This PGD Board who Martin claims to have "dealt" with my case.....(since when was it "my" case?, think about it when did I get to own this case, surely it is the case of the Milton Street explosion eh?)....
So Martin ......This is the same Board who decided the best person to investigate was the same person who lobbied for self certification and gifted Darnley his know Darnley who all the evidence points to....for the explosion....but the charge disappeared before his hearing.....f**** off mate, f**** right off....
Tony Hammond.....protecting the now failed cert system.....sorry Tony you didn't do a good job protecting your self certifying system, nor your reputation in granting Darnley his full ticket, your legacy is a total cluster-f**** up...hahahaha love that one........tool!!!!!!!
So this Board you talk of, the same Board who thought Stephen Parker was the best guy to chair the hearing, with his mate as the investigator Tony Hammond as the impartial investigator......the same Parker who shut down the hearing as we were cross-examining Tony......for me to go 100% innocent......what a pair these are.....
Sorry Martin "my case" has NEVER been "dealt" with......ever....slanted, biased and set up yes definitely.....but never "dealt" with........with all due respect (zero).....f**** off.....
And when you consider that 95% of the charges are still go un-addressed, same as the explosion and the cert manipulation at Powick Street.........well do anyone think it has been dealt with? me a favour....
Or the central heating system that is going to know the stagnant water in the c/h rads, held there by TRV's that will open in winter and allow the water to be atomised through the shower.....this has never been dealt with......covered up yes , dealt with no.....
Or the loosing of gas certs by the PGDB (one at the site of an explosion) , the accepting of incomplete certs by the PGDB, the flippant issuing of certifying licenses to their mates by the PGDB....the accuracy disclaimer (LOL).........and it is US who need to show the card....where is their card?....f****in inept....
There are many many issues that go totally UN-DEALT with by the PGDB, the minister, nor the about full of shit..........their cups runneth over....
It is a joke......ON US..... hope you enjoy paying for those licenses.....where's their licenses??