income), they don't even tell you they are coming, you only find out after they find something and they are going you, where they are more than happy to stitch you up, ignore evidence and get their mates to oversee the hearing and to investigate. With the same threat of not issuing a license if you don't comply as for the illegal CPD points.

Remember why they stopped using the bi-annual audits for gas....people purposely failing gasfitters so they could pocket the re-audit fee and then when they had to stop using them the next set of people started using it as a tool to put their opposition out of business.

The future is very very bleak for our industry......

And by the look of recent admissions the Board have the full support of the Master Plumbers.........

We have to get behind the Federation guys, increase membership and get or never
You can't choose who you are.....but you are the sum of your choices.......

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Re: An Open Letter to Maurice Williamson MP
« Reply #16 on: April 11, 2013, 07:32:23 AM »
One thing you must be aware of with these annual audits that you don't find out about until their is a problem.....and I know this from experience....

Once the compliant is made you HAVE to see the process through......if you plead guilty you only pay a fine with no costs.....but if you stick up for your self they go you like you wouldn't believe.....

A thought for you think the number of investigations and prosecutions will increase or decrease.......NOW THAT THEY ARE TRYING TO JUSTIFY A DISAPLINARY LEVI AND THEY HAVE LOST THE INCOME OF THE GASCERTS.

If, as I believe they will, go up in number then the odds of them going each and everyone of you increases.

Now how do you feel about running the gauntlet of dealing with these corrupt f****ers......get ready to kiss arse or get torn a new can act now or put up with this bullshit later.

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Re: An Open Letter to Maurice Williamson MP
« Reply #17 on: April 11, 2013, 08:03:29 AM »
...........and as the number of disciplinary hearings and investigations will justify an increase in the is a blank cheque to take out the opposition.

The only choice you will have is chance fighting it and getting hit for a fine AND costs......or pleading guilty and loosing your reputation and a fine....with all your shortcomings plastered over the local newspaper whether you plead guilty or not.

I was found not guilt for anything in the explosion and only one out of 44 charges (explained away by the British Standard)

Mr Bickers went and publically stated in my local paper that I didn't know the fundamentals of my trade.

I was framed for something I had warned about for 6 years previously...I have never had a compliant about my work, price yes, but never my work....and at my punishment assessment I was told by the assessor that I would be in the ten 10%  of fitters he had ever assessed......

So all you people out there who think I just won't make any mistakes.......good luck with that.

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Re: An Open Letter to Maurice Williamson MP
« Reply #18 on: April 11, 2013, 09:51:02 AM »
Badger, you are right , and something needs to be done

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Re: An Open Letter to Maurice Williamson MP
« Reply #19 on: April 11, 2013, 10:11:43 AM »
I reckon every one should go know by posting lots of letters :P

Think on this....who will it leave at the end to reap the excessive hourly the costs climb they will charge more....

Good luck on sucking up to them and trying your hardest not to tread on any toes....because the only ones safe are the ones who are at the top at the time, probably about 8 to 10 people....

Get ready to enjoy the taste of ass.....or stand up for your self will NOT have the publicity or platform for a long long time....and if they survive they will have learnt heaps and be even will only have your selves to blame...........

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Re: An Open Letter to Maurice Williamson MP
« Reply #20 on: April 11, 2013, 07:49:22 PM »
Apparently according to Maurice, he said in Parliament there was an explosion in Nelson at a Pizza any one know of such a thing happening??

I live here and haven't heard of one.....the only one I have heard of is the one that no one has been held accountable for and was done by my ex boss....surely he could be that uninformed ::)

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Re: An Open Letter to Maurice Williamson MP
« Reply #21 on: April 11, 2013, 08:50:54 PM »
hi guys, yes badger i think he refered to an unlicenced gasfitter, was that boss of yours licenced? cheers

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Re: An Open Letter to Maurice Williamson MP
« Reply #22 on: April 12, 2013, 07:56:14 AM »
Yes Robbo, My old boss was granted his license after one oral exam and no apprenticeship served....granted by the very same Mr Hammond who the Board appointed to investigate the explosion (supposedly to investigate impartially hahaha). Both members of NZIGE as well as Mr Parker the presiding chair at my disciplinary too....funny that ::)

Strangely enough Mr Hammond didn't go after my old boss...the bloke that he empowered, that was not time served. Then he withheld evidence and notes, amended the charges to fit two weeks out from the hearing, etc etc.

Didn't even question him about the explosion, even though he was the last person to work there and didn't register the cert for the pizza oven, but all the carbon copies of the cert show no leak test was recorded.

Guess what the compliant was about from the Dept of Labour.......dodgy certs and specifically mentions the pizza oven cert.......and not to mention I had spent the 6 previous years warning about my old boss......

Who do you think the Board should have gone after...... ::)

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Re: An Open Letter to Maurice Williamson MP
« Reply #23 on: April 12, 2013, 07:58:38 AM »
And this is the treatment each and every one of you can expect.......good luck running their gauntlet and/or arse kissing....

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Re: An Open Letter to Maurice Williamson MP
« Reply #24 on: April 12, 2013, 08:01:27 AM »
All with the knowledge of the minister, who in his own words can't direct them.......welcome to the world of the Board.....

Where exactly do you want your new arse torn...........

Do something about it now, you will not have an opportunity like this for a very long time, if ever again

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Re: An Open Letter to Maurice Williamson MP
« Reply #25 on: April 12, 2013, 09:09:09 AM »
This is the complaint that the Board based their whole persecution of me on.

You will se that-

I came forward voluntarily

I voiced concerns about John Darley, as I am on record for doing for 6 years before the explosion

The gas cert number 345138 mentioned toward the end is the pizza oven cert, that was installed one year after I left, was the most recent work done there, and had the gas leak test results empty (on all carbon and electronic copies available).

I proved at the hearing that the cylinder station had changed, the pizza oven was added a year later and the with held photos (with held by Hammond) proved that the bayonets I had fitted had been lowered some 3 to 400 the holes in the walls!!!!!!!!!

Now....Look at the date of the complaint 8th July 2009, I have a email from a Board lawyer stating that when the chip shop owner's lawyer requested ALL copies of certs 9 DAYS after the explosion (explosion on 9th April, some THREE MONTHS before) .......

The Board told his lawyer that THE PIZZA OVEN CERT # 345138 was never received by the Board.....BUT there is a copy on the Boards website  ???

WHO DO YOU THINK THE BOARD SHOULD HAVE GONE AFTER? Darnley wasn't even questioned about it ???

And now Maurice is talking about a pizza hut exploding in Nelson of all places!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Re: An Open Letter to Maurice Williamson MP
« Reply #26 on: April 12, 2013, 12:29:07 PM »
sent to day to every single minister

Dear Ministers,


I witnessed Mr Maurice Williams MP tirade on the Parliament channel last night and would like to make some comments on this Parliamentary speech made on behalf of this Bill to be amended, to allow the illegal gathering of nearly 2 million dollars from the plumbing and related trades.

I believe Mr Maurice Williams’ statement that….there are no sections available to the Board to prosecute unlicensed plumbers and gasfitters, I believe that 121 to 132 of the Plumbers Gasfitters and Drainlayers Act 2006, are available to the Board for these purposes, which covers offences and Infringement notices which are not used by the Board appointed by the Minister. A clear documented process for dealing with non registered people. I believe the amendment is more for the reason to get them out of trouble for a problem that they have known about for sometime.

His accusations that this legislation was passed by the Labour Government but he apparently forgot to mention National opposed a lot of the Bill at the time, so were aware of the problems and as soon as they got into Government didn’t apparently do anything to change it but simply implemented the Act in 2010, 4 years after the period he was referring to.

His mention of an explosion in a Nelson Pizza Hut, is very confusing and I think maybe unfounded. The only Pizza cooking related explosion I know of in my area of Nelson, is the one mentioned in the attached documents and emails below specifically certificate 345138 for a Pizza oven. My side of the story is available in my submission to the select committee on the Parliamentary website, under the name Paul Gee. I rang the local pizza hut in Nelson and the person who answered the phone said he knew nothing about an explosion, the only one he had heard of was , ironically, the one in Milton Street.

I ask all ministers to ask themselves if they want to get behind a bill in such a rushed manner, National ministers especially as you will be the ones remembered for implementing it. Please think of it in light of this reluctance to go after the real culprit in this only pizza cooking related explosion available to everyone I know in the industry, which  the Board tried to be frame me for. All this is now known to the Minister Maurice Williamson. This man, my ex boss John Darnley, was also licensed, all be it by way of one oral exam carried out by the very same man that the Board saw fit to appoint as an impartial investigator, against my formal protests.

Who do you think the investigator should have gone after? I had complained about John Darnley for 6 years before, specifically for dodgy certs covering dodgy work. The last work was done by him at the site of this explosion and by the Boards own admission, see below, they knew he didn’t register the cert 345138 just 8 to 9 days after the explosion. John Darnley wasn’t even questioned about it.

The attached compliant, the whole basis for going after me, specifically mentions this cert 345138 and its discrepancies, it is totally in my old bosses name and all carbon and electronic copies show the GAS LEAK TEST RESULTS are empty at the site of an EXPLOSION. I have a 33 page report that goes toward dismissing the importance of this fundamental part of checking for gas leaks, issued by the Board

Mr Williamson dismissing the Federation as a small malcontent faction in the industry is not my experience. Every one I meet express concern but are too scared to raise their concerns because they believe they will be railroaded, and you can’t blame them when you know of my treatment. People are leaving the industry and sometimes the country hand over fist.

Mr Williamson appears to only listen to the Master Plumbers, who are part of the Board, having a 50% representation on the Board of the available places for the trades. Against it appears of the best recommendations for impartiality by the NZ Law Commission see below from a document available on -

5.36 A difficulty arises here in that occupational regulatory and disciplinary bodies are

often funded by the relevant industry, which may adversely affect perceptions of

their independence. However, this funding is necessary. We suggest that it may be

acceptable for these bodies to be funded through mechanisms such as licensing fees

and industry levies provided that they are independent from industry associations

and other purely industry groups, and that other mechanisms are in place to

safeguard their independence. For example, in its recent review of the Real Estate

Agents Act 1976, the Ministry of Justice suggested that the body responsible for

licensing and disciplinary matters ought to be “independent from the industry,”

meaning that the Real Estate Institute of New Zealand should not be able to exercise

control over it. This body would be constituted as a separate body that would be

required to report annually to Parliament. Finally, it was seen as important for

public perceptions of independence that the Minister of Justice should appoint

members, rather than the industry appointing the members.337 We note that these

recommendations arose in a context of public concern about the real estate industry.

However, we suggest that the underlying principles reflect a wider trend towards

greater independence for occupational bodies, and that the recommendations can

be considered as an example of best practice in any event.

I have some questions……

How did the exact information as the carbon copies for cert 345138 get on to the electronic register to enable an electronic cert to be made  and with a matching cert number? If the Board never received the master copy, the electronic copy in all probability being on the site before the explosion.

Do you really want such a Board to be given even more power, remember every one at the Board in any power knew of it all then (or should have) and definitely do by now, but are in no hurry to investigate. Even the Minister Maurice Williamson says as things are he has no control over the direction of the Board. He is here for the Health and Safety for the Public, but no one has been held accountable for this near fatal explosion.

Do you want to be remembered by history for further empowering such apparent incompetence or even worse corruption?

Out of all the people involved in my situation, who do you think has the Health and safety of the public first and foremost in their mind?

Are you happy for an innocent person to be framed for something he tried to warn about, losing his home, business and reputation, having to work away from his family for the two years since the hearing? Just to protect an incompetent Board and the real culprit.

Yours Sincerely Paul Gee, please see below 2 emails from the Boards lawyer.


From: Melanie Phillips []
Sent: Wednesday, 11 May 2011 4:13 p.m.
To: Paul & Emma Gee
Cc: Wal Gordon
Subject: RE: Paul Gee 

Hi Paul

Please see attached Belinda’s filenote of her request to John Darnley for a copy of certificate 345138.  This occurred after she was contacted by lawyers acting for the owner on 17 April 2009 requesting copies of all gas certificates relating to 136 Milton Street.   

Also attached is a copy of the certificate received which, as you will see, is of quite poor quality.

Please let me know if you need any more information. 




From: Melanie Phillips[]
Sent: Wednesday, 11 May 2011 3:22p.m.
To: Paul & Emma Gee; WalGordon
Subject: RE: Paul Gee

Hi Paul

I have just gone back through the fileand can confirm that the Board never received a pink copy of certificate345138.  The only copy the Board has is a photocopy of the certifierscopy, which you produced as exhibit PG007 together with a copy of the gassuppliers copy.

I see notes from Belinda Greer on thefile that the Board copy of certificate 345138 was received after the explosionin 2009, I think from the Department of Labour.

I’m sorry I can’t help youfurther.




Paul Gee Plumbing & Gas Ltd

PO Box 249, Takaka 7142

0274 33 33 50 / 03 525 9889

Offline Badger

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Re: An Open Letter to Maurice Williamson MP
« Reply #27 on: April 12, 2013, 12:35:36 PM »

Offline Badger

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Re: An Open Letter to Maurice Williamson MP
« Reply #28 on: April 12, 2013, 02:09:35 PM »
 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8)

Doesn't it look just a teeny bit dodgy, just this...... alone forget all the conflicts of interest and with held notes and photos.....but just the fact that John Darnley hasn't even been questioned nor his family who run the office........


Just make sure you are good at kissing arse and don't tell anyone what you really think, even if it for the best.....


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Re: An Open Letter to Maurice Williamson MP
« Reply #29 on: April 12, 2013, 08:48:02 PM »
Need to walk around with a fricken camera on our heads with HD quality video and a parabolic mic with high noise gain filter to catch every piece of audio ever muttered to you by anyone. Then store it all on a secure server for retrieval when needed. Even then the Board will still make up any old shit.
The Plumbers Gasfitters And Drainlayers Board- "White Collar Mafia"

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