Using your knowledge of the NZ Building Code complete the following multi choice questions.
1 A ventilating pipe may be omitted if the length of a single waste pipe to a gully trap is less than:
a) 4.8 m
b) 4. m
c) 4.2 m
d) 3.9 m
e) 3. m
2 The recognised term for the system where unventilated fixtures discharge foul water or waste
water into a common discharge pipe is:
a) the combined waste system.
b) the one-pipe system.
c) the two-pipe system.
d) the single-stack system.
e) the soil-waste system.
3 Traps are fitted to waste pipes:
a) to prevent vermin entering a building.
b) to reduce the velocity of discharge.
c) to prevent foul gases entering a building.
d) to exclude sewer gases from a waste pipe.
e) to provide aerial disconnection of a waste pipe.
4 A drinking fountain is classed as:
a) a sanitary fixture.
b) a sanitary appliance.
c) a public facility.
d) a soil fixture.
e) trade waste.
When a vent pipe connects to a 0 mm urinal waste it must have a minimum diameter of:
a) 20 mm
b) 2 mm
c) 32 mm
d) 40 mm
e) 0 mm
6 The minimum permissible gradient of a 0 mm diameter waste pipe is:
a) 1 in 40
b) 1 in 30
c) 1 in 2
d) 1 in 20
e) 1 in 1
7 The minimum diameter of the outlet of a water closet pan is:
a) 6 mm
b) 7 mm
c) 80 mm
d) 8 mm
e) 100 mm
8 The function of a ventilating pipe is:
a) to allow organic matter to dry out.
b) to allow foul air to escape.
c) to prevent foul air entering a building.
d) to prevent siphonage.
e) all of the above.
9 The main purpose of a trap vent is:
a) to allow foul smells to escape.
b) to prevent foul odours entering a building.
c) to prevent the loss of water seals.
d) to allow cleaning access.
e) to provide a quicker discharge rate.
10 For five floor waste outlets connected to a common stack, the stack diameter is:
a) 32 mm
b) 40 mm
c) 0 mm
d) 6 mm
e) 80 mm
(1 mark each)
Total 10 marks