We need to apply pressure on the people who
should be doing something!
The NZ Law Commission states that any industry Board's should be free of any interest or industry groups, fact.
CPD is not based in law and the disciplinary fee looks dodgy too.....
The Auditor General's office report being referred to by Kern Uren as "one man's opinion, every one is entitled to an opinion"....is just not on mate....who do these Muppet's think they are.......the countries top lawyers and the Auditor General tell them they are wrong and they just say thanks for your opinion and carry on with the same shit......
I truly believe we should put out a national advert in the countries best selling news paper and call them all out, list anything that we know is true..... but very controversial and stuff most people won't because of the threat of slander suits.....but if it is true then the fault lies with the people who carry out the corruption....not the people who bring it to light....it needs to be put under public scrutiny...... and the public would be sooooo very pissed off when we can show why they can't afford a tradesman anymore.......then the politicians would have to put it right......exposure and truth is the only way, bit of openness and transparency is required....
Either that or a debate (my favorite choice) lets have the Master Plumber's, the Board and the Federation on question time in public,,,,, man that would be beautiful......
Which I think then would have to lead to a public enquiry, as to why for a whole decade it has been so badly run, with over tones of nepotism and corruption......there are so so many people who have Board horror stories....these people will come forward as soon as they feel safe to....and as soon as it starts to crumble all the dodgy bully's will all turn on each other..... because when you fill your ranks with arse kissers, bully's and dodgy bastards.... they do to each other what they did to everyone else when put on the spot.....if they had any sense they would get out now and distance themselves from the really really dodgy ones.....
Basically public exposure and scrutiny, with common sense and natural justice.......which has not happened for 10 long shit years.........