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Author Topic: Williamson trying to sneak validation of offences fee through Parliament  (Read 9044 times)

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Get emailing  :-X
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Offline Rodza1

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MP in my electorate is National  :'(
The Plumbers Gasfitters And Drainlayers Board- "White Collar Mafia"

Offline Rodza1

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Found this from 2009 by Robbo.....(mate we are not too far away from this, f*#king love this story, gold.)   

The plumbing police was an initiative some years ago by the plumbing board of New Zealand. It was introduced to combat `COWBOYS` who were untrained tradesmen who carried out plumbing work that was generally faulty and caused all sorts of Health and Safety problems, so the board introduced a `LEVI` that was imposed on all qualified plumbers, this `LEVI` was to prosecute `COWBOYS` and rid the trade of faulty workmanship! Great. Well apart from this `LEVI` increasing along with the normal licence fee every year, the net has been extended to include all tradesmen in the trade who may have made a mistake, has not renewed their licence, or has been deemed by the plumbing police that they have not carried out a rule or regulation perfect job. This has become a cash cow for the board with money flowing their way by the $1000s, tradesmen are leaving the trade/country in droves, does this faze the board? Not at all, the board is a well oiled, well paid group who will not give up their easy soft jobs; in fact they are probably looking for new initiatives. Imagine this Scenario:-
The New Zealand Government has allowed extensions to be built onto every police station across the land to house the Plumbing Police, they will have their own uniforms and Plumbing Police cars and will be able to stop any plumber’s vehicle to check for any out of date licences, instant fines will be issued to non licence holders, also they will check for Health and Safety equipment, safety shoes/hard hats, goggles,
Etc, again instant fines apply for non-compliance. They will call into any place where building work is taking place to check out plumbing compliance, fault finding will take place and again instant fines for minor inadequacies. The plan works wonderfully well and the money rolls in, is this the Goldmine discovery that will get the country out of the red? Yes they agree. Onward and upward the board comes up with another brainwave, the board will patent the Plumbing Police and sell system and software across the world, it works a treat and countries financial problems are quickly solved, the board of New Zealand has solved the world financial crisis and makes a fortune in the process.

Back in New Zealand a problem has come to the notice of the board, plumbers phones are ringing but are not being answered, plumbers are afraid to go to work while the Plumbing Police are about so hide during daylight hours, working only at night to earn just enough to survive and to feed their families. The money stops rolling in! the board cannot understand what is going on (but then they never could) so set up an emergency meeting with the Plumbing Police. It is decided that the Plumbing Police will now operate a 24hr system to stop this illegal work; they employ a lot more staff, staffing is not a problem with their new found wealth. The plan is very successful with a silver lining, the Plumbing Police have discovered that home owners and businesses are carrying out their own plumbing because they can’t get plumbers to do it, the money rolls in again but more problems are just around the corner. Plumbing problems are developing across the land, leaking pipes, no hot water, blocked drains, overflowing toilets and nobody brave enough to risk being found working by the Plumbing Police. The board must act quickly, the Health and Safety of all New Zealand is in grave danger, another emergency meeting of the great minds is called, with the outcome quickly arrived at. We will set an advertising campaign in place to recruit as many people as possible to be trained as plumbers with crash courses and huge rewards for the successful candidates who will then proceed to clean up the mess left by the previous work force. Sadly the campaign failed with nobody wanting to be tricked into joining an organization that charges so much to go to work and then take a large chunk of the eventual earnings by way of instant fines and disciplinary matters. Confidence of the people was at an all time low with failing Health and Safety sweeping the country, disease will soon spread because of sanitation issues. The board’s great minds must meet again to solve this impasse. The meeting lasted hours with much tea drinking, wringing of hands, twiddling of thumbs but no solution was arrived at other than to “pass the parcel” and send an urgent request to the minister of building and construction to come up with a solution. Tradesmen are still waiting, the whole country is hoping that the Plumbing Police will be discontinued and the Health and Safety of the people can be restored.  THE END.                 

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Attached is a letter sent to every Member of Parliament today.

The manner in which they choose to vote will determine if we become "an industry lost".

Offline craftsman

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very well said and very well appointed letter Wal.
you make me proud to be a member of PGDF and not any other tin pot organisation whom may pretend to represent the hard workers in this industry.
Thank you.

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Thanks Wal - excellent letter - let's hope it has the desired effect.  Of course a little extra incentive from voters in each electorate wouldn't go amiss.  It appears Mr Williamson has been "lobbying" MP's around the Amendment Bill - c'mon guys - give your MP a gentle reminder - email him/her and ask them to support the ordinary working people of this world - and not to condone or legislate the wrongdoings of this Board.
Have you learned lessons only of those who admired you, and were tender with you, and stood aside for you?  Have you not learned great lessons from those who braced themselves against you, and disputed the passage with you?  (Walt Whitman 1819-1891)  American Poet

Offline craftsman

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i did that Jax, got no response ,must be out for dinner

Offline Badger

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What's the dates now for this Bill, where and how do they progress, etc.

What day and time can I catch this on the parliament channel and perhaps we could we get/publish any transcripts from the select committee.

I want to see democracy at work 8)....or not at work :'(.
You can't choose who you are.....but you are the sum of your choices.......

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 OOOPSIE...... 8)
Committee fails to back plumbers' levy law change
Radio New Zealand
The legislation would retrospectively allow the industry regulator, the Plumbers Gasfitters and Drainlayers Board to collect levies to chase and prosecute ...

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Fingers crossed for the second reading.........And then next the charities commission and regulation review committee, the trifecta...... go, you good thing.

I wonder if they will blame the Feds for pointing out their illegalities...........bit like a burglar blaming the witness that saw him climbing over someone's back fence with a TV, for his getting's an idea....don't do it in the first place and abide by the law.

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hi guys/Badger, now we all need to make sure that all members of parliment know the facts of what the Board has been doing over the last 10/12 years so that they can make an informed vote and not just a party vote because they can`t be bothered to research the problems and speak against it. We all need to email our local M.P. and even go to their office to spell it out or williamson may just win, cheers

Offline Badger

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totally agree mate, check out the 3rd open letter to Williamson

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