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Author Topic: stand down time for craftsman licence  (Read 7693 times)

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Re: stand down time for craftsman licence
« Reply #15 on: September 12, 2010, 04:37:48 PM »
After that i did the waste of time Common Paper (soon to be scrapped so dont rush to do it); then did the Craftsman Gas paper and got the highest mark in the country but because i was English and had disagreed with Routhan on occasions gave the merit award of excellence for gasfitting to a Maori friend of mine who i got higher marks than (they didnt realise we knew each other and had seen each others papers - another part of my soon to be laid at their doorstep complaint concerning their blatant corruption).

All of the areas i have had issues with are mentioned in the OAG report - the rule changing, the lying, the corruption (although its not called that because they cant tell the whole truth), the appaling exam questions, the even more appaling marking by so-called experts who dont know the basics of some of the areas they are supposed to be experst in, and so it goes on.

I now have just one more paper to complete (Craftsman Plumbing) but to be honest im so pissed off with the whole shitty system over here we had a talk at home last night and are considering going home - I thought corruption on this level happened in Columbia or Nigeria not in New Zealand.

That is how i have approached it Brian - by learning all the codes and standards and getting info from all areas i can - Open Poly / Unitec / friends / trade associations / suppliers - it wont come to you so you have to get off your arse

The PGDB dont have a magic list that is for you to work out - look at the sylabbus's for the exams for a start on the PGDB website


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Re: stand down time for craftsman licence
« Reply #16 on: September 12, 2010, 05:22:24 PM »
Wow thats an amazing story!
Im going to be really pissed off if I have paid to sit an exam which is about to be scrapped. Not to mention the 900 dollar polytech course. There's going to be some shit flying around from a number of areas if this turns out to be true.

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Re: stand down time for craftsman licence
« Reply #17 on: September 13, 2010, 10:57:11 AM »
Thanks Matt had my rego paper sent back for remarking still waiting phoned the board they said one marker had returned his papers the other had a few more to mark and the third would take two more days how many papers do they mark per hr one ?
get this one 
question what domestic appliance is the basis of a heat pump designed on  answer  a fridge 
wrong nil points
A refridgerator
What does a heat pump have to do with plumbers (nothing) what kind of person marks these papers or sets these questions cannot possible tell you what i think i would be locked up sick of this shit might just sit on my ass in the corner of a room and do nothing might just get more respect


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Re: stand down time for craftsman licence
« Reply #18 on: November 07, 2010, 05:37:33 PM »
Well Chilly

Did you pass mate?  Love the question about the fridge (you would think they are speaking a different language wouldnt you!)

How about this one in my Gas Craftsman Paper Nov 08 - These are the exact words used.

Q A gas heater is installed in an area where excessive dust, lint or flammable vapours may be present.  Explain the TWO installation requirements that must be met? - 2 marks (one per answer)

My answer was as follows -

1. Permanent ventilation (mechanical) must be supplied from outside, fitted with an interlock to prove operation of air supply - (0 marks)

2. Must be room sealed (1/2 mark)

My Maori mate put the the following answers -

1. Interlock supplied (1 mark)

2. Room sealed (1 mark)

These are the exact wordings from our papers - that is why i dont trust a word the bastards say - the so called experts are retired old duffers hiding in the middle of the wop wops because they cant function as gasfittes and plumbers anymore - they dont consult each other over any slightly different answers ever.


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Re: stand down time for craftsman licence
« Reply #19 on: November 07, 2010, 05:52:03 PM »
I have worked on the training side here for 3.5 years and i can tell you that on an annual basis people from the techs were summoned to Wellington to an examiners pre moderation meeting to discuss questions (these individuals were normally the ineffectual personnel more interested in kissing arse and a fillet steak evening dinner at the hotel paid for by our licence fees) and if you asked too many questions or pointed things out as being wrong you were told to keep you mouth shut or you wouldnt be invited back.  People dont like upsetting the apple cart here and thats usually because they are fairly spineless or simply dont know enough to question the quality of the questions put before them.

We are told that the questions are post moderated - its bollocks and just goes to show how little knowledge thes so called experts possess - heres another one for you from my Gas Craftsman exam -

Concerning condensing boilers -

Give 3 disadvantages of installing the replacement boiler -

One of my answers -

1. Pluming or spiralling of the flue products can be a problem during start up and in cold weather, causing a visual problem - (0 marks)

Why is someone working as an examiner marking questions on condensing boilers when he doesnt know what pluming is!

I sent the Board 3 brochures on pluming from UK boiler manufacturers and never got a reply - they are next to useless and will not admit their shortcomings - i have absolutely no respect for them whatsoever

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Re: stand down time for craftsman licence
« Reply #20 on: November 07, 2010, 07:13:15 PM »
Mr Mat Bowman...a quick question you might be able to answer for me...unitech is refusing to give me a straight answer...I am charles, one of your students...this year i am to finish my 8000 hours appre...traineeship...and would dearly love to know why the hell has my 3PQ course being pushed out to bloody march next year when it should have been held this year...i am only looking for a straight up ansewr to my question please cus at the moment i feel like tearing someones head off such is the level of my anger at having to be forced to remain a trainee through no fault of mine, my 8000hr finish this year, yet unitech refuses to do my qualifying course this year...Do you please know the real reason as to why this is so...all my mates that switched to the ITO have already done there qualifying gas/plumbing why are unitech doing this?
I could have been qualified by march now it is being pushed out at the earliest to june so yea i feel a mite pissed i know how you feel.
   cheers charles

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Re: stand down time for craftsman licence
« Reply #21 on: November 07, 2010, 08:52:37 PM »
Hi Matt like you i have been an assessor/instructor but in the uk, i just dont understand the mentality and the logic of the barriers they have put up to hinder, obstruct and confuse. They are obviously very insecure and totally out of there depths. From what i have read on the postings here they have spouted lie after lie they introduce fee upon fee , if williamson hasnt seen it then he is incompetant and must go . Mind you i suppose he is a politician and they are liberal with the truth. I believe the only avenue left for any of us is through the courts where all the muck and shxt that has been dished out for the last few yrs gets aired, and it highlights all the politicians and board members that have been sweeping there responsibilities under the carpet are held accountable. Since finding this site and speaking to federation members i have heard some very disturbing reports , how have they been able to hide this for so long it surely is as the audit general has stated unlawful. They have hidden behind the health and safety issue and used it as a crutch for so long i think they genuinely believe it to be true. I have worked as a plumber for nearly 20 yrs and have never heard of any one who has poisoned or caused harm to the general public here or in the uk. This board and govt have driven the plumbing industry lower than whale shxt           

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