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Author Topic: Second Reading of the Plumbers, Gasfitters, and Drainlayers Amendment Bill 2006  (Read 8537 times)

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Re: Second Reading of the Amendment Bill to the PGD Act 2006
« Reply #15 on: April 17, 2013, 11:24:11 PM »
Maybe a bit late now but if we need to setup an electronic form to collect signatures please let me know.   
Please note that the advice I am giving is only my opinion and not necessarily a fact.  Please refer to our terms and conditions.

Offline Badger

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Re: Second Reading of the Amendment Bill to the PGD Act 2006
« Reply #16 on: April 18, 2013, 08:01:38 AM »
it is not that bad an idea, drape a sign like that over a bridge into wellington

"Minister Williamson will you Gay Marry are the flop to my flip"

wait till its in the media and then tell them our gripes....all us malcontents
You can't choose who you are.....but you are the sum of your choices.......

Offline Rodza1

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Re: Second Reading of the Amendment Bill to the PGD Act 2006
« Reply #17 on: April 18, 2013, 09:00:33 AM »
Man that was awesome seeing the Board get roasted like that. How are they going to talk themselves out of this one?? Would be pretty hard to be taken seriously now if you ask me.

They have now been caught out at the highest level. I cannot wait to find out if this Board thinks its above the govt too?? As obviously they think they are above the Ombudsman, OAG and RRC which is undeniable @ this point. Publicly they would definitely say no they are not etc obviously as no one is above the law but I believe they still now they think they have acted in good faith regarding all matters since the OAG report where they were told to clean up their act and I bet they still think they have done nothing really wrong at all. They will cover themselves until the bitter end.

Was so stoked to hear Maryan Street bring up Badgers story. Now those pricks @ the "Board"will listen up as its out in the open for all to hear. Heads must roll for this, they cannot preach their health & safety of the public rhetorical bullshit when they let things like a dodgy gas explosion go by without the responsible people being held to account and even worse knowingly stitching up another person who they knew all along was not guilty. I applaud you Badger, and your family I really do. It takes a very strong person and a strong family to endure what has gone on here. I would like to see you eventually compensated for everything this corrupt regime has done to you and your family. Everything you lost plus hundreds of thousands in damages.

For those at the Board who have covered this up & let Badger take the fall knowingly, I would call for a prison term for each one of them as they have knowingly let someone responsible for putting public health & safety at risk go untouched and knowingly dragged somebody else through the mud. I have absolutely no respect for anyone on the Board,

 "The Board are corrupt" now it is official. If this bill is to pass into law I would like to know what more can we now do to stir things up? Keep e-mailing MP's? Keep e-mailing campbell live? Refuse to license? E-mail people at the Board asking the hard questions until someone replies??

Was disappointed to see the Bill go through second reading though. I plan on sending a few e-mails of my own today. Noticed the Maori party voted against the bill which was good to see, they are some of the swing votes aren't they??

The Board must be worried at this point. I would be if I just had my dirty laundry aired out for all to see in Parliament.

The charitable status info from Brendan Horan was great too hear also. I thought he spoke really well, clear and concise.

Actually guys I believe designing a sign/banner is a great idea to help stir up public opinion. I would be willing to take time off work for this. The timing at the moment couldn't be more perfect really with the shit hitting the fan in Parliament. I think it could be achieved for a reasonably low cost but would get a lot of peoples attention. Media coverage is what is needed here, its teetering on the edge, I believe it needs that one last little "push" before this entire thing blows up in the Boards face, excuse the pun.

If charges were laid by the Board or who ever etc for slagging the Board off to tell you the truth, I couldnt really give a shit. If the Board carries on with its path to industry destruction were going to have less than we do now anyway(which isn't much for some of us) once they are finished steam rolling us so the old quote comes to mind.

"When you got nothin, you got nothin to lose"
The Plumbers Gasfitters And Drainlayers Board- "White Collar Mafia"

Offline Badger

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Re: Second Reading of the Amendment Bill to the PGD Act 2006
« Reply #18 on: April 18, 2013, 10:54:00 AM »
Mate my missis is a saint and my rock. I would have gone nuts (or may be should say nuttier) if it wasn't for her.

My Darl has never criticised me, under mined me or blamed me for anything ( because she knew I had done the right thing, but still I don't know many people who wouldn't lash out)....

Even when she had to live in a caravan on her own for a whole winter, with no running water and a chemical toilet.... while I lived on a plumbers yard in another island, not once did she moan or complain...she just gets on with it with a laugh and a smile......I admire her so much...I will have this out in the open if I got to sit bollock naked outside their offices painted bright red, it is beyond personal to me......


Sue Ineson was on my panel for my hearing, she heard me say about the sick shit they sent my missis unmarked of its sick content.

See correspondence below read it from bottom to top............

Sorry Sue I won’t be doing that, the effect that certain people have had on my life will not go unpunished, it is corruption, nothing less…and to stand by while corruption happens is just as bad, not matter when it happens or where you are today.


I have done nothing that I wouldn’t repeat on a stage in front of a massive audience….I wonder how the people responsible for my loosing my home and business will fare, same people who had no problem sending my wife child sexual abuse case notes and I watched her crumble in a heap of despair just before we had to sell our home and she lived in a caravan for a winter with my 5 and 7 year old while I worked away……the mirror is coming and it will reflect all that those responsible have done……very publically, I wish you well. If you are not one of these people then you have nothing to worry about, but I will say that Karma is a fickle mistress.


See you at the inquiry.


Paul Gee Plumbing & Gas Ltd

PO Box 249, Takaka 7142

0274 33 33 50 / 03 525 9889


From: Sue Ineson []
Sent: Wednesday, 17 April 2013 9:35 a.m.
To: 'Paul & Emma Gee'
Subject: RE: a corrupt industry Board


I was not reappointed to the Board by the Minister at the end of my last term- therefore I have no involvement with the Board now- please delete me from  your email updates.


Sue Ineson


From: Paul Gee [] On Behalf Of Paul & Emma Gee
Sent: Wednesday, 17 April 2013 6:04 a.m.
To:;;;;;;;;;; 'Jehan Casinader'; 'Julie Drury';; 'Nifo Pelesasa'; 'Mission Chambers'; 'Max Pedersen'
Cc: 'Wal Gordon';; 'Colleen Upton'
Subject: a corrupt industry Board


Hi All, some of you will not want to see this and the rest I have sent it to is just because I want to spread the word.


Please see below the link for Parliament TV.

Offline Rodza1

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Re: Second Reading of the Amendment Bill to the PGD Act 2006
« Reply #19 on: April 18, 2013, 11:11:51 AM »
So basically if Sue was on the "panel" at your hearing she is neck deep in this also?? Yeah being a former board member does not make you innocent after the fact. All those involved must be held accountable.

Offline Badger

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Re: Second Reading of the Amendment Bill to the PGD Act 2006
« Reply #20 on: April 18, 2013, 11:13:57 AM »
.....and before any smart prick asks why there was no running water and a chemical toilet, that's because she managed to sell her own home.... herself, to save money on real estate fees, while I was working away.....these turds who have done this to her....and/or stood by and watched wouldn't come up to her instep on her foot and couldn't even endure a week of what she did, and my kids when you come to think of it, for months and months......the dirty arseholes they are.

We now live in the run down you know what she did before I came back from away.......

She fixed the garden up because "it only takes elbow grease and not money"

Now after 8 years out of the work force (because she wanted to raise our boys) she has gone back to work in a bank to help us get out of the hole, she cried for the first week because she didn't think she could do it.......

She now just takes it in her stride, gets "hero" emails for what she does in work.....AND RAISES OUR BOYS......

My missis rocks.......... I am proud just to just know her, let alone to share my life with her.....these dirty bastards should watch I don't really loose scum, yes you the ones reading this ain't fit to say her Name.

Offline Badger

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Re: Second Reading of the Amendment Bill to the PGD Act 2006
« Reply #21 on: April 18, 2013, 11:20:55 AM »
yeah mate, they say "I have only just got here don't blame me"....

which then proceeds to "I am addressing the issues"

AND THEN "I have left the Board, it ain't my problem", to which the Minister replaces them and re runs the cycle of....... I just got here, I am working on it, oh I have left you can deal with the shit....

And they source the people from the same groups.....who ultimately control the direction of the industry, against best practice recommendations ........utter and total bollox with a smattering of corruption and a sprinkle of incompetence, it is embarrassing....

You watch what Bickers does......

Offline Rodza1

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Re: Second Reading of the Amendment Bill to the PGD Act 2006
« Reply #22 on: April 18, 2013, 03:53:38 PM »
Yeah im sick of that. Every public servant busts those tried and true catch phrases out when they are there to get paid, not make a difference.

Thats one of the biggest problems with this Board.. No accountability so they get stupid with their new found powers, wreak havoc with the industry then walk away scot free.

Offline Rodza1

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Re: Second Reading of the Amendment Bill to the PGD Act 2006
« Reply #23 on: April 18, 2013, 04:03:53 PM »
There has to be accountability within govt bodies/panels/boards/committees, there just has to be.

If there is no accountability then I may just build a big sign that reads "The PGDB can suck my balls" signed..."The common plumber,gasfitter,drainlayer of NZ." And then display it all over Wellington etc etc

And if the Board sue me for defamation I will claim "No accountability"....what makes the Board better than me?? Exactly. We are all humans who breathe the same air so why are they not liable for their actions but I am.

For petes sake Badger they rubbished you in the local paper killing your business before they could prove anything. That proves they are out of control as there is no accountability. Bickers can do what he likes, he holds for now, the "golden ticket".

Offline Badger

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Re: Second Reading of the Amendment Bill to the PGD Act 2006
« Reply #24 on: April 18, 2013, 04:26:53 PM »
perfect, just drop the "my", you don't want to make it personal....but they in no doubt do "suck balls"

Offline peasea

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Re: Second Reading of the Amendment Bill to the PGD Act 2006
« Reply #25 on: April 18, 2013, 05:32:05 PM »
I emailed Williiamson offering some advice on how he could get him self out of the mess he is in  , He replied back wanting me to be his sexual advisor , at least I think thats what he means, he replied if I want your fu%&$ng opinion Ill  contact you, I said thanks for the offer but I dont have any experience with gay issues .   


Offline Badger

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Re: Second Reading of the Amendment Bill to the PGD Act 2006
« Reply #26 on: April 18, 2013, 06:22:27 PM »
I got no problems with what anyone does in their own lives as long as no one gets hurt....

But I find it quite sad and a bit bizarre that a minister can be so ill-informed that he makes untrue statements in Parliament, that covers up the real issue....for the site of an explosion......where some one nearly dies...

But what makes the news.... his speech about I missing something?

Surely Maurice wouldn't go all camp and dramatic just to politicise a popular issue to move blame and give him a distraction to his cock up (pardon the pun)....he's right honourable an everything.

Offline Rodza1

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Re: Second Reading of the Amendment Bill to the PGD Act 2006
« Reply #27 on: April 18, 2013, 06:56:22 PM »
Haha did he really peasea???

Yeah I just found that on youtube, didnt bother watching it though.

I have no time for fat ass liers such as him.  ;D
Looks like someone against our amendment bill has already posted and slammed him hahaha...wonder who that was...

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