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Author Topic: Who can answer this question from apprentice's distance learning?  (Read 11664 times)

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Offline Jaxcat

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Who can answer this question from apprentice's distance learning?
« on: September 15, 2010, 05:54:13 PM »
National Certificate of Gasfitting
US21897 Demonstrate knowledge of the gasfitting of LPG cylinder systems for gas installations

How far away must the (LPG) cylinders be from any heat source?

Note this is NOT source of ignition but HEAT source?  If you can answer it can you also provide the code/legilsation/standard that underpins it?

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Offline robbo

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Re: Who can answer this question from apprentice's distance learning?
« Reply #1 on: September 15, 2010, 07:04:22 PM »
hi guys, it used to be 2mtrs but that went out the window when they allowed cabinet heaters in so not sure that there is a specified distance now, however i will be interested along with your apprentice what the exact answer is,cheers

Offline Fordy

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Re: Who can answer this question from apprentice's distance learning?
« Reply #2 on: September 15, 2010, 08:44:09 PM »
I am sure its somewhere in AS/NZS 1596:2008 Storage and Handling of LPG - but I can't find that standard in my collection - and I am just a CP (with gasfitting experience) so thats my excuse if I am pointing in the wrong direction ;D

Offline Jaxcat

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Re: Who can answer this question from apprentice's distance learning?
« Reply #3 on: September 17, 2010, 04:47:03 PM »
Nice try guys - but it can't be answered becasue the question is wrong - and we finally have an admission from the ITO that it slipped through the very rigorous assessment net.  So if you know any trainees doing Stage 1 paperwork and they look like they are scratching their heads with this one - help them out.  The question is now being changed to "source of ignition" which is what is should have been from day dot.  Interestingly enough - the "model" answer is 6m which is what trainees have been told to put - even though no one knew where it came from.

Don't always accept nonsense questions - if it doesn't seem right go to the source and ask for verification.  I have one much relieved trainee along with six certifying and several licensed gasfitters - all glad they aren't stupid either becasue they couldn't find an answer  :o

Offline Thunderhead

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Re: Who can answer this question from apprentice's distance learning?
« Reply #4 on: September 17, 2010, 05:40:53 PM »
How far away must the (LPG) cylinders be from any ignition source?

if you have the NZS 5261 code which you should have...i hope lol
The correct answer would be to reference: APPENDIX G......LPG CYLINDER LOCATIONS....G4 Clearances around cylinders...Figure G2-Minimum clearance to IGNITION sources.

In an exchange cylinder 500mm above top of cylinder valve a 500mm diameter circle to any ignition socrce At base of cylinder a 1500mm diameter circle to any ignition sources....
with an In-situ fill cylinder 500mm above top of cylinder valve a 1500mm diameter circle to any ignition socrce At base of cylinder a 3500mm diameter circle to any ignition source.

This info comes from the codes

Being that LPG is heaiver than air and will spill to the ground i guess is the reason why the base measurment to any ignition source is much larger.

Interestingly enough - the "model" answer is 6m which is what trainees have been told to put - even though no one knew where it came from. This info must have been pulled from there ARSE!(please god let me be right so i dont look like an arse as well!)

So there question is incorrect as there are two sets of clearances, being removiable change over cylinders and IN-SITU cylinders filled on site.

If i were you i would read the codes from back to front....i know there bloody boaring but i had this answered in 2mins and that includes travel time to the van to get the codes!

Anyways i hope im correct and i hope this helps...and i hope like hell your craftman gasfitter has already pointed you to this section of the codes hehehe.

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Re: Who can answer this question from apprentice's distance learning?
« Reply #5 on: September 17, 2010, 05:45:31 PM »
this is why we should be allowed to have a full set of codes at exam time cus i didnt know the answer but i knew exactly were to source the info at the drop of a hat...if i had to guess i proablies would have pulled 6 meters out of my arse as well!!! ;D

Offline Jaxcat

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Re: Who can answer this question from apprentice's distance learning?
« Reply #6 on: September 17, 2010, 07:37:34 PM »
Thunderhead if you got back to the original question (at the top of the page) you'll see that the trainee was asked it was how far away the cylinders had to be from a source of HEAT - not ignition.  This was the question no one could answer - we all knew the clearances from source of ignition - but that wasn't what they were asking. 

We scoured 5261, 1596, codes of practice relating to LPG and even approached the LPGA.  This was the quandry.  Of course I would expect a first year apprentice to be able to answer the distance for an ignition source, but there is no such thing as "source of heat" covered in any codes.


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Re: Who can answer this question from apprentice's distance learning?
« Reply #7 on: September 17, 2010, 07:39:53 PM »
And thanks for caring enough to make the trip to the van to get your codes - especially if the weather is as lousy at your place as it is here!! ;)

Offline robbo

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Re: Who can answer this question from apprentice's distance learning?
« Reply #8 on: September 17, 2010, 09:04:18 PM »
hi guys,yes when you think of it logicaly, the lpg cylinder would have to be in a frezzer to be away from any heat source,cheers

Offline Thunderhead

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Re: Who can answer this question from apprentice's distance learning?
« Reply #9 on: September 17, 2010, 11:12:50 PM »
so what about this model answer of 6 meters is this the model answer to the incorect question or what dude, a bit confusing there or is this the model answer peorid?
i saw the first question and then you corected it then went straight on to say the model answer was 6 meters So I assumed that you were talking now about the correct question in that refernce to 6 meters...

Thats why i wasted my time getting da codes.

But alas you had already refernced the relevent information needed...just trying ta help.

you would have to (technially speaking)go to absoloute zero where moceluer movement stops to be removed from any heat source  there fore there is no heat source...The motion of atoms and molecules creates a form of energy called heat or thermal energy which is present in all matter. Even in the coldest voids of space, matter still has a very small but still measurable amount of heat energy.Sorry robbo even the freezer anally speaking is a heat source...thats as far as i can understand the over techincal crap they try to teach us at tech....

Got a lull in the weather at the moment as a new front moves in chance to put codes back :P...and to think i usted to be out commercial fishing 100miles out in crap weather like this...

Offline robbo

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Re: Who can answer this question from apprentice's distance learning?
« Reply #10 on: September 18, 2010, 09:15:48 AM »
hi guys,buddy you are right even at 50below frezzing you can still extract heat thats how a heatpump works but you know where i was heading with it. This question from jax sure got some interest and that is what we need and eventually we got the correct answer so this forum really works. I don`t know if 6mtrs is the official answer but i have my old 1976 gas code that says 2mtrs from a sourse of ignition and the present rule is 1.5mtrs,cheers

Offline Thunderhead

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Re: Who can answer this question from apprentice's distance learning?
« Reply #11 on: September 18, 2010, 12:13:00 PM »
Aww now im rearly confused robbo...let me get this straight please
The question at hand:  How far away must the (LPG) cylinders be from any ignition source?

the answer i got from the codes:5261 APPENDIX G......LPG CYLINDER LOCATIONS....G4 Clearances around cylinders...Figure G2-Minimum clearance to IGNITION sources.

Is this the correct answer to the question or is it incorect and the correct answer is 1.5meters...and if so please give me the code reference so i can get my information straight please...(i only ask this cus i have not been able to find the 1.5 meter you mention in the codes)cheers

Offline Jaxcat

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Re: Who can answer this question from apprentice's distance learning?
« Reply #12 on: September 18, 2010, 03:08:28 PM »
The question which was in the distance learning was distance from source of heat - the model answer to this was 6m (according to the assesment schedule and model answer provided by the polytec and the ITO).  When challenged as to where they got this answer from (and after phone calls and emails) they have admited that:
1.  The question was a mistake
2.  The model answer of 6m was a nonsense - it had no basis in fact, no code, legislation or standard backing it up and when pressed it appears they have no idea how a measure of 6m got entered in as a model answer.

The question will now be changed to distance from source of ignition and the answers given on this page for that question (sourced from 5261) are correct.

The ITO don't call back distance learning papers so some poor bugger trainees may still come across the heat source question and scratch their heads and wonder where to look for this answer.  It's just a shame that they will waste many hours looking for an answer that doesn't exist.  My next question to the ITO is that this question has been in distance learning papers for the last year - how the hell did it get marked and what dumb ass has continued to mark it right without thinking that it made no sense.

Offline robbo

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Re: Who can answer this question from apprentice's distance learning?
« Reply #13 on: September 18, 2010, 03:57:57 PM »
hi guys, yes G4 is correct with 1.500 or 3.500mtr depending on cylinder size. Just to add more confusion here is some stuff i found whilst looking for the answer: cheers
Requirements for LPG use & storage
Environmental Policy & Approvals Unit
Page 1 of 2
(Hazardous Substances & New Organisms Act 1996)
(Should also be used in conjunction with Building Application Form BA2T)
Inside a Building
The use of LPG cylinders inside a building has not been adequately covered under the above legislation.
As a result the Christchurch City Council has adopted the fundamental requirement embodied in Regulation 77 of the Dangerous
Goods (Class 2 Gases) Regulations. The requirements pertaining to this type of heating installation where LPG in excess of 10kg is
being used inside a building, are detailed below:

All supply cylinders located and positioned within a building shall be isolated from any fire, forge, furnace or other source of heat
by not less than 6 metres, other than the appliance they are supplying.
Never use in an unventilated room with all windows and doors closed.

• Never place a LPG cylinder on a stove and always keep it at least 1 meter away from any heat source.
• Always replace the Dust Protection Plug in the cylinder opening when cylinder is not in use.

Offline Jaxcat

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Re: Who can answer this question from apprentice's distance learning?
« Reply #14 on: September 20, 2010, 05:12:23 PM »
Hey Robbo, Cheers for that - we have passed on to ITO - you are now officially famous in our office for finding any reference to the 6m!!

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