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Author Topic: Lets Get It Right  (Read 2492 times)

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Offline robbo

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Lets Get It Right
« on: January 04, 2013, 09:02:33 AM »
Hi guys, this from the boards web site states:

April 1 marks the start of the new licensing year and this is fast approaching. (Undertaking CPD is a condition of your licence and you have until 31 March 2013 to obtain the required number of CPD points in order to relicense) As far as I am aware the ACT does not say that it is a condition of relicensing. Anyway after stating that, the board goes on to say:-

 If you do not have enough points when you come to relicense, it is likely that a new license will not be issued to you.

So, on the one hand they are saying you must have the points, and then on the other hand they are saying that it may be debatable to issue a licence if you do not have the points. (It is likely that a new license will not be issued to you) is not the same as: (a new license will not be issued to you). What do others think?

It is almost trickery by the way it is written because they know it is not law as in the act, but they are covering their backsides by not categorically stating that a licence will not be issued if the points are not gained, what will be the outcome if it is challenged ?   cheers.


Offline Badger

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Re: Lets Get It Right
« Reply #1 on: January 04, 2013, 10:30:09 AM »
They can give you one if they want to, and some they will and some they won't....depends on who you know
You can't choose who you are.....but you are the sum of your choices.......

Offline robbo

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Re: Lets Get It Right
« Reply #2 on: January 04, 2013, 04:56:19 PM »
hi guys/Badger, (They can give you one if they want to) yeah but it has to be fair, do we know ? can we proove a president has been set? cheers

Offline Jaxcat

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Re: Lets Get It Right
« Reply #3 on: January 04, 2013, 05:56:43 PM »
Hi guys - I think you will find that another complaint has gone/or is going very soon to the RRC on this very issue challenging the gazette notices etc.  Then we may have a definitive idea of what they can and can't do.  In the meantime to give some weight to this process and to keep the pressure on then you need to contact your Member of Parliament.  The fact is that true upskilling is both essential and good for our trades.  Buying points is not.  At the moment we are going through the motions of buying points.  Very few of the courses actually teach any practitioner anything new.  There are some that do, but once you've learned it you don't need to go again.  The Federation have said to the Board and to Minister Williamson that we would support anything that is "matters necessary to".  We even gave an example - compulsory course on the new gas code - this would benefit all gasfitters and could be justified.  But it would be a oncer - i.e. once you've been you don't re-do it the next year and the year after that etc.  Any course needs to be able to stand up to some scrutiny, it needs to be justified and it needs to be affordable so it is not a barrier to entry or to licensing.  The people taking the courses need to be independent, qualified and respected.  Trouble is, if the Board say is is a matter necessary I guess practitioners would be looking to them to fund it as well - and we know they won't want to do that.  Suppliers are at the moment caught between a rock and a hard place.  Most of them want to a)  have a platform for their product, b) support industry  c) have a captive audience to promote their product d) have the interests of the industry at heart generally.   I do think we need to thank those suppliers providing free courses, because while we need to jump through these hoops to stay legal we are at least being aided by those suppliers running free course so that we aren't adding insult to injury by having to pay it as well. 2013 could well be a watershed year if the RRC come through with some good decisions, if the Charities Commission win the High Court Appeal that the Board have lodged against their decision to remove charitable status and if the Ombudsman publishes the report on his decision on some of the complaints sent to him.

What we need to do is sign up as many people as possible to the Federation - numbers count with politicians.  Let's give them some numbers to be worried about.

Have you learned lessons only of those who admired you, and were tender with you, and stood aside for you?  Have you not learned great lessons from those who braced themselves against you, and disputed the passage with you?  (Walt Whitman 1819-1891)  American Poet

Offline bowtieboy

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Re: Lets Get It Right
« Reply #4 on: January 04, 2013, 07:52:26 PM »
I completly agree with you jaxcat  :)
I believe in doing a job once and right. !

Offline robbo

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Re: Lets Get It Right
« Reply #5 on: January 05, 2013, 08:41:55 AM »
hi guys, yes Jax i too agree whole heartedly (2013 could well be a watershed year if the RRC come through with some good decisions, if the Charities Commission win the High Court Appeal that the Board have lodged against their decision to remove charitable status and if the Ombudsman publishes the report on his decision on some of the complaints sent to him)
lets hope all those IF,s come through, cheers

Offline Jaxcat

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Re: Lets Get It Right
« Reply #6 on: January 05, 2013, 02:18:03 PM »
Yes Robbo they are all IFs, but remember the Charities Commission have already de-registered the PGDB - and then they appealed, so one win there, two of the Federation attended the RRC hearing around the fees notice and it is looking positive on that front and the second complaint is simply based on law and the PGDB don't have a good record of doing things correctly.  The Ombudsman has done a provisional report and it was well received by Wal - it just can't be made public until the final report is done as the PGDB have a right of reply as well.  So the IF's are based on some sound information - but until they come to fruition there is always a chance that they could turn tits up.  However I am feeling more optimistic this year about it all.  It still astounds me that the Federation with NO staff just volunteers can find the PGDB with so many staff including a gaggle of lawyers making so many mistakes.  Just astounding...

Offline robbo

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Re: Lets Get It Right
« Reply #7 on: January 05, 2013, 04:38:27 PM »
hi guys, yes Jax,
(It still astounds me that the Federation with NO staff just volunteers can find the PGDB with so many staff including a gaggle of lawyers making so many mistakes.  Just astounding...)
as you so rightly say. If it was not for the Federation who knows what strokes the board might have pulled. I urge all members (and remember that we all stand to gain from the work that they do) to make the effort to donate a little something so that the battle can continue because if we stop fighting for fairness in our trades the board will screw us to the floorboards, cheers

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