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YES, its way over due....
18 (94.7%)
NO WAY, I been trying to hide this for the last decade.....
1 (5.3%)

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Author Topic: An Open Letter to Maurice Williamson MP  (Read 28356 times)

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Offline Badger

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An Open Letter to Maurice Williamson MP
« on: August 17, 2012, 12:44:05 PM »
Dear Minister,


With all due respect and humility I would ask you to comment on the attached report and my correspondence with Max Pederson and the Board as a whole. I have been subjected to a witch-hunt and cover up. I have been lied to and lied about. I have lost my business, home, reputation and time with my young family. All this for a situation that I had warned about 6 years before an explosion nearly killed someone. Its final out come of this witch-hunt is just one charge out of 44 substantiated, which if the Board had ears to hear, is cleared by means of a British Standard.


The Board was in receipt of a complaint about this explosion from the Labour Dept, authored by a Lance Windleburn. This complaint makes no mention of my work, and was stated to my lawyer also, and it says that I came forward of my own free will. In spite of this the Board went out of its way to pin this on me and make me a scapegoat.


This Dept of Labour complaint does though complain specifically about dodgy certificates. Minister, you can not get any more dodgy than a gas SAFETY certificate that is either not registered and/or has the gas leak test results section empty…..AT THE SITE OF A NEAR FATAL EXPLOSION. This is all known to the Board, with an attempt to make it acceptable in a 33 page report that took 4 months to write. It plays on semantics and wording, see attached. It seems they are of the opinion that as their role of overseeing certifying gas work is being wound down it is been placed in the too hard basket. I would, in light of this, remind them that it is their responsibility in relation to time, when this occurred they were in the position of responsibility. This is something that has been drummed in to me by the Board, it is relevant by date and time. 


It is totally unbelievable that the Board are making excuses for faulty paper work/procedure associated with a situation at the site of a near fatality. The Board is well aware that a second certificate was issued and entered on to their website, but quite illogically they claim not to have received it ….which is impossible for it to then make it to their electronic register.


Of particular interest this second certificate has the GAS LEAK TEST section of the certificate empty on the certifiers, owners and electronic copy; I am unable to source the Board’s master copy as they claim not to have received it, ever. This said certificate certifies the most recent work carried out at the site of an explosion that nearly killed someone and has in any event wrecked two families’ lives, both mine and Ron Clark the owner of the chip-shop that exploded.


This is an endemic problem (denied by the Board) which is highlighted by a test batch of 150 gas certs that I requested, which had 11 missing the test results also. These “11” were part of a batch, stated by the Board, again not being able to locate….until I sent them photos of copies of the gas suppliers copy, they then magically located them. Is this minister the actions of an open and transparent group of people?


It has also been stated that another particular cert was filled out correctly, which is then upon inspection has the same test results section empty. This statement was made years before the explosion, when I had attempted to get this looked in to initially. I was deterred progressing any further by being told by the Board via my lawyer that there was over 1000 certs in my name and I could only get copies at $25.00 per cert, I still do not know what evidence that this number of a 1000 certs was made. The Board were well aware that I was still concerned by this situation after this because I phoned them to tell them I couldn’t afford it and a subsequent letter sent on my behalf by Nick Smith MP.


The Board appear to be OK with the fact that this person who, either didn’t register the work (if you take the Board’s very own version of events) or registered it and by all evidence available didn’t document the pressure test that was used to test the gas supply, if in fact he did test for leaks…..the Board state that IT IS NOT A REQUIRED FIELD ON A CERTIFICATE, this statement made on a job that nearly killed someone is incredulous. Testing for leaks is fundamental to gasfitting and any one who states other wise is totally out of touch with the trade.


We will never know WHICH VERSION IS TRUE, as the person responsible and his family (who were the office staff) were never questioned about it by the “impartial” investigator who incidentally had granted this man his full craftsman license after just one oral exam and was a member of the same industry groups, along with the chair of my hearing and several other Board members. In light of this Minister, are you still of the opinion that the best practice recommendations on impartiality by the NZ Law Commission are not applicable because we are too small a country?


Of note an extra hose was sold to the chip shop owner, because the hose that caused the explosion had ruptured previously and been replaced. This was due to the pipework, that I had initially installed much higher, was lowered. This lowering is evident in the photos that were withheld by the “IMPARTIAL” investigator and only came to light at my hearing upon a request made directly to the forensic expert, by my advocate Wal Gordon. The impartial investigator was in possession of these photos from very early on and would have been in possession of them while interviewing me and since. He was in all probability in possession of these photos while I was telling him that the pipe was altered. I maintained this view before seeing these photos, this lowering of the pipe made the hose stress against the floor and split twice, the second time causing an explosion. Replaced by someone who apparently was happy with the hose in such a stressful position as this person replaced it and left it as such…..we will never know who this is because the Board and its investigator hasn’t tried to find him, not even asking the person who sold him the hose, which shows a receipt for 3 hoses issued by Allgas.


I have also shown the Board a letter written by “Allgas” on their letter head, written in my name, to alter a certificate. This letter was written 3 months after I left Allgas and was acted on by the Board. Also there is writing on 3 master copies that is absent on the carbon copies, my bringing this to the Board’s attention has made them render me as being vexatious, they have done this in writing. There is far, far more and I will be happy to answer any questions and clarify anything that you feel requires it.


My question to you Minister is….Do you still have confidence in this Board and its actions? I have copied other people in to this email as I feel it is in the public’s best interest, as would be the reply.


We are well over due for a fair, open, transparent public enquiry; those that help cover it up are, in my opinion, morally as guilty as those that commit the offence. Please see below my correspondence to which as of today I have not received a reply, even though I openly call them corrupt, and attached the 33 page report.


Please Minister we need a public enquiry before we have another incident, this man responsible for this has worked for over a decade, his work is still out there. I don’t want to, and would take no pleasure, in being the witness at a coroner’s inquiry and getting to say I told you so….I would rather fix it before it happens.



Yours Sincerely Paul Gee

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Re: An Open Letter to Maurice Williamson MP
« Reply #1 on: February 12, 2013, 07:29:16 PM »
Just curious is there an application where you can have "heating and ventilation" without a house to wrap it up in???

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Re: An Open Letter to Maurice Williamson MP
« Reply #2 on: March 27, 2013, 10:56:46 AM »
Another open letter the right honourable minister

Thank you for your email addressed to the Hon Maurice Williamson.  He will appreciate you taking the time to contact him.


All correspondence, including email,  is entered into our mail tracking process.  Although e-mail delivery is instant, the time required to respond to the high number received makes it impossible to provide an equally instant response from the Minister.


Mr Williamson will read your views but a response beyond this acknowledgement may not be sent.



Office of the Hon Maurice Williamson l MP Pakuranga l Minister for Building & Construction l Minister of Customs l Minister for Land Information I Minister of Statistics I Parliament Buildings Wellington l


From: Paul Gee [] On Behalf Of Paul & Emma Gee
Sent: Wednesday, 27 March 2013 9:28 a.m.
Subject: FW: Accountability


Dear Mr Williamson,


This is another open letter (see attached the one sent many months ago).


I have just read comments attributable to you reported in the Press, bullet points below, re-the terrible and gut wrenching CTV building situation.


·          It has to be ... that someone is held to account," he said.

·          But it would be "just ghastly" to move on without anyone being held to account.

·          'That building was built illegally, it didn't meet all the specs of the day, it didn't meet code."


Please can you explain why you seem to have no problem with accountability at an exploding chip shop that, very luckily, didn’t end in a death? A site of an explosion with no one to date held accountable, with the evidence pointing to substandard work covered by an incomplete gas safety certificate, lacking of all things gas leak test results. This gas certificate is denied having been received by the Board, and yet a copy is on the electronic register of the Board, this is amongst many other inaccuracies.


I do this solely to avoid another incident in my area; I will say it yet again my old bosses work is still out there. If the place that exploded which still, right up until today, has no one held accountable for, well if it had exploded one hour earlier it would have been surrounded by a lot of school kids on their way to school.


My old boss worked for about 15 years after being given his craftsman ticket with no apprenticeship served, being given his full qualification after just one oral exam, this building is 20 years old and I feel shows that it sometimes needs an extraordinary set of events to show weaknesses in the work and systems used. It is similar to gas, sometimes it takes an unusual set of events to make a catastrophe very real. The exploding chip shop was seven years old when it exploded.


I look forward to your clarification.


Paul Gee Plumbing & Gas Ltd

PO Box 249, Takaka 7142

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Re: An Open Letter to Maurice Williamson MP
« Reply #3 on: March 27, 2013, 11:00:40 AM »
Read receipt first and open letter below..............why are tradesman accountable WHEN IT SUITS, I got screwed over for it first time around remember....but none of the issues raised in my hearing have got looked at........

Are engineers above reproach....I know we plumbers get treated like second class citizens on site, but this is going too far.........

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Re: An Open Letter to Maurice Williamson MP
« Reply #4 on: March 30, 2013, 03:53:06 PM »

FYI....My submission to the select committee, below this is how any single one of you could be treated by these people if they stay where they are.


Dear Select Committee,
1.   Introduction

2.   My name is Paul Gee, a certifying gasfitter and plumber from the Tasman/Nelson area. I am in full agreement with the Plumbers, Gasfitters and Drainlayers Federation’s submission, and only offer this personal submission under my own steam and banner to go toward showing how the Plumbers, Gasfitters and Drainlayers Board (PGDB) have spent the illegally gained funds,  needlessly savaging my life and terrorising my wife in doing so.

3.   I have lost my business and reputation, my home and time with my young family, all for a situation that I had tried to warn about for 6 years previously, before an explosion nearly killed someone, i.e. dodgy certs covering dodgy work. With no one held accountable for this. As this situation spans almost 10 years of my life and is hugely personal to me I am truly thankful for all understanding and consideration shown for this lengthy submission and I thank you in advance for this.

4.   I believe the Board have made a scapegoat of me to hide their own short comings and in-action.

5.   Concerns

6.   My concerns are centred on the illegally funded past and current prosecution and discipline systems of the PGDB within the gasfitting industry and the apparent covering up by the PGDB of either a badly designed gas safety certification system and/or incompetence/malpractice administering this system. 

7.   I believe that the Board ignored conflicts of interest and acted in bad faith, with out duty of care and against natural justice; leading to an unfair and needless investigation and the resulting decision by the Board in respect to me. Please note that I strongly believe in industry regulation and the holding of “cowboys” to account within the industry, which was why I had tried to warn about all of this from the outset.

8.   I believe they undertook a needless disciplinary action against me, utilising these illegally gained funds spending over $200,000.00 on my case. What has occurred to me has since been made available to the Building and Housing Minister.

9.   In particular, my concerns are not just about the afore mentioned conflicts of interests that were ignored, but also the misrepresentation and withholding of evidence and the resulting decision of the Board, and in particular the way the investigation was carried out.

10.   Background

11.   I am a qualified gas service engineer in the United Kingdom, trained by British Gas in 1989. I was registered by the PGDB as a craftsman gasfitter on 15 February 1999.

12.   I began working for a gas company in late February 2003 in Nelson. At the beginning of this employment, I was instructed by the manager to fill out the work sheets only and the office staff would fill out the gas certification certificate and I only had to sign them, then the office staff would file them. Note: The manger and office staff was a family and related, i.e. a husband (manager), wife (office manager), daughter (office girl) and son in law (limited licence gasfitter, who worked unsupervised most of the time).

13.   After approximately five months of employment with this gas company, I became very concerned about how gasfitting work was being carried out and the possible safety implications of this apparent malpractice. I attempted to raise this concern verbally with the manager; however it was dismissed by him. Toward the end of the period of this employment I handed back certificates to the manager, refusing to sign them as they were unfinished or unsafe.

14.   On 10 November 2003, I attended a meeting with the Manager. At this meeting, I submitted a written statement outlining my safety concerns; this written statement was later provided to the Board and appears in my Hearing’s Bundle (HB).

15.   On 13 November 2003, I was issued with a written warning by the manager for how I had expressed my concerns about safety to his son in law, (HB). In response to this written warning I indicated I would resign as soon as was practicable.

16.   On 14 November 2003, four books of non-transferable gas certificates were ordered, for the one and only time, by some one at the gas company. It was done in my name, without my knowledge, (HB).

17.   On 19 November 2003, I gave two weeks notice and resigned from this gas company, (HB).

18.   I later found out, after the explosion, that on the 4th March 2004, three months after I left, someone from this gas company, on this company’s letterhead, wrote a letter in my name to alter a gas certificate to the PGDB, which was apparently acted on, (HB).

19.   I then began work as a subcontractor for a different gas company in December 2003 where I immediately became aware of improper use of gas certificates that were in my name, actually one of the certificates I had refused to sign because the job was unsafe/unfinished, (HB).

20.   In response, I contacted the PGDB by telephone, which was when I became aware of the 4 books ordered in my name, and again in writing on 6 January 2004. In response, the PGDB replied to me, dismissing my complaint and providing what I believe are inconsistencies and incorrect facts. (HB)

21.   A year later I came across yet another irregular certificate in my name, covering unsafe work. I contacted a lawyer, as the Board refused to talk to me without one, on 13 January 2005. (HB)

22.   I also contacted my former employer, the gas company mentioned above, which had a new manager, on the 24 January 2005.

23.   The outcome of my lawyer’s inquiry to the PGDB was there were over a 1000 certificates in my name and it would cost $25 per certificate to check. I could not afford this potential sum of $25,000 and told them so by phone. The letter from the Board’s lawyer had inconsistencies and incorrect facts. I had only worked at this gas company for some 10 months.

24.   I approached a Member of Parliament on 24 May 2006 after hearing no further from the PGDB. A letter was written to the PGDB on 6 June 2006. No response was made to me. I followed up this letter by sending a fax to a member of the PGDB on 21 August 2006. Again, I had no response. I later contacted another Member of Parliament by email, outlining my concerns for health and safety. This was passed on to the Minister for Safety and Health at the time. This Minister replied indicating he would look into the matter; however I received no further contact. Most, if not all, of the proof of this correspondence is in the possession of the PGDB, (HB).

25.   On 8 July 2009, the Board received a complaint from the Department of Labour, regarding a gas explosion at 136 Milton Street, Nelson. An “impartial” investigator was appointed according to section 40 of the Act.

26.   I requested an impartiality hearing with PGDB, it was held on 22 February 2011 where I raised concerns about conflicts of interest. They were dismissed.

27.   Disciplinary action was taken against me under section 42 of the Plumbers, Gasfitters and Drainlayers Act 1976 (“the Act”) as a result of the investigation. The matter was heard between 3 and 5 May 2011 by the Board. The decision was given in July 2011 where I was found guilty under section 42(1)(c) of the Act in relation to only one of the seven properties that were investigated by the “impartial” investigator.

28.   Out of 44 charges laid by the Board, I was found guilty of only two, neither of which was at the site of the explosion that initiated the complaint by the Department of Labour. No one else as far as I am aware was questioned about the site of the explosion, whether as part of the initial investigation or since.

29.   The Board required I undertake a course of instruction as an extra condition of re-licensing as a certified gasfitter for the 2013/2014 licensing year.

30.   This “course of instruction” had to be custom made for me at my expense. I have recently carried out an “assessment”, rather than course of instruction. I passed with a 90% mark and was told by the assessor that I would be in the top 10% of the people he had ever assessed.

31.   Of the “impartial” investigators initial audits of my work, none of his initial concerns made it to charges that later surfaced in a second audit. This second audit was ordered by him on the basis of these initial audits and “concerns”. A letter from the Board’s lawyer states that three years worth of my work was audited, but the “impartial” investigator only claims to have audited 10% of my work for that period.

32.   On 2 October 2009, the then Acting Registrar of The Board sent letters to the owners of six properties where the PGDB alleged I had carried out gasfitting work and that were identified by the “impartial” investigator’s investigation as having compliance issues.

33.   These letters, which covered each and every area that I had ever worked in for my own business, from the West Coast to Havelock of the top of the south island, with Nelson and Motueka in between, one or two letters per area. By far the most damaging was the one to Motueka High school, the only high school in what WAS my main centre of business, and my business disappeared not long after these letters. I wasn’t made aware of these letters until the Motueka High school contacted me.

34.    These letters noted there was an issue with a number of gas certificates illegally sold affecting a number of homes from Northland to Waikato and the Bay of Plenty, and that the certificate pertaining to their address was one of these. I have never carried out work in these North Island areas and these letters caused me the loss of my business, distress and loss of reputation.

35.   By far the worst event on a personal level was during the build up and preparation for my Hearing, the “impartial” investigator’s lawyer sent to my home, unmarked child sexual abuse case notes to prove his point on probabilities. As they were unmarked of their vile content, my long suffering wife read them and I came home to find her hysterical. At this time she was facing living in a caravan for the winter with her husband working away, minding our two young sons, as we were financially forced to sell our home. This situation that my wife faced later happened and I have had to work away for nearly two years since. I have told the present CEO of the Board about this, he has no problem with it and another PGDB member’s solution that he offered to me was “…had I thought of returning to the UK or going to Aussie”.

36.   I filed a notice of appeal to the decision of the Board on 16 November 2011. The appeal was heard in the High Court on 5 March 2012 and the decision given on 14 March 2012. The focus of this appeal was on the finding I was guilty of an act or omission contrary to the integrity of the gasfitting trade. The appeal was dismissed.

37.   On 22 June 2012, the Boards external assessor and QC released an opinion on eight complaints I raised. She concluded that under the Board’s Historical Complaints Resolution Policy, only one of my complaints fell within the scope of the Policy: that the letters sent by the Board’s Acting Registrar on 2 October 2009 did cause me a disadvantage. I have heard nothing since.

38.   Impartiality

39.   My claim is that the “impartial” investigator was not an impartial investigator as is required for natural justice. He is a member and fellow of the NZIGE and a member of IPENZ, GANZ and the Kennedy Trust and at the time my old boss was also a member of NZIGE and other gas groups.

40.   In addition, I believe that the “impartial” investigator was the person who granted my old boss his full craftsman status, after just one oral exam and with no apprenticeship served.

41.    The “impartial” investigator also was nominated by GANZ to co-author the NZ 5261, the standard that I had offered an alternative to in defending against my two founded charges. This is a conflict of interest that should not have been ignored. I tried to raise the issue at the impartiality hearing in February 2011, where my concerns were dismissed.   

42.   I believe that the table 16 of NZ 5261, which he refers to within this Standard and is particular to my charges, is contradictory and confusing. Table 16 had also been amended which gives the tradesman the impression that the table is not strict in its application, not to mention it is in the non-mandatory part two of the standard.

43.   The present Chairman of the PGDB and a panel member of my hearing is also a member of IPENZ, of which NZIGE is an arm of that according to a press release from IPENZ – “NZIGE collaborates closely with IPENZ”. This same person released a press release just after my Hearing stating I lacked fundamental knowledge of my trade, this appeared in my local newspaper.

44.   I also believe there was a conflict of interest between the “impartial” investigator and the Presiding Board Member at the disciplinary hearing. The “impartial” investigator and the Presiding Board Member have served together in numerous organisations, NZIGE, GANZ, and the Kennedy Trust, and have made numerous presentations together as a duo to the gas industry.

45.    The Presiding Board Member was on the executive of GANZ, the nominating organisation for the “impartial” investigator to co-author the referenced standard NZ 5261.

46.   The “impartial” investigator was the technical adviser to the Presiding Board Member at GANZ. I believe this would lead to the Presiding Board Member to put more weight in the “impartial” investigator’s opinion because of their personal relationship and their work on NZ 5261. They would both, in all probability, want the integrity of NZ 5261 to remain intact because of their involvement in developing it.

47.   The “impartial” investigator was also heavily involved with the deregulation of the gas industry and a driving force behind self certification for gasfitting. In light of this I believe he would also have a vested interest in maintaining the integrity of this certification system he had helped create, which has some apparent serious flaws in its application and the PGDB’s administration of it, most if not all of this was raised at the impartiality hearing I had requested, but was dismissed.

48.   Further, at the site of this explosion no one has been held accountable, although all copies of the last certificate issued for work carried out at this site of an explosion; lack any gas leak test entry which is a compulsory field on the now electronic website. This certificate is totally in my old manager’s name and was signed for a year after the initial installation and at least a year after my leaving the employment of the gas company mentioned above. The PGDB claim never to have received or registered this certificate, but an electronic version appears on the electronic register on their website. This electronic register also carries a disclaimer stating the inaccuracy of the register.

49.   Unfair Investigation

50.   I believe I was unfairly investigated, as were the charges brought against me regarding seven properties. Only two, out of 44 charges, regarding one property were upheld, which would be dismissed by a well used British Standard, if it was allowed.

51.   As a result my business and reputation was damaged and my ability to earn an income suffered. I believe that the PGDB appointed investigator was not an impartial investigator and that serious evidence was misrepresented or ignored at the Hearing. I was presumed guilty, having to prove innocence and disadvantaged by not allowing me to submit further evidence, which would clear me of all wrong doing, for a situation I had tried to warn about for 6 years.

52.   My appeal was dismissed because I could not, due to limiting PGDB policy, give any further evidence. The evidence I tried to adduce was a British Standard that would show what I had done was safe and a relevant alternative to the non-mandatory part two of the NZ 5261 standard that I was found guilty of contravening. Of note, the only other certifying gasfitter in the room at the hearing was on the panel for the PGDB, and he was British.

53.   I also tried to adduce an email from another, co-author of NZ5261. This email said I could use a British Standard if it was relevant, and I believe it is. This would have left me completely innocent of any wrong-doing.

54.   At the actual hearing I had offered other information and illustrated how I knew the fumes would behave on the appliance I had been later found guilty for installing and certifying. The owner of the same dwelling said he had no problems with it in the previous six years since installation, and it was the only obvious place to put the appliance in question. Even the “impartial” investigator also commented that if the fumes were not entering the building then I would have complied with Part one of NZ5261 which is mandatory, and so I would have done nothing wrong. All of this evidence was apparently ignored, with no further evidence put forward by the PGDB, other than the above mentioned “Table 16”, to go to show what I had done was dangerous, which I still believe it was not.

55.   In light of this treatment, and it is very brief and incomplete and a pick of the worst, I would like to ask a question and make a suggestion to the Select Committee

56.   My question is-

•   Is the Committee comfortable for the PGDB to enforce over a 1000% increase in discipline levies in under a decade and then claim it illegally from tradesman, BUT THEN (and this is my main point and reason for my submission) to use this ill gotten money as a fund to persecute and disadvantage innocent, well meaning, registered trades-people, using this illegal discipline levy as a war chest to bring down any opponents within the industry, or anyone they have a grudge with? As is evidenced by my treatment. They openly boast of a 100% conviction rate.

57.   My suggestion is-

•   While you are being asked to amend this Act, please consider changing the Act so that the Board is a liable entity or at least open to more than just recommendations, which they routinely ignore. As it is now the Board is non-liable under the Act, and accordingly the PGDB apparently acts with scant regard and impunity The PGDB have done this even while hiding behind, and trying to maintain, the façade of a registered charity, spending as far as I am aware over $46,000.00 in appealing their de-registration as a charity, apparently using the same clause** that is limited to $500.00 when used in making a compensation payment to me because of the letters sent to my customers.
**The Part 148 of the 2006 Act enables the Board in any financial year, to expend for purposes not authorised by any act, a sum not amounting to more than $500.

58.   I thank the Committee for your time. And ask with all due respect and humility are these the actions and the behaviour of an organisation that are moral or ethical? Are they the people best suited to lead our industry? Can you trust these people to have a blank cheque as it were, which is what will happen if this is bill is validated and acting with impunity as they are non liable for their actions.

59.   There is a huge decline in the industry and training sector, of which I fear we are just seeing the tip of this huge iceberg, the future is bleak. The PGDB is still apparently acting in a corrupt, nepotistic and incompetent manner, continually acting against the best recommendations of the damming OAG report and in the face of the best practice recommendations of the NZ Law Commission, acting apparently in bad faith.

60.   If you were in a position to, and are able to appoint a public enquiry, I will provide proof and substance to back my claims.
Yours Sincerely Paul Gee

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Re: An Open Letter to Maurice Williamson MP
« Reply #5 on: March 30, 2013, 03:56:12 PM »
And I get 140 smites for raising my views you spineless jerks.........where's your comments then???

The thing is...... and it is very important.......they can't publically say why any of this happened they can only say it in their back rooms where they do all their deals.


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Re: An Open Letter to Maurice Williamson MP
« Reply #6 on: March 30, 2013, 05:20:22 PM »
Your submission is excellent - well done Paul.   Let's hope together they all make a difference.
Have you learned lessons only of those who admired you, and were tender with you, and stood aside for you?  Have you not learned great lessons from those who braced themselves against you, and disputed the passage with you?  (Walt Whitman 1819-1891)  American Poet

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Re: An Open Letter to Maurice Williamson MP
« Reply #7 on: March 31, 2013, 09:16:37 AM »
Thats a real nice job mate, just finished reading the whole thing. Broken down into digestable pieces and easy to follow.

Hope they read it and I hope it ultimately sees this evil empire that has been built on our money destroyed and re-built from the ground up.
The Plumbers Gasfitters And Drainlayers Board- "White Collar Mafia"

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Re: An Open Letter to Maurice Williamson MP
« Reply #8 on: March 31, 2013, 04:38:49 PM »
All over the world business's, organisations, corporations, investment companies, etc go insolvent because of incompetence and/or acting outside of the law.Its called a consequence of your actions.

Why doesn't this apply to these goons? they got 4 in house lawyers, massive funds and routinely use external lawyers none of which is available to the majority of the rest of us. Its worse to "make a mistake" with this amount of resources behind you. All paid for in the first place, by us!!!!!!

Being judged and rewarded or punished on our merits is a risk every single one of us run, in running a business, and most of us will abide by the law and act in good faith to avoid going under.

Why do I keep hearing about high level incompetence on huge salaries being bailed out by the public, most of us earning a fraction of the dicks who stuff it all up......its just so bloody wrong.

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Re: An Open Letter to Maurice Williamson MP
« Reply #9 on: March 31, 2013, 07:47:46 PM »
Now have a look at the people who knows about this apparent incompetence and resulting cover lets see who acts on this information......

If no one does act.......What does that say about the sort of society we live in?

Sent: Saturday, 30 March 2013 6:09 p.m.
To: 'Max Pedersen'; ''; ''
Cc: 'Wal Gordon'; 'Allan Day'; 'Colleen Upton'; 'Lyndon Moffitt Building Ltd'; 'Jehan Casinader'; ''; 'Maryan Street'; ''; 'Mission Chambers'; ''; 'admin1'; ''; 'onionbradgee'; 'Mark Cullen'; 'Amy Gulbransen'; 'Angela Angus'; ''; 'bethan bridges'; 'Barry Forman'; ''; ''; ''; ''; Craig Hooper - Coolhead Productions Ltd; ''; ''; ''; ''; 'Charles Chauvel'; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; 'J Key (MIN)'; ''; 'Julie Drury'; ''; 'Neal and Joan Gauntlett'; 'Nick 4 Nelson'; ''; 'Paul Luxton'; 'Paul Coombes'; 'Paul Stannard'; ''; ''; 'Sabina Wick'; ''; ''; ''
Subject: Paul Gee

Dear Mr Pedersen, Mr Uren and Mr Bickers of the Plumber’s Gasfitter’s and Drainlayer’s Board,

Please can I get some sort of reply to my query about when I might receive my apology from Mr Uren? The apology that has been advised by the Boards own external assessor some 6 months ago, the apology that referred to the letters that disadvantaged me, and I believe ruined my business.

I have also added below my submission to the Select Committee that is being asked to make the Board’s unlawful actions legal for your information.

I will be complaining to the relevant industry organisations on the potential inappropriate behaviour of their members and will be putting in OIA requests to these organisations for information, to clarify the situation.

You have still not held anyone accountable for the explosion or the potential fraud and have ignored blatant conflicts of interest in my case. As I have tried on numerous occasions to get you to act on this and no one has made any effort, to my knowledge, to make any real enforcement of the rules you pontificate so publically about, I will not hold my breath for any action, but merely do this so as I can refer to this email and my select committee submission at a later date. I have copied in witnesses to witness my concern at your inaction and apparent cover up.

I truly believe that sunlight is the best disinfectant and I apologise to all those copied in for going on and on, but when you have had your life steamrolled for something that you had tried to warn about for 6 years, then you comfortably pass the “punishment” assessment with your arm in plaster and the one and only charge you get found guilty of is explained away by an alternative standard to the NON compulsory Par t two of the NZ 5261 regulation AND THEN NO ONE IS HELD ACCOUNTABLE FOR THE EXPLOSION……. well it concerns me some what.

I believe the whole process I have been subjected to has actually given my warnings substance and the Board were wrong not to heed them.

I have a letter from the Right Honourable Maurice Williamson stating that it requires a high level of concern to warrant an enquiry; well I believe potentially covering up an explosion that nearly kills someone quite a high level of concern, especially when no one has been held accountable for it and I find this confusing in light of his recent comments about accountability.

To all those copied in please print this off and pass around for discussion including the open letters attached.

I welcome comments and questions from all and ask you all is this the type of country we want for our future, is it democracy at its best?

To the Right Honourable Politicians copied in I implore you not to create a non-liable monster with a history of meting out treatment such as mine and to others, financed with a blank cheque, it will not end well and it is beyond doubt a recipe for disaster. I beg you not to validate this bill and hold an enquiry in to this situation.

Yours Very Sincerely Paul Gee.

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Re: An Open Letter to Maurice Williamson MP
« Reply #10 on: March 31, 2013, 08:04:33 PM »
Lets see the mettle and ethics of those that lead us........I'll keep you all posted of any responses and/or action.......

As I have said too many times this could have happened to anyone of you.......I was in the Master Plumbers, a past president of my local association, I have been proven by their bullshit to be beyond doubt very capable of doing good work and have installed gas with the best of intentions........but they decided to f**** me they did.

Good luck on running these clown's gauntlet and just hope and pray you don't get on the wrong side of them.......or you can grow a set and can band together and oust these Dick's and have real, transparent, open, honest trustworthy people running the industries overseer, so you can be assured that if you do a good job with the best of intentions you won't get screwed over on a whim. This will not happen if they stay.

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Re: An Open Letter to Maurice Williamson MP
« Reply #11 on: April 07, 2013, 11:00:19 AM »
sent today to lots of ministers

Dear Ministers


I implore all those copied in to not vote this bill in, it is a morally wrong fee, funding an immoral and incompetent Board, there is a cover up of a near fatal explosion with the knowledge of the Right Honourable Maurice Williamson MP…..…..does any of this sit well with you all.


I ask you to remember what some of you said before about validation and how it was against the fundamentals of our democracy. It will allow an incompetent industry Board to carry on its same ill conceived path, with a blank cheque.



This Board have been found wanting in nearly all aspects of its performance and results.





Open letter to the Right Honourable Minister Maurice Williamson, Please see two other open letters attached.


Dear Mr Williamson,


I have heard a recent radio broadcast attributed to you, you are quoted as saying below in blue-



Other industries pay similar fees to protect them against cowboys. Please could you list the industries, and provide a figure on the sum charged, not including subsidised fees.

“Because we’ve had a number of pretty ghastly incidents including a pizza parlour exploding because the gasfitting in it was grossly unsatisfactory.” Is this the same exploding chip shop that included a pizza oven, that according to the PGDB and as evidenced by it exploding, had grossly unsatisfactory work done to it and was not certified properly? With both gasfitters involved in its installation being licensed? One of these licensed gasfitters being myself (I was found not guilty of any wrong doing but yet it has still cost me very dearly in any case) and the other licensed gasfitter being my old boss (member of NZIGE a collaborating organisation with IPENZ and numerous gas groups). My old boss who was given his licence after just one oral exam, but was never questioned about the explosion by the PGDB appointed “impartial” investigator (this same investigator actually holding the one oral exam that empowered my old boss with his licence some years before, also a Fellow of NZIGE and member of IPENZ and numerous gas groups) and this same old boss was responsible for the last work to be carried out at the site of the explosion. My old boss also totally responsible for the dodgy cert mentioned above, ironically covering the PIZZA OVEN and lacking the test results for any gas leak testing….AT THE SITE OF AN EXPLOSION, which is I agree a ghastly incident, its been pretty ghastly for my family too. My old boss not even questioned about it. And still to this day no one has been held accountable, even though over $200 000.00 of disciplinary fees were spent on the investigation with no result. At a hearing presided over by the “impartial” investigator’s colleague in numerous gas groups.

Is it this “pizza parlour” to which you refer? I have searched the internet and can find no other explosions that involve a pizza oven. If this is not the pizza parlour that you refer to, please can you tell me which incident you are referring to and the action taken?


“This is about public safety” I think it should be too, which is why I warned about my concerns SIX years before the explosion, but it appears nothing has been done then nor now. Please correct me if I am wrong.

You talk about fairness and the need of accountability in recent interviews, and yet the chairman of the PGDB is a highly ranked IPENZ member, an organisation that according to your last interview can’t even expel its own members from IPENZ, even members who may be responsible for the design of a building that killed 115 people, let alone hold them accountable. But this past president and Fellow of IPENZ can hold court over us dog owning, Ute driving tradesman, and also be part of a very very partial kangaroo court and illegally funded dysfunctional Board disciplinary system that I was subjected to.


Would you think that these high ranking members, actually both Fellows of closely collaborating organisations, such as IPENZ and NZIGE (with these Fellows also having a common interest such as an industry Board) could they know each other?


I am yet to hear of a tradesman being responsible for 115 deaths, and yet we are open to a discipline procedure, do you think this fair? We have only to hook up a toilet to the wrong waste pipe and can be raked over the coals. Please can you explain the difference to me?


I was implicated in an explosion, implicated by a potential un-investigated fraud. A fraud that I had tried to warn about for 6 years  before the explosion and was definitely not of my doing. This still goes un-investigated; it is luckily it didn’t result in a death. But I lost everything because of a biased and incompetent PGDB discipline system. But apparently an engineer can be a liar in his level of qualification claimed, designing a building that results in 115 deaths and they can’t even get him to leave the IPENZ membership, lucky he don’t own a dog and a Ute he would probably be lynched or in prison.


Please explain the difference in a tradesman and an engineer in regards to responsibility and accountability.


It appears on the face of it, that there is one rule for the so called “professionals” (even under qualified ones that lie about their level of qualification) and their fellow memberships…… and another for us Ute driving dog owners, is this true? Does it depend on who you know not what you know?


Why is this being covered up?? Why are you, apparently, allowing this to be covered up?? You have known about this for many months now.



I look forward to your clarification to this and to my other open letters. Thank you for your time and consideration in these matters.



Paul Gee Plumbing & Gas Ltd

PO Box 249, Takaka 7142

0274 33 33 50 / 03 525 9889


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Re: An Open Letter to Maurice Williamson MP
« Reply #12 on: April 10, 2013, 12:29:43 PM »
A friend of mine can get a response from the Rt Hon Maurice, see below


I was very surprised at your email and the claims you make in it.


I have not taken any action against Mr Gee – and therefore have no “hole” to get myself out of.


I have no powers of direction of the PG&D Board.


Any action they take against any individual is there decision, but can of course be contested in a court, or their actions subjected to judicial review.


I really don’t think it advisable I step outside of the law and take over the process of deciding who’s acted appropriately and who hasn’t.


I’m sure you would want the judicial process to dependent on  “Sly, Lying, Caniving politicians”


Kind regards

Maurice Williamson

So not even the minister responsible for the Board can direct them, and as for your last remark minister, I think it is a bit of a Freudian slip perhaps......... :-[

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Re: An Open Letter to Maurice Williamson MP
« Reply #13 on: April 10, 2013, 06:05:43 PM »
I have no powers of direction of the PG&D Board.

So who does?? if not the Minister. ::)

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Re: An Open Letter to Maurice Williamson MP
« Reply #14 on: April 10, 2013, 09:44:23 PM »
I have no powers of direction of the PG&D Board.

So who does?? if not the Minister. ::)

Hi guys 

Its a way of saying I only appoint them but I can't control them so its not my problem   :(

What a wanker!!!!!
Unless the moral improves the floggings will continue

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