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Author Topic: PGDB absolutely terrible for a proffessional organisation  (Read 14016 times)

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Offline kiwichris

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PGDB absolutely terrible for a proffessional organisation
« on: March 21, 2009, 12:55:24 AM »
I am absolutely discusted at the PGDB  in regards to Exams.

I sat my common paper in Nov 08 and was confident going into it.

I got 54% originally, then 56% on the reconsideration.

There are marks I should have got but no one I can dispute it with.

There are no standard answers available, no one to help, and no examiners report in a long time.

I thought we paid these fees for them to help us, not to be against us.

I currently live in WA, and I travel back to NZ for each exam. There are loads of people who put so much time and effort and money to these exams. But we get nothing in return

I just want a bit more support from the PGDB, or they may as well piss off! I'm surprised more plumbers aren't standing up to this.

I also believe there is a discrepancy in the allocation of questions in the exams.

Anyway, good to get that off my mind. Back to study now!


Born to fish - forced to work!

Offline termite

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Re: PGDB absolutely terrible for a proffessional organisation
« Reply #1 on: May 09, 2009, 06:18:38 PM »
"for anyone to question (and i use this phrase loosley) the PGDB", an organisation such as this one can help.  If we can get more people to join this particular web site/organisation the better.  If more people are associated with this web site and even more so than the Master plumbers and gas then the board would have to recognise this due to pure numbers.  Then and only then will our voices be heard.... as the board would have no choice but to listen.

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Re: PGDB absolutely terrible for a proffessional organisation
« Reply #2 on: May 11, 2009, 01:45:11 PM »
Mate if your living in WA why are you wasting your time doing exams in NZ get a WA licence or do the course in WA they have to accept in NZ.

Offline kiwichris

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Re: PGDB absolutely terrible for a proffessional organisation
« Reply #3 on: May 14, 2009, 08:11:37 PM »
I'm definately doing my gas over here.

There is are different courses you can do. If you have NZ reg. You get to do shorter courses.

And there is no constant upskilling. Once you've got it thats it!

For the Business paper, If I fail this time around, I will just do it here in perth.
The courses full up pretty fast though.

It's great because they want to pass you and they help you in your week points.

Trust me, there are some stupid and totally irrellavent questions in the business exam.

I read a good article lately. Check it out

One way or another I'll get it.....

Back to study for me now,

 I need to learn the obligations and then the duties of a quantity surveyor....

Go figure


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Re: PGDB absolutely terrible for a proffessional organisation
« Reply #4 on: May 16, 2009, 04:04:59 PM »
one of my mates is scottish....i know bad luck ....he spent quite a few years in australia and obtained his Australian Equavilent to be a Plumber in NZ. he says he dosent have to re liscence every year as he has this he correct, is there a ticket you can get that enables a life time liscence, or is he really Irish?   ;D

Offline kiwichris

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Re: PGDB absolutely terrible for a proffessional organisation
« Reply #5 on: May 18, 2009, 01:39:56 AM »
That depends on what he has been licensed for.

If he has tradesmans license, thats equivalent to being a registered plumber/drainlayer.

If he was to move to NZ, he'd have to have a current oz license and then get a recipricol licence (annually)  from the PGDB.

If he has Contrators license, then thats all he has to do (be current in both countries).

Gas is a little different.

Remember, he must have business and plumbing for contractors (craftsman) license

Offline termite

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Re: PGDB absolutely terrible for a proffessional organisation
« Reply #6 on: May 18, 2009, 08:09:16 PM »
nice thanks for that, i thought it was to good to be true....

Offline mayfield3

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Re: PGDB absolutely terrible for a proffessional organisation
« Reply #7 on: May 27, 2009, 08:58:07 PM »
Hi Chris, I agree with you about no one to take your concerns to regarding no higher authority with the exam results but I have wondered about taking it to the Disputes Tribunal at the local district court - a bit hard from Aussie but you can tele conference. The "BOARD' do seem to have their heads up somewhere the sun don't shine. Cheers.

Offline kiwichris

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Re: PGDB absolutely terrible for a proffessional organisation
« Reply #8 on: May 30, 2009, 12:48:04 AM »
Yeah, I agree. I think the board and the whole way everything is organised is so unproffessional.
I think the best avenue is through the master plumbers assn.

I'm not just b****ing and moaning for the sake of it. The set up is a disgrace.

I tell ya what. I'll be taking things in my own hands if required when I'm in business back in NZ, Hopefully soon.

I recognise the need for high standards, qualifications, unision, competance etc etc in plumbing and in all trades.

But we get almost no help from the PGDB. They are pathetic.
If I was in charge, I'd make  number one priority in asssisting and helping Plumbers Gasfitters etc..... regarding exams and knowledge . They are just not helpful.
It seems they have something to hide.

No examiners report for three years!!
No report on how many marks were appointed
I think they are trying to hide something!

I'll get this exam over with and then sort this mess out.  And trust me I will.


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Re: PGDB absolutely terrible for a proffessional organisation
« Reply #9 on: May 31, 2009, 10:10:38 PM »
hi,you do realise that the Board states that it is not there for us plumbers/gasfitters or drainlayers, it is there to protect the  health and safety of consumers against us tradesmen.i believe that the health and safety of consumers is in grave danger of the Board driving good tradesmen out of the trade and leaving it to the cowboys, check out the boards web site and see how many of us are no longer licenced!

Offline kiwichris

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Re: PGDB absolutely terrible for a proffessional organisation
« Reply #10 on: June 03, 2009, 01:46:16 AM »
Hey robbo

Brilliant, I like it.

I'm going to look into this.

This is the bullshit that's happening in our society.

I'm actually in the process of looking at who and why the PGDB are in service.

I'm looking at starting one of my own and getting authority to do so.

I'll have support of most plumbers Gasfitters and Drainlayers out there......... Also most of the tutors and training boards. ..... probably most TA and building authorities...

There's no reason we can not make a stand.

Just need some time and support


Plumber... Set up a web site (seperate to this, but linked)
We need to focus on this issue.

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Re: PGDB absolutely terrible for a proffessional organisation
« Reply #11 on: June 03, 2009, 05:46:11 PM »
hi kiwi chris,and all, glad someone was game enough to reply to mine. i do believe that we have the numbers to change things because every one in our trades that i talk to seems to agree,its just that we need to be organised and together. i personally have sent e-mails to quite a few M.P.s and have had replys,just thanking me for the info,quoting b.s. and generally ignoring me,but if it was kept up they would soon have to do something. just imagine if all us tradesmen went sick for just one week at the same time,thats not what i am proposing but we must have clout to do something.
Setting up a web site is a good idea is it that difficult?
 I recon that if we all sent a well versed letter to the relavent M.P.s (i mean all send the same letter) thay would have to do something,i.e. look into the 'Board' and scrap/modify/limit/alter the complete workings of,they could even use the Health and Safety`s catchwords of: Eliminate/Minimise/Isolate seeing as they love health and safety so much, not that i am opposed to health and safety,but to nail our arses to the ground in the name of,absolutely wrong.

Offline jd24hrs

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Re: PGDB absolutely terrible for a proffessional organisation
« Reply #12 on: September 21, 2009, 05:43:01 PM »
hi guys the pgdb are arse 's and couldnt organise a piss up in a brewery,anyway the good news is that the main arse phill routhan could be on his way out we just need to keep applying the pressure  please write into plumbers journal and complain also we need plumbers bumper stickers so as to get out our message to the plumbers who have no balls and let every one do the work to make things better jd

Offline Jaxcat

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Re: PGDB absolutely terrible for a proffessional organisation
« Reply #13 on: September 30, 2009, 01:03:59 PM »
Yep and then one rouge Craftsman Gasfitter from Auckland area goes and stuffs up all the work the good tradesmen in this country do and justifies the very existence of the PGDB.  We need to stand up and be counted and not "work the system" wrongly.  Craftsmen gasfitters who sell certs to limited certificate gasfitters without supervision or testing have probably taken the reputation of good gasfitters back a long way.  Now we will all be viewed with suspicion by the public who will think we are trying to rip them off - or do a poor job.

It's these sort of guys who make the PGDB a necessary thing.  If we regulated our own industry and dobbed in the cowboys or at the very least bought some peer pressure on our colleagues who are doing a poor job then the PGDB would have no one to prosecute.

Unfortunately - while no fan of the PGDB punitive approach - sometimes our own trades people are the ones who are not "professional" and let us all down!
Have you learned lessons only of those who admired you, and were tender with you, and stood aside for you?  Have you not learned great lessons from those who braced themselves against you, and disputed the passage with you?  (Walt Whitman 1819-1891)  American Poet

Offline jd24hrs

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Re: PGDB absolutely terrible for a proffessional organisation
« Reply #14 on: October 02, 2009, 04:34:42 PM »

Dear Sir or Madam:
 I have worked in the plumbing and gas trade in NewZealand for just under 2 years and have found it to be eye opening as to the poor training and development in proper training .Any way I started with Merwood plumbing (laser plumbing)  in Taupo  doing mainly maintenance plumbing and problem solving which I started to get a good name for being an expert  ,whilst working for Dave Merwood I worked on my own from day 1 on wards and received no direct or indirect supervision at All.whilst working for him I found some of quality of his work to be of a lower standard than some of my apprentices I used to train so I moved on to work with gas   at  Macbeth Plumbing of Taupo as a plumber and gas engineer servicing and maintaining  gas appliances cookers/ gas fires  boilers etc ,whilst doing this I found boilers connected to gas supplys with flexible bath pipes,lpg gas bottles fitted over drains,and lots of other faults that would be illegal installations  in most modern countrys  of course.
The main part of my job was to be their gas expert in servicing and repairs and trouble shooting during this time  I came across several unsafe and dangerous installations for example a gas fire that was poorly fitted to the wrong flue  so  when I went to  service it I found signs of spillage and also then I went on to test for spillage with a smoke match which is called spillage test( incase you don’t understand, how to do this please feel free to call me)after finding this I decided to warn the people of Taupo of the dangers of not servicing gas appliances every 12mths (this should be your job if you were doing your job properly)we suddenly got lots of work which is good for safety
Anyway the person doing most of the gas installations turned out to be trainee still in training who when asked said that when they install gas fires they never tested for spillage,when. he went on day realease I was asked to go and find a gas leak on a new installation he did which turned out to be a cracked pipe behind the fire if I had fitted the fire I would have tested it before fitting the flue ( its called a soundness test please call if you don’t understand).
They also had a licensed plumber who fitted taps into the soap dish  holders (drilled in the centre of soap dish)
Plumbers who left numberous leaks
And all plumbers were trainees (5 and an office manager who goes out to work as well)
And of course it was in my contract,that he would pay all of your licenses which he didn’t of course, gas /plumbing
The good news is when I was doing all this gas work (no license) and never any supervision for all of us licenced plumbers.
So the moral of this story is. is it any wonder that the standard of plumbing and gas is poor in NewZealand and the trainees fail exams because they don’t get any help from craftsman or supervision.
iT is good to see that the plumbers board is still being run poorly, is this because they failed to get rid of the useless dead wood left over from the last sacking
the plumbers board (or should I say money pit) is planning to put up fees again i can hear them saying that this is good for plumbing I doult it but it will good for the boys or should I say registar I cant imagine a poorly paid plumber wanting to pay $3k + to a board that undermines plumbing and are employers going to pay them more to cover this
Also please see my jds corner in the plumbers jounal and also see the storey about gas accidents in 2008 and also theres work in gas appliance servicing on page 23&32 aug/sept issue
Thank you  john dyer gas engineer plumbing expert

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