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Author Topic: You are not alone  (Read 6406 times)

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Offline Wal

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You are not alone
« on: June 13, 2010, 09:24:03 AM »
Hi everyone

I've been reading with interest comments from people who have been writting to the PGDB and Minister about Competence Based Licencing and Fees.  I would like to congratulate you for doing so.  Over the years lots of tradesmen have sat back and done nothing knowing what the ministry and PGDB were doing was wrong.  Did you know that only about 10% of tradesman responded to consultation documents sent by the PGDB. Some of the documents only got a 4.5% responce so its no wonder we find ourselves in the situation we are in. Now that its in to law its hard to change anything. But all is not lost as it's all about numbers and following the complaint procedures in the political arena.

There is some success in this area and its a waiting game but while we are waiting we can still do other things. There has been talk about forming an association to represent our industry but maybe you want to consider this --- next year about 30,000 construction workers have to licence. Do you think that we may be the governments stepping stone for all licenced practitioners? It could be a case of "the plumbers, gasfitters and drainlayers have competence based licencing and continued professional development you 30,000 construction workers, 30,000 electricians and other licenced practitioners can do the same".  Maybe we need to think big and have one organisation to represent all licenced practitioners. 

Their role could be to:
•   Advocate the positions and viewpoints of members to ensure fairness and equality in regulations imposed by the Government
•   Help influence regulatory and legislative outcomes
•   Educate members on developments regarding affirmative action and related regulatory changes

I think we need to future proof our industry. People have said to me that I'm wasting my time fighting the Government but remember back in 1840 when a carpenter named Samuel Parnell went up against everyone and we ended up with a 40 hour working week and a public holiday as well (Labour day) I'm not a unionist but there is safety in numbers, employers and employees a like. Keep it up guys and keep our industry clean and alive. Have a legacy to hand on to your Grandchildren. Better to say "I helped to do that" , rather than to say " We don't have an industry because we did nothing"

Wal Gordon


Offline robbo

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Re: You are not alone
« Reply #1 on: June 13, 2010, 12:02:34 PM »
Hi Wal and guys, robbo here, glad that someone has been reading with interest I’ve wondered whether I was a voice in the wilderness and totally out of touch. I saw your piece on one news and was me who posted it here just in case all interested parties had not seen it. I agree with what you say that we need a collective voice that can make these law makers see sense. I believe that in the past people in our industry thought that the pgdb were there to help and assist us all and so did not rock the boat too much, but when they came out with the statement of: we are not here to protect Plum/Gas/Drain tradesmen, but are here to protect the public against you in the name of health and safety: they then became the enemy, I don`t quite think that we have all realised that yet.
It has always been my opinion that apathy has always won the day for the board and the figures that you supply reflect that point of view and I see in the latest consultation release that the ‘Balance Of Comment’ says ‘most submissions supported the options favoured by the board, that is purely because of apathy. Reading the whole thing, it seems that the proposed changes will get watered down somewhat because the master plumbers who represent a lot of tradesmen are putting up opposition to some of it but will probably not be opposed. I have always been a bit concerned about the master plumbers; it has appeared to me that they stand to make a lot of money out of points training so do not oppose it, I could be wrong but the figures that I see for training begs the question of, who can afford to do this year after year and what about if costs keep going up which is inevitable once they are made law. It is money that is driving this thing, everything else is just an excuse. If you remember back when the minister of finance (there’s a clue) Cullen sacked the board we all thought ‘Great’ he has sussed them out for what they are, not a chance, he sacked them because of the money the govt had wasted on funding training that did not produce results because of the board not recognising that training, so money was the big driver nothing else, the problem is that they believe that they can get it from underpaid tradesmen, I personally believe that they cannot. I don`t believe that the minister M.Williamson is very concerned, Yet, because I noticed that the last time he had accepted the proposals from the board, the board had still not even finished analysing the consultation, also that he has stated that the hardest decision he had ever had to make was whether or not to put the ‘H’ in Wanganui. What I personally propose to do is, if and when points training come into force for plumbers (I’ve already given up gasfitting because of it) I am going to register as unemployed, citing un-affordability of obtaining an operating licence so not legally able to work, cheers.             

Offline Wal

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Re: You are not alone
« Reply #2 on: June 14, 2010, 05:59:10 AM »
Money and responsibility are behind it. If the government can bring in self certification for all trades then they can claim they are not responsible for any problems IE Leaking Buildings and lay the blame on the trades.  The big problem for us is it opens the door to civil action.  So although self certification sounds good the long term effects on businesses and individuals will be huge. Imagine the cost of $50 Million dollars of public liability insurance. Yet again it will be the consumer who foots the bill.

I would love to be abler to certify my own work but the risk is to vast for me to support it.

I think it will be one of those situations were there will be a big split in opinions.  All I would say is for everyone to look at the long term big picture. I would hate for us to end up like the USA where you get sued if you don't resolve a problem in the time frame determined by the client. 

If you're interested I've laid a 27 page complaint with two government departments being the Ombudsman and the Auditor General.  I also have a 10 page complaint in with the Regulation Review Committee which has passed its first hurdle.  I've has some protest signs made up and I'm off to the PGDB three days this week for a couple of hours and I'll be sitting on a WC pan on the Beehives front lawn three times this week.


Offline robbo

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Re: You are not alone
« Reply #3 on: June 16, 2010, 12:02:02 PM »
hi guys, for your information i have just recieved a reply from the ministers office,here it is,cheers.

Offline robbo

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Re: You are not alone
« Reply #4 on: June 16, 2010, 04:27:19 PM »
hi guys, heres Wal`s news item.
Plumber takes a stand against relicensing.
NewstalkZB | 01:29pm Wed 16 Jun 2010
An Upper Hutt plumber has staged a protest at Parliament against moves he says will cost consumers millions of dollars.
Wallace Gordon is objecting to new laws introduced by the Government requiring plumbers to update their licences every year.
Mr Gordon says he has employees who have been working in the industry for 30 or 40 years who are now being told they are not competent and have to be relicensed.
"We're going to have to pay $4,500 per man for them to say they're competent. In which case, the costs will have to be handed on to the consumer, which is in the vicinity of $28 million a year."Mr Gordon says he has no objection to up-skilling but the licence issue is unnecessary
Have a look at the news tonight it may get a mention,cheers.

Offline Jaxcat

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Re: You are not alone
« Reply #5 on: June 17, 2010, 05:51:03 PM »
I don't think as an industry we are against "upskilling" at all.  Plumbers and gasfitters (and I presume drainlayers) have always attended courses and learned about new products and how to fit them.  As a general rule tradesmen like to fiddle with things and find out how they work!  The danger with all of this is that now courses that once were free and run by manufacturers will now cost money - the reason for this is the administrative empire that has been forced on this regime by the requirement to "log" points.  Course papers must be marked and then the results notified to the PGDB - all this takes time and costs the companies who are delivering the courses money.  I don't think there is a huge profit in trade training - goodness knows the polytechs have been moaning about how much it costs them and how little they make for years - but these costs will and must be passed on to the consumer.  It was relatively easy to pass on the costs for gas upskilling - our charge out for gas certificates went up markedly and covers the costs of sending my staff on courses and lost production time.  I am in a quandry as to how to pass on the costs for plumbing and drainlaying upskilling - it will have to be in the hourly rate unless all tradesmen across NZ want to introduce a training levy surcharge on their accounts.  The public won't like it - but ultimately it must be paid for unless it is repealed.  I just wish they would treat us like grown ups and there would be recognition for professional reading (say the Plumbers Journal or other trade publications) and for turning up to meetings around technical issues.  But there is no room in the current system for recognition of this. 
Have you learned lessons only of those who admired you, and were tender with you, and stood aside for you?  Have you not learned great lessons from those who braced themselves against you, and disputed the passage with you?  (Walt Whitman 1819-1891)  American Poet

Offline robbo

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Re: You are not alone
« Reply #6 on: June 18, 2010, 11:20:28 AM »
I totally agree, to be treated like grownups would be great, to stay ‘Competent’ doesn’t give credence to guys that have been in the trade for 20/30/40yrs,if they do not do the points training then they are `Incompetent’ what a harsh and degrading term, I think a better word could have been used but I guess that`s all part of the board making us out to be second rate tradesmen who need a lifelong apprenticeship,cheers.     

Offline Wal

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Re: You are not alone
« Reply #7 on: June 19, 2010, 05:17:18 AM »
Hi Everyone.

Well I've said my bit at the Beehive and Outside the PGDB for three days this week.  Got so cold I nearly had to put on two pair of shorts. 

Be in quick to enroll for the latest Master Plumbers and PGDB Course Its a must for upskilling.. It's a 6 point course over four hours and covers the reasons for trapping and venting sanitry plumbing systems.  This must be a new concept. Course Cost $101.25 inc GST for Master Plumbers members generally more for the rest of us, time away from work 6 hours, travel and parking own responsibility. I'm so excited about the prospect of cources to come. W*#kers

Offline robbo

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Re: You are not alone
« Reply #8 on: June 19, 2010, 09:39:17 AM »
Hi guys, well done Wal I hope someone from the board brought you a cup of coffee to warm you up. Here`s one of the problems with our industry, an organisation like the Master Plumbers could be the major player in fighting the boards money grabbing ideas but no, they get on the band wagon and join in the lolly scramble to milk us dry, I hope they will also push for a massive wage increase to cover all these extra costs for the remaining tradesmen who stay in the industry, I like most on this site am not against `up skilling’ we do it all the time and have all ways done so, but to make us pay so much for it in time and money is disgraceful, cheers.

Offline robbo

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Re: You are not alone
« Reply #9 on: June 26, 2010, 10:42:05 PM »

Hi guys, has anyone had a letter inviting you to’ MEET THE BOARD’ this is a letter that I received asking me (and I presume others) to meet the board members and listen to B.S. and to partake in food and drink (at our expense). I don’t know if any other tradesmen in ch-ch visit this site but if you do, what do you think? What really annoys me is that we get personal letters to support this junket which will not improve our lives one bit but is aimed at getting as many people as possible to attend, yet the recent very important submission document was an on-line only effort which would have marginalised tradesmen who are not on-line obviously aimed to limit returns. I will not be attending this meeting and hope others will see through it, they can`t buy support for their luxury lifestyles with a few eats and drinks, they are obviously travelling the country at high cost to us, cheers.   

Offline Jaxcat

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Re: You are not alone
« Reply #10 on: June 30, 2010, 10:00:10 AM »
Hi Robbo
I think you SHOULD attend - if more people like you attended and gave real life examples of what the regime meant for you on a day to day basis they surely would get a better understanding.  Give examples of costs, give examples of poor courses, give examples of trainees who won't be able to pay their fees and also ask what % of their budget this junket is coming out of.  There is a certain irony in holding a meet and greet function for no real reason other then to "meet" the industry - but doing a consultation "on line".  BUT if we don't take opportunities to make our opinions known then it becomes harder to be taken seriously.  Please consider going and reporting back to this little on line community what was discussed.  Take some others with you who feel the same - there is strength in numbers.

Offline jd24hrs

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Re: You are not alone
« Reply #11 on: July 17, 2010, 12:44:40 AM »
HI GUYS i was asked to go and talk at one of these meeting in wellington and curse the man routhan banned me from talking as i was an expert in gas servicing and gas maintenance and his board new nothing and still no nothing of this subject or plumbing the waŁ$^rs

the master plumbers are not much better as i used to write jdscorner and they didnt like the fact that a uk plumber was coming up with good ideas

so i say back wal alan me and the guys and dont pay the board

Offline Jaxcat

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Re: You are not alone
« Reply #12 on: July 18, 2010, 06:46:11 PM »
JD - I don't believe Wal is promoting not paying fees at all.  I think this is dangerous and you just lay yourselves open to more grief.  To be taken seriously we must maintain professionalism at all times.  There does need to be a structure when we have regulation.  Electricians have it and builders are going to have it.  What we need is something fair and something that reflects a realistic environment.  I know that you think that all UK trained tradesmen are so much better than NZ trained tradesmen, but from my experience as an employer that is simply not true.  I employ one UK Corgi trained gasfitter who is now a NZ certifying gasfitter and he brings with him a wealth of experience, but he has played the game and sat the exams.  I have also employed other British trained gasfitters and had them on a limited certificate working under a Craftsman - and boy did they need to be.  There does need to be NZ standards and any tradesman coming to NZ should meet the NZ Standards.  I think the problem lies with our immigration system who do not adequately inform those migrating to NZ what they are likely to find.  I would get one email a week from a UK plumber or gasfitter who thinks they will be able to work here immediately and who do not realise the system and the things/costs they will have to do/pay.  This is unfair and the Board should ensure immigration information is up to date.  We always direct UK people to the PGDB website so they understand what they are coming to and the conditions they will need to work under.

Offline Wal

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Re: You are not alone
« Reply #13 on: July 19, 2010, 09:35:05 AM »
Hello everyone.

Things are moving along by legal means and eventually we will win.  I certainly do not support not paying the fees.  If you do that you are only playing into the Governments and the Boards hands. Everything we do must be legal unlike them, so take the high ground, keep your pride and morals and meet your legal requirements.


Offline robbo

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Re: You are not alone
« Reply #14 on: July 19, 2010, 10:01:37 PM »
 Fraudsters stole $72 million in the first six months of this year. KPMG's latest Fraud Barometer report shows that is more than for the whole of 2008. Forensics partner Stephen Bell says cutbacks during the recession have resulted in fewer internal controls in many workplaces, therefore creating the opportunity for fraud to be committed."Because many of the fraud, particularly in the last 12 months, began in the 2003-2005 timeframe, we have yet to see the full impact of fraud coming out of the economic downturn."Mr Bell says most fraud is perpetrated by Management level people who can steal more money because they have greater information and access than others.
 NewstalkZB | 10:11am Mon 19 Jul 2010. 
 The P.G.D. Board is not a membership or industry organisation; we exist to protect the health and safety of consumers.

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