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Author Topic: dodgy craftsmen running dodgy businesses  (Read 8412 times)

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Offline jd24hrs

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dodgy craftsmen running dodgy businesses
« on: July 09, 2011, 08:32:13 PM »
hi guys
well here in the middle of the north island a business who has a name that is part of a big group has just sacked all of its part trained and trained staff due to over head cost  and has kept on its un trained staff  they only have one craftsman and he cant possibly be watching all his trainee staff who do maintenance like fitting taps DO YOU REALLY THINK HE WILL GO A CHECK THERE WORK    like the tui advert YEAH RIGHT

and what about those staff where can they work now  no where  ideas


Offline aboutgas

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Re: dodgy craftsmen running dodgy businesses
« Reply #1 on: July 10, 2011, 12:53:54 PM »
Hi JD the obvious answer to this is if you have proof of dodgy unsupervised work is to take it to your friends at the PGDB. :D
Unless the moral improves the floggings will continue

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Re: dodgy craftsmen running dodgy businesses
« Reply #2 on: July 10, 2011, 01:29:02 PM »
hi guys
well here in the middle of the north island a business who has a name that is part of a big group has just sacked all of its part trained and trained staff due to over head cost  and has kept on its un trained staff  they only have one craftsman and he cant possibly be watching all his trainee staff who do maintenance like fitting taps DO YOU REALLY THINK HE WILL GO A CHECK THERE WORK    like the tui advert YEAH RIGHT

and what about those staff where can they work now  no where  ideas

well technically they only need to have had exempt/limited license for two yrs to work unsupervised if not then they are working illegally - if you can get names then they can be checked on public registry for time served on whatever license

this is why limited and exempt licenses need to join the dodo - this above will become common place in the near future - as a business manager/owner why would you employ many craftsman/certifying plumbers when in reality all that is needed is one, then employ a heap of labourers/unskilled peoples at a lower wage rate who you dont have to upskill to relicense to do the bulk of workload?

exemptions need to go - every licensed person should be as such a trainee/apprentice, registered/licensed or craftsman/certifying - hell you could even get rid of the licensed/registered part - and I dont give two hoots about the "journeyman" who has never bothered to sit the reg exam - its a lazy cop-out and a loophole that has been taken advantage of for way too long!!

Offline jd24hrs

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Re: dodgy craftsmen running dodgy businesses
« Reply #3 on: July 13, 2011, 05:30:16 PM »
I think that once you have completed your apprenticeship you should be able to run your own business ,and this craftsman shit should be scrapped as it just stops competition and lets old craftsman treat young plumbers badly or (overseas plumbers) of course not all craftsman are not all bad.the system is a closed shop and is protecting the wrong people and not helping get young plumbers into our trade

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Re: dodgy craftsmen running dodgy businesses
« Reply #4 on: July 14, 2011, 07:22:04 PM »
Are you a craftsman JD24?

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Re: dodgy craftsmen running dodgy businesses
« Reply #5 on: July 14, 2011, 08:00:00 PM »
I think once u finish your apprenticeship you really only start to learn, or at least your eyes are open and you have some grasp on reality.
Certifying Status is earned and not given away JD24.  It is attained through commitment, personal sacrifice, lots of study, a little luck and hard work. 
You must earn your place and not gifted it on a platter...

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Re: dodgy craftsmen running dodgy businesses
« Reply #6 on: July 14, 2011, 08:15:38 PM »
hi termite
Im a overseas plumber and gas engineer with 18 years experience my 2 businesses had 3300 customers and i trained 3 apprentices who now run there own businesses in the UK so yes im more than a craftsman
and the auditor generals office said i should have been given craftsman status and the way we were treated by the plumbers board was unlawfull
cheers JD

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Re: dodgy craftsmen running dodgy businesses
« Reply #7 on: July 14, 2011, 08:44:14 PM »
hi JD,
im a young certifying plumber, sat and passed both common and plumbing certifying exams last November exactly 2 years from my completion of apprenticeship and gas and plumbing reg exams.  Im a New Zealander, i earnt my qualification and title, so why shouldnt everyone else?
it would appear u are dark on the board in regards to the policys in place, why not just sit the exam(s). u never know you might pass. 

were ur customers domestic customers, commercial or mix?
There is a big difference btwn running a multi million dollar job to changing tap washers at granny smits place 2 blocks down from tescos.

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Re: dodgy craftsmen running dodgy businesses
« Reply #8 on: July 15, 2011, 09:50:20 AM »
hi guys/termite, don`t get into a "i`m better than you" slanging match, that is the very "divide and conquer" scenario that the board would love to see. J.D. is probably more qualified than you or me, it is the pdgboard system that has not allowed his quals to be reconised, they do the country no favour with their hard arse attitude, time will tell, cheers 

Offline jd24hrs

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Re: dodgy craftsmen running dodgy businesses
« Reply #9 on: July 15, 2011, 05:35:24 PM »
welldone  robbo
termite well done on passing your exams and you should be proud of that as we all know that the exams and system is putting young people of going into our trade
i respect you for your hard work that you put into getting qualified so do me the respect of the fact that i dont need to prove anything to you or any poxy board
by the way my self and paul luxton of the plumbers federation(which im one of the founding members, who work for the good of all plumbers of this country)were invited to see kern and craig occonnell so as to my quals recognised some 6 months ago,I took all my city&guilds and papers etc (kern comented on the fact that he had never seen so much proof of qualifications and experience )they awarded me my registered gas and plumber and said that they would give me all the paperwork so i would be able to sit infront of a panel within 6months and if I passed the questions asked i would be awarded craftsman status in plumbing and gas
WELL they LIED and told me that i never was told anything like that at all

kern is a liar and so is the board and they are very vindictive just look at what they have done to paul gee they said he was guilty BEFORE CHARGDED

 Termite just imagine they turned around tomorrow and said they didnt recognise your quals  what do you think you would do or say about the board THEY COULD DO IT  thats why you need the federation and us

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Re: dodgy craftsmen running dodgy businesses
« Reply #10 on: July 17, 2011, 10:36:59 PM »
I dont doubt your experience Jd.  Im just not keen on letting recently qualified apprentices run there own businesses. there is no reason why you can't run your own business you just need a certifying P/G/D to lift/sign off permits/certs etc or words/actions to that effect... you probably already know that.     
   Its just like a Fishing Boat skipper needs a engineering ticket or crew member to have an engineers ticket to leave port.  If you start letting deck hands skipper the boats someone will get in trouble and may even get seriously hurt/die.  Bla Bla Bla u get my point.

About the board, wt can i say? lies yes. non committal - YES.  Not prepared to put names and signatures to what they say.....frustrating and dam rite rude and well out of order. 

CPD points - Im not too fussed with CPDs.  I guess they are inconveniant at times, but relatively easy to obtain. The relavance
 of some points are questionable, the cost can be questionable, but my employees pay for mine and my co-workers so that is good of them.  The cost is handed down.  As mentioned, I have recently finished my plumbing  study for exams etc... so am pretty fresh on the study side, so im up to play so to speak on terms, phrases, jargon, industry etc....

I have heard a few arguments for and against CPDs, most gripes come from the older gen of P/G/Ds because thay have to use there brain in a different way than they are used too, and actually get off there arse.  (More than likley these older gentlemen should prob be the ones taking the CPD courses).  But mostly they are to busy moaning to see an oportunity knocking at the door and looking at other practitioners answears just to get the points.

Realistically, you gain your experience and development through your work and the leadership which is provided from your manager, assistant manager, mentors and those who are leaders in there chosen fields.   I get CPD points, but im not getting them because its developing me in a professional manor, im getting them so hopefully i can one day self certify my plumbing.  And this paper trail ie.CPDs hopefully will lead to that.

Sorry went off track a wee bit.
discussion is a great thing.....

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Re: dodgy craftsmen running dodgy businesses
« Reply #11 on: July 18, 2011, 08:19:02 AM »
Hi guys/termite, I admire your enthusiasm but see a couple of floors in your argument. (I have heard a few arguments for and against CPDs, most gripes come from the older gen of P/G/Ds, mostly they are too busy moaning to see an opportunity knocking at the door). What opportunity ?, I believe that these same gentlemen are the people that you refer to when you say (Realistically, you gain your experience and development through your work and the leadership which is provided from your manager, assistant manager, mentors and those who are leaders in their chosen fields). You say that (hopefully i can one day self certify my plumbing and this paper trail ie.CPDs hopefully will lead to that). Be very careful about voting for self certification as you and any of us would be at the mercy of the board if a successful complaint was laid in relation to your work, cheers

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Re: dodgy craftsmen running dodgy businesses
« Reply #12 on: July 18, 2011, 11:40:25 PM »
oportunity for those experienced in the trade(s)to be the ones who can run and give CPD points out and cash in on them, and also provide trade specific training on their skills and experiance to other practitioners who may otherwise not have the opportunitys to undertake regular work in certain areas of the trade, thus expanding knowledge etc to others in a positive manor.  rather than points being given for attending trade road shows for example.

Self Certification - I agree that we would be open to and at the mercy of the board if a succesful complaint was laid, as it stands it would appear we already are at the mercy of the board, whether we self certify or not.  How well has the gas self certification gone?  Was this implemented to clean up the industry in the best interests of public saftey? Or was it because who else could certify the amount of gas work that is undertaken?

I do agree that we need a Board which stands by there word and works with, not against the practioners, which without us wouldnt exist.

the only way I see the existing board thrown out/change would be Solidarity between all P/G/D and boycot the fees/levies etc....

Offline jd24hrs

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Re: dodgy craftsmen running dodgy businesses
« Reply #13 on: July 19, 2011, 10:29:51 PM »
Hi termite
I would love to see all plumbers/gas fitter boycott fees etc but you have to remember that there are 8 to 10000 plumbers and they mainly consist of hardworking scared poorly paid sheep
They are scared to rock the boat because of this vindictive board who can take away there work with the stroke of a pen
One thing I find interesting is that you say older craftsman may not be happy to keep up with CPd etc etc

if what you say is true then perhaps we shouldn't have craftsman overseeing apprentices as they won't be getting proper training and perhaps this is why we have such a high failure rate at the exams jd

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Re: dodgy craftsmen running dodgy businesses
« Reply #14 on: July 20, 2011, 04:14:42 AM »
Termite/JD/guys - I don't believe boycotting fees or levies is a viable decision.  Unless you could guarantee 100% of industry would do this then you could and would put yourself in a situation where you are working illegally.  The area of concern we have with the Board is that they are working illegally.  Two wrongs do not a right make.  The petition that the Federation is calling for is a legal yet forceful tool and I believe we should exhaust every legal means possible to deal with this Board.  I do not agree with or condone working without a licence - it is the one thing we have fought against to protect our industry for a long, long time.
Have you learned lessons only of those who admired you, and were tender with you, and stood aside for you?  Have you not learned great lessons from those who braced themselves against you, and disputed the passage with you?  (Walt Whitman 1819-1891)  American Poet

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