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Author Topic: PGDB F*** OFF  (Read 39838 times)

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Offline Jaxcat

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« Reply #15 on: July 23, 2012, 03:09:42 PM »
Badger - while I wouldn't belittle what you and your family have been through - I don't think this is entirely going to help.  The PGDB Chair has a job to do, and I think that it is the "Chair" that you are wanting to have a got at, as opposed to the person themselves.  I don't think personal attacks are going to help - by all means vent at the position and the decision that they made that have cost you so dearly.  Protest too - I think that the letter you have sent them would have been so much more powerful if you had made a statement such as the nepotism and then cited the examples to back it up.  Those who read this forum but are not acquainted with the details of the case will not understand what you are saying.

Why not write again, but take your time and add in the examples that back it up - this will give people a lot more background as to why you are so very angry.  Your case has spotlighted a lot of weaknesses in the process/investigation area and someone may not have done their job correctly - but the only way to fully portray this is to give details and examples - if you are going to give hand outs then I suggest you do this - but always ensure you are factually correct.   Always back yourself - sometimes the road is long and it can take a while to get there. 
Have you learned lessons only of those who admired you, and were tender with you, and stood aside for you?  Have you not learned great lessons from those who braced themselves against you, and disputed the passage with you?  (Walt Whitman 1819-1891)  American Poet

Offline Badger

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« Reply #16 on: July 23, 2012, 10:40:10 PM »
Jax it has been over three years of playing fair and using words like alledgedly and appears to be, I have played by their rules.... on their pitch..... with their ref......and guess what happened.

That rant was just after my wife was crying on the phone because they had to leave after they came and lived in the caravan for the kids school holidays, It was our first weekend apart after two weeks eldest lad said to me "I hate it when your not there, its like I havn't got a Dad" just before he got on the ferry and left to go back and live in a house I wouldn't be comfortable renting out. AND THAT CUNT BICKERS GOES ON A SIX WEEK HOLIDAY, sorry Jax he should be wearing that f****in chair.

I am beyond caring about what people think, but I know you mean well and you are right how the right way is to present your self, but I am only human, I have a huge fuse but it leads to an even bigger charge. I have put up with more than most could bare, not because I am anythng special but because my family mean so much to me, if I was single I would be arrested for something that people would regret (me included)

I have missed so much of my boys grownin up....what price do you put on that. A bit more than six weeks in the many on this forum could afford six weeks off home .....let alone f****in America, he is a twat.

ps Robbo I knew what you meant mate, I just hit the question mark button because their actions puzzle me, all good buddy.
You can't choose who you are.....but you are the sum of your choices.......

Offline Badger

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« Reply #17 on: July 24, 2012, 05:41:21 AM »
Jax... you think well of those that do not deserve it, Bickers is a member of IPENZ an institute for engineers, so is Hammond the inquisitor at my case. The chair of my "hearing" Stephen Parker GANZ and other gas groups, best mates with AND member of the same gas groups, several actually guessed it Hammond and guess who gave Darnley( my old boss and member of the same groups) his license after one oral exam....drum rollllll....Hammond.

So , and there are many, many more links, you have the now chair of the Board, Bickers... the chair of my hearing, Parker, and the foul turd Hammond (who the Board has received numerous complaints about) all members of the same industry groups .....on an industry Board.

Our own law commission states that there should be no industry groups on an industry board because of "perceived" impartiality conflicts ......but our Minister Maurice Williamson has no problem with it at all (I have a letter from him stating it), guess who appointed them all, and at the meeting in Napier said all sorts of nice things about Bickers, like they were old mates.....the same MP.

Our industry is run by people who treat it like a Gentleman's club, sadly we are lacking gentlemen..............

I got lets have it you pack of cunts.....

Offline Jaxcat

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« Reply #18 on: July 24, 2012, 07:45:56 AM »
Badger, these are the sotr of things that definitely need to come out in the open.  I have followed your case very closely and read the transcripts of the hearing.  Gasfitters need to understand that any one of them could have been in your shoes.  From 44 charges - they could only get 2 to stick - and I know there is the question of applying the British Standards to that particular one which would/could have made it irrelevant.  Shining a bright light into the corner of darkness is necessary - and that is why I say the facts are so important.  The devastation to your family is immense, and every practitioner could find themselves in a similar position, so again I say we need to understand the relationships, the cross overs, the things you have been through.  While it is too late to turn the clock back for you, others can be wary and understand how to react when first approached by the PGDB.  In my own mind I have no doubt that the investigation into your work was not carried out in a professional and thorough manner.  There appears to be holes big enough to drive a bus through.  The sending of letters "in error" to many of your customers is unforgivable and then the way this was dismissed when bought to the attention of the Board was disgusting.  I think that the investigative processes used by the PGDB and their subcontractors needs a huge overhaul.  I also think that serious questions have been raised about the relationships between the parties involved in your disciplinary action.  However, it is a small industry and you don't need to go far to see the same faces on the same committees and boards.  Sadly only a few people put themselves forward for these positions and so there will be cross overs.  I am not a fan of cross seeding on boards myself as I believe it results in conflicts that cannot be managed easily and situations that you have described well.  I do believe in playing the man and not the ball though - and sometimes we have to do pretty shitty things in our job, things we may not personally agree with, but given a position it has to be done.  I'm not saying this is the case in this situation, and I'm not saying it's not - but denigrating individuals won't help the bigger picture.  The truth will always out.  On a personal note I cannot imagine how hard it is to say goodbye to your children while you work to keep them fed and clothed.  I hope that very soon you can get work closer to home and be united with your wife and boys.  At least I hope you had a great two weeks with them to carry you through the next little while.

Offline Jaxcat

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« Reply #19 on: July 24, 2012, 10:41:14 AM »
Freudian slip there - I meant I do believe in playing the ball not the man!!  Apologies.

Offline Badger

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« Reply #20 on: July 24, 2012, 08:24:16 PM »
I have applied for the Board this year, I know I can bring balance and give a perspective from this side of the fence, but this is where it is the system that fails....."they" chose who is to go on the Board and then go pick them from the same places/organisations. I don't believe the "small willing few" is a is more like the "small choosing few" want to see the now and future.....look at the past.

The New Zealand Law Commission states that Industry Boards should be free of industry groups, that is free, not 2% representation allowed, it says free of......industry groups are not just present, but are the majority both now and in the past.......and I'll bet the future too. Should we ignore the law if it suits us....lots of people doing bird with the same idea, but they aren't connected, it is just wrong. It is like saying I drunk and drove because there was no taxi is still wrong, but I suppose these dicks are drunk on power and their perceptions are clouded.

The chair has the power to guide and make decisions......or carry on down the same preordained path. There is choice and if you have a spine and a bit of moral fibre, you are more than able to change the whole direction.....but you have to want to, there is choice. These people have had many many opportunities to choose doing the right thing, they are more than aware of the effect that this has had on me and my family, you wait and see the latest response I get and you choose.

When I played rugby and someone fouled me you better believe I played the man not the ball...moral of the story don't be a shit and play dirty and foul someone or he might get back up dust him self down and take your head clean off, especially if he thinks the retribution is worth ten in the sin bin.

Mate I got heaps and I have sent copies all over the world to good mates of mine, just waiting for a proper stage to broadcast from....which I am building just now.

Always a pleasure Jax...but stop being so nice and thinking the best of people like these, it is the curtain that they hide behind....a moral facade which I have seen behind, and they are monsters in every sense of the word.

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« Reply #21 on: July 24, 2012, 08:26:15 PM »
bring balance to the Board I will.....see what they have done to me, I sound like f***** Yoda.....hahaha ;)

Offline Thunderhead

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« Reply #22 on: July 25, 2012, 05:18:40 PM »
No badger you are correct these people deserve no quarter as they have given none then they deserve none in return!..(do unto others as you wish others to do unto you)and badger they tried to drag you through the gutter and they tried to deflam you as a a human! is only fair in my eyes that you seek to do the same.
These buggers are just lucky this is not the good old west...because badger i would have joined your possie and we would have us a good old lynching going on right now!
In my eyes not only have they attacked you but they have attacked your family unit with there disgusting method of systamitacly attacking you and grinding you down with there endless wealth, payed by the very people they seek to persecute!.
in what i have read of your posts they are a bunch of backscratching bent over is clear insider action has gone on from the get go!...and yet not one fool has been pulled out for not being able to make 40odd charges stick!
Clearly they threw the book at you hoping that some of it would stick so they could justify wasting thou...tens of thousands of dollars of trying to prosecute the wrong person because they know that if your ex employee was found out and it was found that he was given craftsmans license on one oral blowjob, oops one oral exam then they would be in the firing line.

My only hope is they get found out for the douchbags they are!

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« Reply #23 on: July 25, 2012, 07:05:34 PM »
Cheers Thunder, too true....
 I am very far from finished....don't pack away your horse and hat just yet mate ;)

Offline TS

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« Reply #24 on: July 27, 2012, 11:12:42 PM »
I met Alan and Max at a recent conference and found them to be good bastards. They aren't out to get you all as some would think on here.

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« Reply #25 on: July 29, 2012, 10:09:53 AM »
I speak from experience and they are, I had tried to get the dodgy dealings of my former boss looked in to many many times for 6 years before an explosion, my concerns were that there were dodgy certs signing off dodgy work, all told to the Board in writting. But they fobbed me off. Basically I was complaining to the very people who gave my old boss his ticket....I have the photos to prove it.

Then after an explosion... they went after me, placing the very man who gave my old boss his full craftsman ticket after one oral exam as the investigator, even though I was found innocent of 42 of 44 trumped up charges, and the ONE last charge is backed by a British Standard, Canadian Standard and the fact that table 16 of 5261 contradicts its self ( then the 44th last charge falls over if this one goes because it is for signing it off), they still went public stating I had no idea what I was doing in my local paper...which now won't give me a right of reply.

They accused me of not realising the importance of a gas certificate....unyet they have accepted at least 11 gas certs with the gas leak test column empty, and tried to cover it up, one of these dodgy certs was for the exploding chip shop....they deny ever receiving this dodgy cert but are so inept that they have forgot to note there is an electronic copy on their own bloody web site...and you got the gall to say I don't know how to conduct my self, I have acted in a proper manner for 3 years and lost everything, I wonder how you would fare up in such circumstances, probably by greasing up to people....well that ain't me. 

What part of this is OK TS in a democratic free society, you have said I deserve it because I spoke out..... about the public safety, with my concerns borne out by the explosion that I lost my home, business and reputation over, if you read the trials transcript then it actually proves that the concerns I had tried to get the Board to look at were very real,BUT THEY IGNORED IT AND STILL DO TO THIS VERY DAY with very real evidence that was with held and ignored and lying letters sent to my customers(my complaint just recently up held by the complaints Lawyer).....just so happens most if not all involved are members of industry groups....that meet at conferences just like when you TS were sucking up to them.

It is true I don't know when to hold my tongue but I would rather that, than use it to kiss up to people.

Offline Thunderhead

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« Reply #26 on: July 29, 2012, 10:34:23 AM »
I met Alan and Max at a recent conference and found them to be good bastards. They aren't out to get you all as some would think on here.

well they got you sucked in TS  :P....

Look what they say to your face and what they do behind closed doors is two very very diffrent things TS obvisousley they were just telling you what you wanted to hear and you fell for the nice guy act.

My evidence lies in the OAG report where it (from memory) stated that the board was not transperent at all and was operiting off side of the practisoners AND THAT IT NEEDED TO CHANGE! and yet TS to this day it is very very clear that none of there mentality has changed one little bit...we keep seeing new faces of the same old gang, and they still carry the them and us mentality as is blantily clear in there info update gloating about the RRC's decision...and you tell me there not out to get us??????? to me when i logicaly look at all the eidence i can not believe that your words are true...if you could come up with some evidence to contradict what i am thinking then pleses tell all but untill I clearly see a change in mentality from the board members, then i must assume at every step in the road that they are out to get us as an industry, one just has to take badgers case as a prime example they systimaticaly ruined the guy with the wealth that we provided to them!!!and this case should have gone in a toatly diffrent direction!!! know that ...i know why did it ever go down the path it did????...because at every turn in the road THERE OUT TO GET US!!!

Offline Rodza1

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« Reply #27 on: July 29, 2012, 01:26:15 PM »
I agree. TS you got 5mins of the "Star treatment". The biggest con men out there in the big bad world turn people with a quick motivational speech that wows those who will listen every day in this world. Its nothing new, ive met a few myself who roll out the welcome mat and talk the talk but after all the bullshit and chit chat it is my support or friendship they require at the time as it is my money that they ultimately seek in the end.

These guys seem to be all the same, they are just trying to use current acts and regulations to their financial advantage by forcing amendments to acts and regulations, or by bending the law or abusing their powers to achieve it. They do not care how they get there they will do and say anything and everything to prove that they need more money to regulate the P,G and D industry of NZ, costs must rise bla bla bla. They drive fear into the regular everyday plumber that they are the 'Board' and shall not be challenged whilst they go through the processes to legally achieve what they want which is ultimately to profit at the expense of the industry. They have been pulled up on that one through the OAG and are apparently now more transparent although I cant really see it except to say they are trying to do things through the correct legal channels now as they know there every move is being watched closely. I would hate to see where we would be if no one had ever challenged them and the PGDF didnt exist. Everybody who keeps up with this changing industry cant argue that we would be better off doing nothing because we would most certainly would not.

I am actually some days disgusted with myself for paying the fees that are charged these days when my family and I simply cannot afford it.
My way around it you ask?? We as a family simply go without, but in the end usually I go without. New clothes for myself after my family have what they need is a stretch let alone a trip to North America....I hear your overall point loud and clear Badger.

It doesnt matter what spin they put on it either, whether they need more funding for prosecutions, CPD, operating costs, first time registration or exams. The general idea is they constantly need more money. Does it make me angry that an organisation that does nothing for me gets a big piece of the action whenever I try to better myself and my life and the life of my family by attaining another qualification?? You bet it does. If asked, I actually warn young people away from plumbing apprenticeships these days and into electrical. Not so likely to get financially raped by the PGDB or ITO there. Fees from both groups are officially full blown out of control.

Back in the real world in 2011 after 18months of solid performance as a tradesman I enquired about a pay review,a 50cent an hour pay increase was what I sought to be not only a registered plumber, gasfitter but now a newly licensed drainlayer too in the great land of NZ but it was thrown out by my former employer before I could even secure a meeting even though it cost me thousands to get there so it just goes to show, Who is the big winner at the end of the day??....I nor my family certainly are not, yet we are the ones who put in the money and the time.

The NZ Plumbers, Gasfitters, Drainlayers Board wins again. I paid $2500 to the ITO for the apprenticeship,$300 for the exam,$408 first time rego fee. ALL FOR NO GAIN, not one cent yet the ''Board'' made $708 from me

I honestly feel that if fees are reviewed and go up again  in the next 12 months or so that will be it for me. Enough is enough.

I am by nature not a violent person but the lynching mob mentioned in previous posts, I would have to say, F*#k it, Id be happy to join hahaha.

My opinion is that the board is not out to get US, so to speak. They are out to relieve us of our MONEY we earn through any legal means they can. The PGDB is run like a business yet claims perks of being a registered charity also, its a disgrace.In western civilisation societies capitalism rules and each of us is only on this earth for one lifetime....just one. Board members included. If they can live out their one lifetime in luxury and comfort with their families at the expense of others wallowing in muddy ditches and living in shit box uninsulated houses, they will. To me its pretty basic human psychology.
(if anyone in a position of power from the mighty "Board'' is reading this with disgust right now, please understand that a lot of people actually hate you with an upmost intensity that is yet to be fully realised)

This is how things have gone in the past, & I expect the "Board'' to take full advantage of each fee review as an opportunity to up their revenue.
In the next fees review,expect the board to release doctored figures, more pie graphs, more cost projections etc etc showing how they are losing money in certain areas of operation and although they understand the strain people in NZ are under, unfortunately due to the number of prosecutions, the levies and license fees payable to the "Board" must rise to the new amount of $143.00 per license up from $102.00.I mean hell, they boast a 100% prosecution conviction rate, most people take the guilty plea as they know they cant out muscle the board. This saves time and money one would think yet there costs of operation somehow continue to rise??

These guys get things wrong all the time but because of the positions they hold they have the luxury of being able to deny, deny, deny (The classic all time strategy) and stand behind a group of people with the full power of the "Board" to wield. When we get something wrong we can be taken to court as an individual by them and they have the privilege of using any kind of the defamatory, reputation slashing techniques they like well before the defendant is found guilty. I am referring to all methods used by the PGDB on Badger and they are in my opinion appalling, dirty and brutal and are what I like to think of as North American Mafia style tactics. (When the guilty Mob Bosses would influence and twist a court system as well as the general public to their favour through any necessary means)They had the general public convinced through the use of a slanderous media campaign Badger was guilty and a danger to society before things really even got underway. They will do and say anything they possibly can to win. It is no secret that they were fighting for their lives in that case as high profile members were at risk of being exposed as incompetent which would of in turn make the "Board'' as an organisation look incompetent for failing to heed word that would have possibly avoided the fish and chip shop explosion.

Anyone who buys into this bullshit is in my opinion naive. People who are tradesman in NZ and are also to afraid of the board to want to join the PGDF are also naive and are slowing down the wheels of change through lack of testicles, or in that matter a brain.

My quote of the day for all those out there who, like me are feeling disadvantaged, angry and  used/raped while the mighty ''Board'' machine continues to gather un necessary revenue.

"When you've got nothing, you've got nothing to lose"
The Plumbers Gasfitters And Drainlayers Board- "White Collar Mafia"

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« Reply #28 on: July 29, 2012, 07:54:26 PM »
Well said Mate. You have a clear grasp of what goes on. Just wish there were more who would take off their blinkers and grow a set, and stop brown nosing.

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« Reply #29 on: July 29, 2012, 09:40:19 PM »
So when are you guys going to have a victory over the board if your so right? Or is it not possible because everyone involved is conspiring against you???

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