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Q & A - Hot Water Cylinders / Pressure relief valve in roof space
« Last post by CraigD on February 09, 2021, 05:36:55 PM »
This is an install of a pressure relief valve from a HWC in the roof space of a business.  The mains has a solenoid which gets switched off during closing hours for flood prevention but when it's opened (especially after long holidays), the valve gushes into a small trap (which has A/C drains also) and overflows into the roof space.  Firstly is this to code and secondly what is the solution? Cheers
Q & A - Valves / Re: Apex relief valves failing
« Last post by A Good Plumber Ltd on February 09, 2021, 02:41:57 PM »
I sent a post about Apex valves last week about failing valves and Apex not taking care of their customers.
I received a call from Hamish from Apex, he was very helpful, I would like my post taken down please as Apex and I are working on a solution to the problems I have been experiencing.
Politics / have your say on the climate change commission proposal
« Last post by bowtieboy on February 05, 2021, 03:00:16 PM »
Hay guys and gals, you will all have heard by now about what the climate change commission is proposing.... ??? please take the time to make a submission
here is the link and you can do it all on line!!!
Fellow Practitioners Update / Re: Fellow Practitioner Issue 236 Dated 12 December 2014
« Last post by Badger on February 05, 2021, 06:25:02 AM »

Gas is one of the cleanest and efficient forms of energy, perhaps its because they don't know how to run it properly...and you can say goodbye to your van as well. Its another fart tax, hope they don't take offence to my exhaust gases, my breathing and farting.

The world has gone through climate change since the year dot...the ice cores state this...bloody Neanderthal SUV's....

Q & A - Valves / Apex relief valves failing
« Last post by A Good Plumber Ltd on February 04, 2021, 07:08:03 PM »
Hi there, I'm writing to you in desperation.
I am a certifying Plumber, Gasfitter and Drainlayer for over 20 years now and have recently had a large number of Apex relief valves fail on me and Apex will not stand behind their product.
They do not have their own service people so it all falls back to the plumber who installed their valve to foot the bill when (not if) the
relief valve fails.
I over heard a few plumbers chatting at plumbing world about the same problem.
What do you suggest I do? Apex are really stubbornly digging their toes in, the rep wont get back to me, my emails and calls are ignored
or not answered, when they do it is to tell me its not the valve but my install, I am at  loss now.
I had used Apex valves for the last 20 years (I liked their giveaways  :D) without any problems at all, it is only in the last year and a half I have experienced major brass failure on their product, I have completely stopped using Apex and am now using Nefa, which so far I am finding to be a much more superior product with low pressure valves.
Please tell me
a) I am not alone in this issue, and
b) you can help me in any way
I remain hopeful Apex will recall their faulty valves and figure out the root cause (I think it is dodgy brass)
In the Media / News / gasfitter never inspected work before 12yearolds fatal shower
« Last post by Badger on January 23, 2021, 10:06:58 AM »

There is so much wrong in this story(link below)....take the time to read who did what...when will people use gas with respect?....

I'll tell you when...when the people are made aware of the dangers, when they lose the ... she'll be right...attitude and the authorities stop looking for scapegoats and get to the actual root cause of the problems.

Oh and not persecuting innocent people and covering up massive faults and issues that they have full knowledge of.
Fellow Practitioners Update / Fellow Practitioner Issue 402 Dated 22 January 2021
« Last post by Wal on January 22, 2021, 06:54:15 AM »
Congratulations for some very hard work and an overview of what has happened. Time for some big decisions.
Ask Plumbers (Public) / Re: Replacing Laundry Tub - Plumbers,... Act 2006 - Section 15
« Last post by Plumber on December 21, 2020, 11:17:18 AM »
Hi Hayden, sorry for the late response. If your super tub is designed to be connected like a washing machine would then there is no problem and you can do this yourself.

If the tub requires you to modify and plumbing inside the wall then you must be licensed. Most super tubs are considered an external fixture and connect via flexible hoses and a standard S-trap. Good on you for looking into it.
Ask Plumbers (Public) / Replacing Laundry Tub - Plumbers,... Act 2006 - Section 15
« Last post by HaydenRead on November 26, 2020, 08:19:06 AM »
As a home owner, am I able to replace my own Laundry Tub under Section 15 of the Plumbers, Gasfitters, and Drainlayers Act 2006?

Disconnecting existing tub from hot/cold water lines, and drain, and reattaching the new tub?

I have been searching round online, and found plenty of places saying that the plumbing needs to be done by a licensed professional, but haven't found anything addressing this section of the Act.

In particular, subsection 4 states - 'applies in the places that the Minister... specifies by notice in the Gazette', and I have searched in and can't find any notices related to this, so am wondering if this does not apply.
Fellow Practitioners Update / Fellow Practitioner Issue 401 Dated 10 November 2020
« Last post by Wal on November 10, 2020, 06:31:13 AM »
Nothing is more expensive than a missed opportunity and there have been a lot. A new Minister of Building and Construction has been appointed so what does she face?
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