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Author Topic: With the March 2012 comes the info that 60% of audited gas jobs  (Read 8015 times)

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Offline wombles

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are faulty. One can only imagine just how excited Tony Hammond and crew are about that. Thats 303 faulty jobs. Is the Board going to arrange investigation, persecution and prosecution for the tradesmen that did this work or willthey acknowledge that just maybe their CPD courses may not be appropriate . Also is it possible that people dont bother with "all the technical stuff" and just test that the pipework isn't leaking. Just to throw a spannerinthe works, show all gaswork be examined by an inspector to avoid all this?


Offline robbo

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Re: With the March 2012 comes the info that 60% of audited gas jobs
« Reply #1 on: May 28, 2012, 01:16:45 PM »
hi guys, just got this from the board about putting customers ph. no. on the certificate, they have revised it as optional, i did not realise that they wanted it in case they want to audit the job, i would hope that they would contact the gasfitter first to organise the audit,cheers

Dear gasfitter
Subject: Provision of consumer phone numbers by certifying gasfitters
The Board recently made a change to the gas certification system that required the telephone number
of a consumer to be provided at the time a certificate was entered into the database. An unintended consequence of this change was that if a gasfitter was unable to provide a telephone number due to privacy or other reasons, the certification process could not be completed. This change has now been reversed and the telephone number field has been switched back to optional.  The Board regrets any inconvenience this may have caused.
There had previously been provision on the certificate for telephone numbers to be provided but it was not mandatory. The purpose of the change was to provide a simple and quick means for the Board to contact a consumer, in the event that it was considered necessary to audit their gas installation. Our experience is that quick contact without a phone number has sometimes been difficult.
While the phone number field is not mandatory, gasfitters are encouraged to continue to provide the Board with contact telephone numbers of their clients (consumers) unless a consumer is not happy for this to occur. This will enable the Board to contact a consumer efficiently should an audit be required.

Offline aboutgas

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Re: With the March 2012 comes the info that 60% of audited gas jobs
« Reply #2 on: May 28, 2012, 09:52:38 PM »
Hi Guys/Robbo

hi guys, just got this from the board about putting customers ph. no. on the certificate, they have revised it as optional, i did not realise that they wanted it in case they want to audit the job, i would hope that they would contact the gasfitter first to organise the audit,cheers

You have to be joking. The board would never lower themselves to going behind you back and approaching the consumer without your knowledge and using the opportunity to bully them into putting in a complaint.  :'( LOL

I don't know about you but I know of one customer who had a call from the board regarding a auditor who "just wanted to look at the completed installation".
I don't know the outcome of this yet as I haven't spoken to them since the auditor has been.
Will keep you posted
Unless the moral improves the floggings will continue

Offline robbo

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Re: With the March 2012 comes the info that 60% of audited gas jobs
« Reply #3 on: May 28, 2012, 10:39:52 PM »
hi guys, if i put a on the cert i put my own or anyold number, they can use the just like anyone else,cheers

Offline integrated

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Re: With the March 2012 comes the info that 60% of audited gas jobs
« Reply #4 on: May 29, 2012, 08:53:30 PM »
anyold number, they can use the just like anyone else,cheers


thats gold robbo - love it!

Offline roberto

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Re: With the March 2012 comes the info that 60% of audited gas jobs
« Reply #5 on: May 30, 2012, 09:12:46 AM »
haha, yeah nice one robbo!!!

Offline Jaxcat

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Re: With the March 2012 comes the info that 60% of audited gas jobs
« Reply #6 on: May 30, 2012, 09:03:44 PM »
To see the true story behind why the Board send out the letter rescinding the requirement for phone numbers - read this weeks Fellow Practitioner (due out Friday morning).  We don't believe they suddenly had a change of heart until it was pointed out to them that they were breaching the Privacy Act, and forcing practitioners to breach the Privacy Act as well.  Makes for good reading....
Have you learned lessons only of those who admired you, and were tender with you, and stood aside for you?  Have you not learned great lessons from those who braced themselves against you, and disputed the passage with you?  (Walt Whitman 1819-1891)  American Poet

Offline robbo

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Re: With the March 2012 comes the info that 60% of audited gas jobs
« Reply #7 on: May 31, 2012, 08:13:55 AM »
hi guys, well that says it all Jax, this board do not seem to acknowledge any rights/rules/laws but just runs roughshot over anything they like, why do they have lawyers employed?

Offline robbo

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Re: With the March 2012 comes the info that 60% of audited gas jobs
« Reply #8 on: May 31, 2012, 10:39:09 AM »
hi guys, what about the privacy here?  cheers
On June 25, contact details of registered trades people currently held in the Board’s database will be made available to consumers through the Board’s online public register. These public details will include postal address, phone number, mobile number and email address (if any). Contact details of trainees and exemption holders will not be made public.
The Board encourages all trades people to log in to the register and check that their address details are correct before information is made public on June 25.
The ‘postal address’ field will be renamed ‘public address’. The ‘physical address’ field will be renamed ‘private address’ and should contain the address that you wish the Board to use when corresponding with you.
A new mandatory field, ‘preferred contact information’, will be added to the register beneath the ‘public address’ field. This is where trades people should enter their business phone number and/or website address for public access.
Further to these changes, the register will now also contain information about any licence conditions, suspension, cancellation or disciplinary action taken in respect of a tradesperson in the last three years.

Offline Jaxcat

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Re: With the March 2012 comes the info that 60% of audited gas jobs
« Reply #9 on: May 31, 2012, 10:32:01 PM »
Robbo, apparently that is covered in the 2006 Act - Wal has already checked it out - they can do it - the fact that it has taken then over 2 years to want to comply with the Act is a giggle.  Make sure you check your details and ensure that if there is stuff you don't want made public - then change it.  The newsletter also covers that off tomorrow too.  I cannot agree more re your comment about lawyers - just how many lawyers do they need to make a good decision?  They have them within walking distance to check out stuff like this - mind you there is nothing like good old common sense is there?  Something this Board seem to be missing in spades.  One phone call and follow up email to the Privacy Commissioner gave the answer, an answer that the Board should have checked out BEFORE they demanded this.  For all the hundreds of thousands of dollars licences pay in wages you expect a better quality of information and checking.  And do you know what galls the most - the lack of an apology signed by the CEO.  Teflon that is what they are - pure teflon. 

Offline Enn

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Re: With the March 2012 comes the info that 60% of audited gas jobs
« Reply #10 on: May 31, 2012, 11:10:02 PM »
Well the only information that i wish to be made available to the public is my name and cell number and licencing details and perhaps the suburb that I'm located in.

 Being self employed and operating out of my home and in consideration to my family members privacy i would object to my email and home phone contact to be in the public arena.
I note that you cant look up your doctors details or almost any other professionals details so how this got past the privacy act  is beyond me.

I dont recall ever being contacted by the board about this  tho i might have missed it......... Crikey what next!

''Never have so many been fooled by so few''
Plumbing is not a career it is a disease....

Offline Rodza1

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Re: With the March 2012 comes the info that 60% of audited gas jobs
« Reply #11 on: May 31, 2012, 11:26:08 PM »
Oh well I'll just change my details around a bit. If they are going to get silly on it so will I. I live at home and value my privacy.

Next they will want to know where we keep the spare key at home in case a PGDB investigator needs to dig through our personal belongings/toss our house while we are out working so they can build stronger cases against us to keep up the 100% conviction rate they are so proud of.

Man working in this industry makes you feel a bit like a sex offender. Im one incorrectly pipe clipped job away from getting an electronic monitored ankle bracelet put on me so the community and my plumbing probation officer can track my movements in case I re-offend and do plumbing/gasfitting work with clips spaced at 1.2m not 1.0m lol...

The Plumbers Gasfitters And Drainlayers Board- "White Collar Mafia"

Offline robbo

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Re: With the March 2012 comes the info that 60% of audited gas jobs
« Reply #12 on: June 01, 2012, 07:39:35 AM »
hi guys, Enn/Rodza, yes hide all your details there will no benifit for you to dissplay all to the world.  `Crikey what next!` you say it well Enn this is just madness, Hitler`s agenda was quoted as being"The Dream of a Madman" i think this Board is heading in the same direction,cheers

Offline wombles

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Re: With the March 2012 comes the info that 60% of audited gas jobs
« Reply #13 on: June 01, 2012, 12:29:32 PM »
There are very few reports of disciplinary action in the media yet the costs to the Board are huge. I can only imagine that quite a high % of disciplinary results are kept confidential. Will that still be the case or will ALL disciplinary action be noted on the PGDB website. If it is there could be big problems with getting work for some guys

Offline wombles

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Re: With the March 2012 comes the info that 60% of audited gas jobs
« Reply #14 on: June 01, 2012, 04:09:54 PM »
Another thought - can you imagine all the suppliers who will use the PGDB database as their  own advertising database.

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