Think about how much things have deteriorated over the last ten years, people leaving the industry hand over fist and/or not renewing some of their licences. Honest reasonable hard working people considering working illegally under the radar.
The fiasco with training and apprentices, compliance costs, CPD, being told we are all incompetent and need to retrain EVERY year, in bullshit courses.
People sending flyers out and advertising for pricing YOUR time for points for "upskilling", get it before the dead line....learn that shit still rolls down hill......... no mention of "this is new, you should know this".....
And the more people who leave the industry.......leaves these nice people with all the work growing drunk on the power they wield over us.......AND GETTING WORSE!!!
Apparently thinking they can ignore the NZ Law Commission, Ombudsman and Auditor General and general common decency......just to feather their own nest, it is just plain wrong.
It appears that the only thing they have foremost in their sights is their own agenda.......since Routhan it has all gone tits up and declined, all under the guise of doing it for the greater good......that is bollox. has any one thing improved in the industry over the last 10 years? Really I would love to know. Except certain people's profit margins.
In what type of decent society can an industry organisation, with full backing from the building minister.........How can this one organisation be way over presented on an industry industry board that forces CPD on already qualified people(and apparently CPD is illegal at that). An industry organisation present on an Industry Board against the NZ Law Commission's best recommendations against impartiality of all things, it says an industry board should be free of interest/industry groups(that's free of ...not you can have one or two, we have 50% of the tradesman positions filled by MP)....then go and set up the Nation's biggest CPD provider? and then have the audacity to only give their own members 50% discount.....but making the non members pay full price.......any of this seem fair to anyone?
But as one of the main leaders of this organisation said at a meeting in Napier......"why would I want to change anything I am happy with things as they are"........I bet you f****in are mate!
And their own rules state that you are not to critisise another members work....but they lead investigations and audit their own member's work? perhaps they could run a CPD on morals and ethics........