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Author Topic: The Board’s June Info Brief is now available to view on  (Read 18142 times)

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Offline Badger

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When you have witnessed what I have, I have good reason to believe that they will use it how and when they like, on whoever they like.....could be anyone of you, whether on here or not, whether a fed member or not.

Remember why they had to stop using local guys auditing their own opposition/competition for the biannual gas audits.......

That is why it all needs to be blind and impartial.....fair and open......which in my experience it very, very rarely is....if ever.
You can't choose who you are.....but you are the sum of your choices.......

Offline Jaxcat

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I have this to say:

First they came for the Jews
and I did not speak out--
because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for the communists
and I did not speak out--
because I was not a communist.
Then they came for the trade unionists
and I did not speak out--
because I was not a trade unionist.
Then they came for me--
and there was no one left to speak out for me.
Have you learned lessons only of those who admired you, and were tender with you, and stood aside for you?  Have you not learned great lessons from those who braced themselves against you, and disputed the passage with you?  (Walt Whitman 1819-1891)  American Poet

Offline Badger

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Sent today.



Please see the email below I sent 22nd June, as it is a OIA request I was under the impression that a reply was due within 20 days, please can you confirm so I can progress to the next stage of an appeal to the Ombudsman.


Please can I assure you that this is neither a frivolous nor vexatious request. I believe clarification on this is very important because it deals with the Board’s ability to grant or deny a persons ability to work and provide for his family and the grounds on which this all could be withheld.


 Best Regards Paul Gee,

I am only asking for the parameters for taking someone's livelihood off them. 20 days for an OIA request?

Offline Jaxcat

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Badger I think they answered you publically in the July Info Brief - they give you a whole page of information - after they have a crack about the Campbell Live programme.

Offline Badger

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Didn't see it until tonight. Isn't worded a bit different?

Offline robbo

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hi guys,More infiltration at the board!!!cheers...Chris James who is currently Quality and Standards Manager at Master Plumbers has been appointed to the position of Team Leader Registration and Licensing and will start 29 July.

Offline robbo

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hi guys, board news or b.s. you choose,cheers
 In line with your feedback from the recent survey, the Board has made significant progress in recent years. The Board has already implemented the majority of the recommendations contained in the report from the Office of the Auditor General.
The Board is disappointed that again we are all subject to misleading information being used to undermine public confidence in the industry and those working in it. The Board is committed to ensuring it is providing the industry with the highest quality support and services. We are looking forward to letting you know about further developments in the coming months.

Offline Jaxcat

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Yeah and did you read how they defended the trip to Aussie - it was to study the "training package".  Now that would be the training package that the Armstrong Report talked about - when it said the Board had no business poking their nose into training - the Act didn't allow it as far as I understand.  Mind you that's never stopped them doing what they want before.  Regardless I'm sure practitioners fees should not have been spent on such a junket.  Haven't they heard of phones, and email.  This took place at the beginning of their "world domination" phase.

What's happened to the Board Chair?  I see the Deputy Chair seems to be assuming the mantel in the newsletters.  I wonder if he actually watched Campbell Live himself.  I don't think anyone has condoned non qualified workers in this industry. The point he missed is that their illegal collection of fees and levies, not to mention the illegality around the CPD scheme has driven people to the stage where some have not been able to pay their fees, and others simply don't want to give it to a body they consider corrupt. 

I see the licensing numbers are down 12% - do the Board think all these people have gone to Australia?  I think not, they will be working in the system, not licensed and not upskilling. 

How can this board carry on the way they do when the EWRB are CUTTING costs and DROPPING the cost of licensing, and INCREASING the period your licence covers.  How can one regulatory body act so responsibly and the other one behave like a bunch of dopes. 

Flip Flop should appoint the EWRB to oversee our industries as well as the sparkies.

Good to see that obviously some of the comments are hurting them - I hope they feel ashamed.
While I'm at it - great pic of Wal in the latest issue of Toolbox Magazine.  Loving the picture and the sign he has outside his office.

Offline robbo

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hi guys, jax i was working with a sparkie yesterday, he was complaining about the changes and also informed me that if they apply for their licence on-line a two year licence will cost them $120. he also said that new rules say that a power point for a gas water heater is not allowed to be closer than 3mtrs from the gas bottle station, dont know how that will work,cheers

Offline Jaxcat

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Electrical licence last year was $94 incl GST in total not other fees and levies for one year.
Electrical licence 2013, if you applied on line or over the phone $120 for two years, so effectively $60 per year and a saving of $34a year with no other fees and levies attached.

I presume the powerpoint issue with be around what the call hazardous zones?  I will have a look at the electrical regs.

Offline craftsman

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what percentage of gasfitters in the wellington area do you think attended the recent meeting/, maybe a down tools for  a day and have nominated on call for emergencies?

Offline Jaxcat

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Well the Board say there are about 1000 certifying gasfitters in NZ - and say 40 turned up in the Hutt and another 10 in Wgtn.  Remember these were only organised a few days before hand with no real publicity other than one email invite.  So 5% of the total number of certifying gasfitters in NZ, but I don't know what the breakdown by region is. 

Offline integrated

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do you think they realize what a sad state of affairs things must be when groups and meetings like this become a virtual necessity?

I'm all for the dummy board - I think its a brilliant idea!

Offline Jaxcat

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And would you put yourself forward Integrated because I think the Federation are calling for volunteers?

Offline integrated

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Yes I likely would - due consideration would have to be given of course - structure, logistics, etc

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